kingjameswriter1965 #fundie

[Her response to an advertisement for a Hell House]

Why would a place that claims to be Christian even want to make light of Hell in such a dismissive manner, as if they are promoting Halloween, or even Hell itself, as something Christian? Is this place going to be a haunted house, or are they going to pass out candy (or rather, what they should do on Halloween is PREACH THE GOSPEL)– or are they giving a literal tour of what they believe to be Hell? That’s making light of the Bible. You can’t go on a tour of Hell, because it is the final destination of the damned! Such arrogance can only lead to more sinful thoughts, while people continue to assume that Hell is no more than a place that you can tour and not a place of fire and brimstone. Let me say this: Hell is not a place for Christians, Hell is for the LOST. This organization (it is certainly NOT a church) are deceivers being deceived.

I admit, this place puzzles me, because it’s not what it seems. Anything can have the label of “Christian” and people think of either the Catholic cult or some kind of weird modernistic junk like what reprobate Rick Warren and his Lordship Salvation crowd promote. I also think of CCM (“CHRISTIAN Contemporary Music”) which is more maggot-infested filth that dares to call itself “CHRISTIAN”. I have half a mind to go here at 6-8pm on HELLoween and pass out real Gospel tracts to the lost. They might think I’m part of their “tour”! Lord knows nobody else cares enough for souls. Hey, I’ll be doing the OPPOSITE of what THEY’RE doing, showing them the way to HEAVEN while they offer HELL!!

Hell is not to be glamorized or exalted in any good way. The Devil is the father of all lies, and this one is one hum-dinger of a lie. The Bible says that Hell was prepared for the DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS. It’s a place of weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, intense anger, resentment, utter loneliness, crushing regret, pitiful, screeching cries of WHY? WHY, GOD? WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?? WHY???? It’s where the howlings of the damned never cease, the blackest of darkness never giving way to light, burning sulfur that consumes your never-dying soul, flames that cannot be quenched, and the worms of the eternal lost that will never die. There are no children in Hell. There are no flowers in Hell. There are no beautiful sunsets, or ice cream, or Bibles, or churches in Hell! You’ll scream and cry for God to give you another chance, BUT GOD WILL NOT HEAR YOU!! HELL IS ETERNAL SEPARATION FROM GOD!! It is TOO LATE for the damned!! They’ll NEVER get right with God!! You want a tour of that, fool?? You won’t find it here on earth, while God still gives you breath, but if you die in your sins and go there, you surely will WISH it was a tour!! HELL IS NOT A CORN MAZE, FRIEND! IF YOU END UP IN HELL, YOU’LL NEVER GET OUT!! YOU’LL BE LOST FOR ETERNITY!!



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