The bible says that all men were created equal
Book, chapter and verse please. Also include the translation. Does anyone think the above quote, if it existed, would have remained undoctored in the time of King James? Anyone besides a fundamentalist that is?
No, the bible doesn't say that. The bible puts forth the view that all those who follow your god are equal, everyone else is sub-human. That includes women, whether believers or not. The bible says that MEN who believe are supreme, then women who believe are subordinate, and all non-believers are barely human. Now, the Declaration of Independence says that all men were created equal, but fundies don't much care for the DoI, or the Constitution for that matter.
Book of Jefferson?
Still, what the person is referring to is almost certainly: "in Christ there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one." (Galatians 3:28).
...except for non-believers, Jews, gays, brown people, etc..
Except it doesn't say this. The Declaration of Independence does. Read your Bible!
Is it just me, or does this guy, out of context at least, actually sound alright? Misinformed, maybe, but I guess not every religious person is a xenophobic gay-basher. I mean, are we really going to criticise this guy for being nice?
The mark of Cain? The tribe of Ham? The children of Ishmael? When did your god ever not play favourites? Even Jesus talks of those who shall be "the least in heaven" (Matthew 5:19). Incidentally, he says it about anyone who breaks even the least law of the Old Testment, so I hope you've been circumcised and never eaten lobster or worn mixed fabrics.
Correction: "[We like to say that] the bible says that all men were created equal [and that's what I like to believe]"
Case in point, the quotes that can be used to support that idea:
"in Christ there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one." -Galatians 3.28
"There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for every one who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality." -Romans 2.9-11
Fun fact for the first one: people are only equal if they accept Jesus. Those who accept Jesus are better than everyone else. Example from right before: "So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law. " (Galatians 3.24-25) Surprised to hear that verse cited so rarely, actually...
For the second: Right before, "But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life" (Romans 2.5-7)
So...we are equal because we will all be judged by God for our actions (you know, in contradiction to the idea that faith in Jesus is what you need...).
Nothing about being created equally, just that you will be treated equally (except when you aren't...).
PLEASE, PLEASE, READ YOUR DAMN BIBLE FOR A CHANGE!!! After the Great Flood that wiped out everything, (except whoever was in the Ark) Noah's family settled on land. One night, Noah's sons found Noah drunk and naked. Ham, out of love for his father, covered him up and let him sleep. What does Noah do? He becomes enraged, cursing Ham, and ALL his descendants, with not only the skin of blackness, but also to be eternally subservient to his brothers' descendants.
--- Moral of this story: Bible condones Slavery and that Blacks (Africans) are beneath other races.
And lets not forget how the bible tells you how to treat women, gays, members of other religions, members of different sects of your OWN religion, the leper, the unclean, and the beggar. And ISIS FORBID that a 'decent' person *cough* Jesus *cough* comes along to help these poor lost souls.... you'll act like the Jews of that time and try to stop/kill them.
The bible says that all men were created equal
EXCEPT when they aren't Christians. Then, they're worse than dirt and worthy of murder, pillage, rape, torture and slavery
“The bible says that all men were created equal”
… but you look at me and you look at Samoa Joe and you can see that statement is NOT TRUE! See, normally if you go one-on-one with another wrestler you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak, and I'm not normal! So you got a 25% at best at beat me! And then you add Kurt Angle to the mix? Your chances of winning drastic go down.
See, the three-way at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning. But I! I got a 66 2/3 chance of winning, 'cause Kurt Angle KNOOOWS he can't beat me, and he's not even gonna try. So, Samoa Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance minus my 25% chance, and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice.
But then you take my 75 perchance-chance of winning (if we was to go one on one), and then add 66 2/3 cha—percents, I got a 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice!
Señor Joe, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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