The issue is White Genocide, not IQ and crime statistics.
I agree with #1 (but I'm too obsessed to stop quite yet), but as for Don, judging from yesterday's radio program he's doing okay.
It blows my mind that Derek apparently based both his pro-whitism and his more recent anti-whitism on crime statistics, IQ studies, and other concerns that are completely irrelevant to the white struggle against being blended out of existence with other races.
The issue is White Genocide. When are pro-whites going to get that straight and give up slogging through one irrelevant swamp after another?
If out of the flood of non-whites let into your country, with whom you've been forced by law and propaganda to integrate and assimilate to be blended out of existence, you pick a non-white mate who is as smart as you or smarter, and who has no criminal record, will that make your baby come out white?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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