Fading Light #racist stormfront.org
For quite a while here, I have been saying something that I think some of you suppose I say only for morale purposes: We are going to win this war.
It's not just for morale purposes. We really are going to win this.
Right now, the Jews and their leftist minions are pulling out every last stop they have to try to shut down Donald Trump. The SPLC has just added his campaign to their "Hate Watch" list. The freaking White House just used official air time to lie about the legality of his campaign statements. Every last media libtard is gunning for him because they know he has nearly everyone who isn't evil or insane supporting him. And he announced his stance on banning Muslim immigration and it nearly DOUBLED his lead in New Hampshire.
Whether he's really on our side or not is irrelevant to the point. The point is this: Look how many people are rallying behind him, and things haven't even gotten all that bad yet in this country.
The Satanic Jewbags have NO EFFING CLUE what they are setting themselves up for. They really, truly, IDIOTICALLY believe that banning a few phrases and buying a few money-whores in Congress and making a few movies will give them control over the populace, and how long has it taken all of that to start coming unraveled at the edges? Times get hard and nobody has any more patience for this endless leftist bullcrap!
We really are going to win, gang. Hang on a little bit longer. Maybe he's lying. Maybe they'll shoot him. Sad in either case, but it doesn't matter with respect to the movement and our future: They will not be able to stop this process from happening a thousand times more strongly when the nation gets a little worse.
Provoking the White race is the most monumentally moronic thing anyone could ever do, and the Noses are doing it all over the planet at the same time.
When it really matters, our people WILL fight, and we will win.
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