Bryan Fischer #wingnut #homophobia
While legislatures in a small number of states have legalized same-sex marriage in their jurisdictions, only 4.5% of the American people live instates where the people themselves, at the ballot box, have endorsed marriages based on the infamous crime against nature.
The rest of the 36 states where homosexuals can now get married have had same-sex marriages imposed on them by activist judges who have callously disenfranchised the 48 million people who voted for natural marriage at the ballot box.
[T]he issue now will be decided by one black-robed activist, Anthony Kennedy, who has written the most rabidly pro-homosexual opinions in the Court's history.
What is particularly terrible about all this is that Kennedy doesn't have to answer to anybody for his decision. This is absolutely and tragically un-American.
This is a constitutional and democratic travesty. This is not how the republic created by the Founders was designed to settle important matters of public policy. The first words in the Constitution, after all, are not "We the Unelected, Unaccountable, Tyrannical Judges."
The Constitution is utterly silent on the subject of marriage. This means, according to the Constitution the Founders crafted, the issue is reserved by the 9th and 10th Amendments exclusively and entirely to the States.
There's no use appealing to the 14th Amendment, because it doesn't say anything about marriage either. The 14th Amendment cannot possibly be used to justify homosexual marriage since homosexual conduct was a crime in every state in the Union at the time it was passed.
It is impossible to overestimate the damage that will be done to our constitutional republic if Justice Kennedy imposes homosexual marriage on the entire nation in blatant defiance of the people.