Hmm...Jig seems to have fallen out of common usage except in white/italian racist circles. Perhaps you should broaden your vocabulary and use something more modern?
I prepared a little list that might be of help to a racist fuckstick like yourself. All these refer to what normal people call blacks, in case you are too stupid to figure that out for yourself.
925, abeed, african't, africoon, afro, akata, americoon, angus, antique farm equipment, ape, ashy, aunt jemima, baboomba, baboon, banjo lips, bantu, BBK, BDN, blackie, blood, BLT, blue gum, bo-bo, boffer, bobblehead, boogat, boogie, bonky, boon, boy, bozak, brillo pad, bro, brother, brownie, bubba, buck, buckwheat, bumper lips, BUN, burr head, bush-boogie, caffre, chango, chernozhopyi, chicago navajo, chicken bandit, chombo, clicky, cliff ape, clocker, clyde, cocoa, cocoa-puff, cocolo, coconut, cocoon, colored, coltrane, congo, congo lip, cookie, coon, cooner, coontang, cornbread, cornelius, cotton ball, cotton-picker, crioulo, crispy, crow, cuff, curb-biter, czarnuch, DFN, DAN, darkie, darkness, dawg, deuce, dinge, do-da, dootie, doujin, DWB, Egglet, eggot, egot, egoy, eightball, eraser head, es-obe, extra crispy, fahim, feargal, field nigger, floppie, frobro, fubu, future inmate, gar, gatorbait, geechee, ghetto, ghetto hamster, ghetto monkey, gimpy, glocky, golliwog, gorilla, grapico, gro, groid, gronesha, GTA, gutter monkey, hagwei, hayquay, hakui, ham bone, harlem, haunt, HNIC, ho bass, ho de doz, homie, hootie, hotnot, house nigger, huey, hutch, inky, JJ, jackamammy, jambo, jellybean, jet, jiffy pop, jig, jigaboo, jigga, jim, jim crow, juba, july ham, june bug, jungle bunny, kaffer, kaffir, kala, KFC, kingfish, kirby, kizzy, knuckle-dragger, koku-jin, kooshi, kunta, kurochan, kurombo, kushi, lando, lawn jockey, leprecoon, leroy, leroy rogers, levar, lincoln's mistake, little sambo, liver lips, lucius, ma se poes, magila gorilla, mammy, mandingo, mandinka, mango-monkey, maroon, mavro, mayate, mc nigga, melanzana, mellanoid, melon johnny, meshky, mi dang, midnight, milkdud, milkman, mishwa, missipi tree emblem, mississippi blue lip, miyate, MLK, mo and yo, moanback, monkey, monkey boy, mono, montu, moolignon, mottisa, mow-mow, muckadoo, mud duck, mud flaps, mud people, mud turtle, muffin head, mulunyan, munt, N'er, NACA, NAGA, nagur, NAHA, nanner, NAPA, nappy head, nappy headed ho, neekeri, nekru, negative, negress, negro, negroid, nelly, ni-ni, niche, nig-nog, niggabyte, niggapotomous, nigger, niggerachi, niggerette, nigerino, niggeroid, nigglet, night fighter, night crawler, niglige, nigloo, nignorant, nigra, nigress, niknok, nitch, NOG, NOLA, nonswimmer, nooc, nubian princess, number 2, nurple, oar tuggers, OBG, oil slick, old brown tucker, omarosa, orb, oreo, orlando, othello, POA, palta, papolo, patio primate, pez dispenser, pickaninny, pine sol, pine tree ornament, pineapple, pink-heel, PIT, platneus, plow jockey, POC, point-six, pontiac, poo, pookie, popolo, porch monkey, prapper, pretzel, prieto, primate, property, pube head, pubie, puddle duck, pusher-man, quashee, ragoona, raisinhead, re-nigg, redbone, reggie, reggin, reggina, remote control, roach, rock, rockfish, roid, rope-head, rope straightener, royal hawaiian, rufus, runs, safe, sailor, sambo, SAN, sanford, satchmo, scat, schwartza, schwarzenigger, schwarzie, schwoogie, semi-simian, shade, shadow, shadow-smurf, shaft, shaka zulu, shine, shiner, shipping cargo, shit-slinger, shitheel, shitskin, shoe shiner, shuffalong, shvartz, shvatsa, shvooga, silverback, silvery, simian, six, sixer, skillet, skinflint, slave, slave ships, sleestack, slide, smigger, smoke, smoked irish, smokefoot, smokestack, smokey, sneakers, snipes, SNOB, snowflake, son, sooty, soul food, southern windchime, spabook, spade, spear-chucker, splib, spliv, spoda, sponge head, spook, spoon, spoonbill, spota, stacks, stepn fetchit, stovelid, stovepipe, strange fruit, strap hangers, street cheetah, sub-human, suntan, suspect, swamp donkey, swamp runner, swamper, sway, sweaty, sweetback, swinger, tagger, tar baby, ted stevens, the element, the missing link, thick lips, thief, thing-a-manigger, thirty-six-thirty, three-fifth, thumper, tibbs, tifuti, tigger, tizzun, toad, toby, toilet swimmer, token, tokenbump, tom robinson, tootsie rolls, tongue-clicker, tree hockey, tree ornament, tree jumper, tree swinger, trigger, tripod, tutsoon, tootsoon, tycoon, tyrone, tyvek, ubangi, uncle ben, uncle tom, unemployus africanus, urkel, vacuum cleaner, vanilla coke, vanilla gorilla, velcro head, voodoo, water buffalo, watermelon, wayans, webe, welfare monkey, welfare mother, whale turd, whipping post, white wall, whose my daddy?, wikki-wikki, windchimes, wog, wookie, wool head, yam, yard ape, YBM, YEN, yo yo, yom, yombo, yont'an saram, you people, ze goggles, zigaboo, zip coon, zoo ape, zoot, zulu.
There you go, now you have all kinds of hateful racist words to choose from. Although if you ask me useing any of them just makes you look small and stupid. If your talking about black people just say black(s), it doesn't confuse those reading your drivel and doesn't make you look stupid for useing it. Of course everything else you say is going to make you look stupid anyway, so I guess there is really no point to all of this.
Sigh... :(