GoodasGold #racist
You know this is a really disgusting trial. We know the judge is a furry. He also lists his parents as "Holocaust survivors"
The LA times story (new window)
The Defendant:
The filmaker, Ira Isaacs (Jewish) says his films, which feature bestiality and defecation, have artistic value....
This reminds me of the famous Bob Saget (sp) YouTube with the incredibly sick "joke".
Both of those guys are Jewish. What is it with Jews and filth? If it has to do with the anus or defecation or sperm, there is probably a Jew behind it. In fact the entire porn business is for the most part a Jewish monopoly.
From Al Goldstein's blog: (new window)
"Speaking of a woman's chastity the best sex in the world is with a nun. When you are with a nun and enter the portals of her pleasure zone, knowing you are the first person to set foot (or tongue) on such hallowed ground is indeed thrilling."
He also said: 'The only reason Jews are in pornography is that we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks.
This is nothing new. Didn't the Talmud say Jesus should be boiled in excrement?
There just be be rational reasons for anti-semitism.