Paul Dohse #fundie #kinkshaming

It has been some time since I posted on the Furry Fandom sect. I have written 17 articles that are prequels to my forthcoming book, Fake Fandom. I am a very busy person, older, and trying to redeem wasted years, so, I pick my projects carefully.

The big struggle with this project was the Furry motif, which exudes harmlessness while the extreme opposite is true; this is a deeply evil and dangerous sect, particularly for children. It is the epitome of a Trojan horse.

The similarities in dealing with Furries and my experience researching cults and spiritual tyranny are uncanny. Furries, exactly like spiritual tyrants, attempt to control their adversaries through condemnation. If you can destroy a person’s self-esteem (a truthful self-assessment) and self-confidence, you can control them. Present Furry attacks on me are, therefore, very familiar and attacks I have been dealing with for more than ten years.

And remember, when people attempt to condemn you through various and sundry accusations, the catalog comes from their own life. They accuse you of faults they are familiar with because they are guilty of those faults themselves. What people accuse you of is a window into their own lives when the goal is to neutralize you through condemnation. Since they don’t know you, they must choose accusations they are familiar with.

FYI, even if everything they are hounding me with is true, I am still going to publish the book and let the folks decide. I have stopped responding to the attacks and are merely compiling the rants for data purposes. These misfits are emailing me with, on average, four different aliases, and even posing as researchers from other countries. It is a completely unhinged mosaic.

Hopefully, the book will aide child advocates where applicable. Presently, when Furries come up in situations regarding children, the issue is dismissed as irrelevant. Even Dr. Phil McGraw deems the sect as a “hobby.” This view of Furries flows from a stunning ignorance that supplies cover for imminent danger to children.

In considering the threat level, I was on the fence for some time, but thanks to the many who have contacted me with information and offers to assist in research, I now understand the depth of this threat. I look forward to working with them to warn others.

Paul Dohse



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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