#1103383 #crackpot fstdt.com

“Muhammad was a liar, thief, mass murderer, rapist and a pedophile."
“Eh, if we consider Mary to be about 14 when she was pregnant with Jesus, than God and Joseph fall under this same pedophile umbrella you just opened.”

That doesn’t make any sense. Unlike Aisha Mary was legally an adult at that time. Yes 12-14 isn’t the best age to get pregnant, but why bring Joseph into this? God I can get cause him being eternal=judge him by all time standards, but Joseph most likely wouldn’t be much older than Mary.Under Jewish law a girl was a maiden at 12+ puberty and was a mature woman after puberty (no less than 12.5). Ezekiel 16:8 seems to suggest that ancient Israelite women married after puberty (although probably still before 18-20). To the ancient Jews pedohiles and child marriage would’ve been under 12.5/13 years of age.

I have read enough sources that said some Jewish married after 20 in ancient times (which was atypical, so Mary being 17-19 isn’t really that unlikely. Palestinians Jewish women in first century married at 12-18, so Mary could’ve been 18. Another several sources say rabbinical literature talks about men in Palestine marrying at 30 to women around 15-20 years old.

Even if Mary was legally an adult at 12. Being pregnant at 12-14 isn’t safe. Giving birth at 12 is more risky than at 22. Mary never comes off as being immature as someone under 15/15, so she may have been 17-18 at that time.

Jewish girls married at 12-18: Judaism and Christianity in First Century Rome page 134

Ancient Palestinian men
typically married at 30 to women 15-20 years old: Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark page 166

Some Jewish women Marie older than 20: Dictionary of New Testament Background page 684

Ps. Christians believe that Mary was a still a virgin. How did Mary get pregnant? My guess is IVF.



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