kenews #racist

The left or progressives have declared war on white men. They have enlisted every type of identity group they can find and fill them with hate towards the racist, sexist, homophobic, facist, etc. and have said resist. They are too stupid to understand what they are resisting and protesting. They are also not the strength of this country and usually not the workers in this country. This is going to be a rocky road because the left is embolden these wacky liberals to show their power and they are not ready to face the true conflict that will occur when they enrage the other side. It is asinine. There are tons of things you won't like but they are not that bad that you try and force the dealer to change what they do. Just shop elsewhere and don't make a scene. I know a confederate flag might cause some bad feelings but not for her. Anyway interesting that you realize that the "Mexican" workers are not going to fall in line with either group once they get citizenship and are one of the big identity groups the parties are fighting over.



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