Quantavious #racist niggermania.net

I was recently on vacation in a nice beach town, with a very nice boardwalk that featured stores and restaurants etc. This place also has a very aggressive seagull population. One afternoon while taking a break on a bench, I spied these sows waiting in line for a funnel cake. Knowing what I know about seagulls and funnel cakes caused me to enjoy this little sitting break just a bit more than usual. The sows got their funnel cake, on a paper plate with another plate on top, to protect against the birds. They sat their fat asses down on the bench next to mine and uncovered that fat soaked sugar covered bit of treasure they'd found and then it happened.

The seagulls struck with military precision. One swooped in knocked the funnel cake to the ground. It was still too hot to eat but it was now free from the grip of the niggers. Once it hit the ground another 10 or more seagulls descended upon it and began to devour it. The sows were flapping their arms and running from the bench trying to avoid the birds. Muhfuggen Burts Be Crayzee... It was really quite hilarious to watch unfold.

A half hour later we encountered this group of 20 or so niggers at one of the exits to the boardwalk. They must've been waiting for a tour bus. The seagulls had found the niggers and were surrounding them, knowing the nigger penchant for funnel cakes. These mini-sows, maybe 8 years old began interacting with the birds, mimicking their walk and noisy behavior. It was like they were bonding, one animal to another...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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