L.G.B.T. Let God be true.
Romans 3:4
"...let God be true, but every man a liar..."
Titus 1:2
"...God, that cannot lie..."
Hebrews 6:18
"...it was impossible for God to lie..."
Seriously, this is what "LGBT" should stand for.
As in, sodomites need to stop twisting God's word to support perversion.
They need to just accept the Bible for what it says: homosexuality is a sin.
Don't try and make the Bible defend your sexuality.
Don't try and make God approve of your sin.
Let. God. Be. True.
How to get saved: exaltgod.deviantart.com/art/Sa—
NOTE: I hate homosexuality, not homosexuals.
If you want to keep your freedom of speech, don't try to take mine away.
If you want to keep your freedom of religion, don't try to take mine away.
Also I hate christianity, not christians.
You demand respect for your freedom of speech, and then disable comments. You want to make a controversial statement, fine, but being called out on your bullshit is part of making such public statements. Why should anyone listen to someone who is determined to avoid any challenge to their statements?
In regards to the statement itself, LGBT exists as an acronym because people need it to more easily discuss the topics that relate to LGBT people. Trying to blanket over the acronym with your religious blather is really pointless.
Don't try and make the Bible defend your sexuality.
Don't try and make God approve of your sin.
It's either that or abandon it as the archaic belief system it is. Unfortunately, it's probably going to be the former. We already saw it with slavery. That SHOULD have dispelled any notion of the Bible being the "good book" and the source of morality. Instead, people started pretending the Bible was against slavery when it is clearly in favor of it. Even Jesus never spoke out against it.
Jeremiah 4:10
"Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people."
Jeremiah 20:7
"O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived."
Ezekiel 14:9
"And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet."
2 Thessalonians 2:11
"For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
Yeah, real honest god you've got there.
Trying to claim a Progressive term, again?
It's like when you turned "Liberal" into a slur.
Sorry, it's not going to work THIS TIME!
God cannot lie but he told Adam & Eve that they would die "that day" if they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge. The serpent told them the truth.
And nobody's trying to take your freedom of speech away. I still see churches on every corner where Christian preachers are free to spout off any kind of anti-LGBT crap which might flow from their mouths. And the Westboro Baptist Church still has the right to protest at funerals.
Titus 1:2
"...God, that cannot lie..."
Hebrews 6:18
"...it was impossible for God to lie..."
Ezekiel 14:9
"...I the LORD have deceived...."
Whoops, looks like your god can lie, that little twat.
Hebrews 6:18
"...it was impossible for God to lie..."
Genesis 2:16-17
"And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die ."
Well? I guess that's not a very good book to use as a source. It doesn't seem to be very consistent.
Just wondering: what if we give all homosexuals chariots of iron? What would your god do then?
You can't "copyright" an acronym, silly; they stand for what people use them for.
You need to accept that there is no evidence for the existence of any deities, let alone for your particular deity.
Sin is an arbitrary concept, which means little or nothing, unless you give it a meaning for yourself.
Don't try and make the Bible mean anything in modern society.
Don't try and make God significant.
Lesbian. Gay. Bisexual. Transpeople.
Oh, you forgot Queer.
Homosexuals are people with homosexuality as their sexual orientation. If you hate homosexuality, you hate a significant part of the lives of homosexuals. It's about as stupid as saying "I don't hate African people, I hate black skin”.
If you want to keep your freedom of speech, you must defend mine as well.
It should also be noted ExaltGod, that you missed this part in the bible. This is from your god by the way.
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
LGBT: Lesbian, Gay , Bisexual, Transgender.
Your J-boy hung around with twelve men , two of whom were sailors . One of said twelve kissed him. He told others to 'Love your fellow man '. Hardly associated with women, if ever, never had a girlfriend, nor did he marry one. He wore a dress .
Thanks for admitting your 'Jesus' represents the G part of 'LG BT' then; you lot - including males - go on & on about being his 'Bride', do you not...?!
Jesus - and therefore God [/the 'Trinity'] - is gay . You said it, CtrlAltDelGod, I didn't. >:D
"If you want to keep your freedom of speech, don't take mine away."
