vikingcelt #racist
Re: Ideal world
Well, i was mentioning the current problem of black africans killing off white south africans, which on the one hand is vehemently despicable, but on the other hand, i see it as atleast abit of a case of 'They kinda had it coming'.
In my opinion, Africa is undeniably for Africans, sociologically and genetically, and therefore, the Boers and other non-black colonists, really should not have settled there for the longer term, because they are a minority, in a continent that developed a species-race (or perhaps several ?) which is/are unabashedly psychotic, and repeatedly takes to hunting and killing minorities of any and all sorts.
Thusly, im not sure why the SA whites in the 90's, or even 2000's, did not take even a passing glance at the history and current events of black africans, decide to cut their losses however they could, and go ahead and literally get the FFFF out of Africa, while they still could, because it's unfortunately now very much come to the 'or die trying' part.
May I suggest you study some South African history. Visit Stormfront South Africa subfroum and read the threads there.
Whites lived in South Africa for 350+ years. When Whites first arrived in Suid Afrika, the land was barren and relatively unpopulated. Once Whites created civilization, it attracted non-whites from the north like moths are attracted to light at night.
For many White South Africans, it IS their home, and has been for over 350 years.