Bold words for someone who blocks everyone who argues against his beliefs.
Romans 3:4
"...let God be true, but every man a liar..."
So that means God is true, but the people who wrote the Bible are liars.
If the Bible says that “homosexuality” is a sin, what is the ancient Hebrew/ancient Greek/Aramaic word that means “the normal, natural, unchosen, inborn attraction to the post-pubescent sexual characteristic of the same gender”, and where does it appear in the Bible?
Oh, this asshole...
I'll believe that people who say "hate the sin, not the sinner" don't actually hate gay people when they stop saying horrible, offensive, hateful, shitty things about gay people. As seen here.
People can make the bible "say" whatever they want. If you're a dickheaded person then you believe the bible supports your dickheaded-ness. Fucking obvious as fuck.
I hate homosexuality, not homosexuals.
Liar. Also, no-one is trying to take away your freedom of speech, people just don't agree with you.
So. Gobs said that, in his book, he can't lie.
1. That refutes his omnipotence.
2. Why are you trusting him on it? He could be lying.
1) LGBT stands for whatever the consensus of people wish it to stand for. You do not own the English language.
2) Sodomy is not the same as homosexuality; stop twisting the words of the Bible.
3) Don't try and claim the exclusive right to interpret the Bible or to speak for God.
4) You want to appropriate bits of the language and forbid others from espousing certain arguments and views. At the same time, you demand that they should respect your freedom of speech.
Anytime a conservatard says they hate homosexuality, what they mean is, they hate homosexuals. And no one is trying to take away your free speech because if they were, you wouldn't have been able to post this BS.
"I hate homosexuality, not homosexuals "
See, I don't hate you , I just hate the way your brain responds to sexual stimuli, I hate the way you choose to express your love and I hate the way you conduct yourself in private.
Now, if you could just ignore your entire sexual identity, we'd have no problems.
Soooo... how do you explain your god telling Adam and Eve that eating from the tree of good and evil would kill them? That was a bald-faced lie.
What about lying to Abraham about why Sarah laughed?
You have every right to be as rude and intolerant as you wish. We have every right to call you out on your assholery.
[I hate homosexuality, not homosexuals.]
"I hate black skin, not black people."
"I hate Judaism, not Jews."
"I hate the female gender, not women."
Sugarcoated bigotry is still bigotry.
"I hate homosexuality, not homosexuals. "
I'm not a racist, but...
Also, I really hate these people who bring up freedom of speech in argument that has nothing to do with freedom of speech because:
1. It's not a "get out of consequences free" card, and nobody is obligated to like your position or give you a mouthpiece to express it. The only thing it guarantees is that you can't go to jail for your belief.
2. This is basically the ultimate concession, since the best defence you have for your opinion is that it's not actually illegal to have it. I actually consider it a form of Godwin's law: anyone who tries to defend their position by citing the first amendment has automatically lost the argument.
Therefore, if LGBT now means Let God Be True, God means Gimpy offal dicks.
Sorry, substituting things to what you want them to mean doesn't work.
"Seriously, this is what "LGBT" should stand for."
Wanna bet that this twit thinks that gays stole the rainbow and the word gay?
I'd point out the parts of the Babble where Gawd lies His ass off, but what's the use...?
This is why I question humanity. Sorry but not everyone believes in God, ya stupid fuck.
Also, I heard that you caused a suicide by constantly harassing a homosexual doing shit like this and downgrading them, then GLORIFIED it. Now that's just fucked up.
What else do you glorify in God's name? Genocide, rape, pedophilia, mass murder, and cannibalism?
If you glorify causing suicide I think you need some time in the nut house. We don't need sociopaths walking the streets and having full access to the internet when they are the cause of a HUMAN'S death.
Obergefell vs. Hodges.
Romans 13:1-5.
Kim Il-Davis.
Your right to think the way you do has been taken away.
Don't try and make the Bible defend your sexuality.
Don't try and make God approve of your sin
Oh, we don't need to try : we already have .
Romans 13:1-5 says so.
And - like Kim Il-Davis - you are forced to agree.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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