
Rep. Shane Jett #psycho #fundie rawstory.com

A Republican state senator in Oklahoma fruitlessly raged as his colleagues passed a bill to outlaw corporal punishment of disabled students in schools.

SB 364, introduced earlier this month by fellow Republican Sen. David Rader, revives a long-controversial issue that has been frequently debated in the state legislature.

As the bill was debated, Sen. Shane Jett, one of the most outspoken opponents of the bill, told Rader that the Bible sanctions corporal punishment and demanded to know how his legislation conforms with Scripture. Rader replied by quoting the Bible himself, leading to a lengthy religious argument on the floor of the Senate, according to Oklahoma political observer Tyler Talley.

"Not all discipline needs to be one way," said Rader. "Special needs students need special discipline, this says it won’t be physical."

But Jett, who has repeatedly made this argument in the past whenever the subject has come up for debate, wasn't convinced. He continued to call the bill a violation of Scripture, accused it of singling out schools that allowed parental consent for corporal punishment, and complained the measure was "socialist."

In the end, Jett's opposition was pushed aside, as the bill passed 31-16.

Jett has previously attracted attention for other peculiar policy positions.

He endorsed far-right state superintendent Ryan Walters' plan to put Trump-endorsed "God Bless the USA Bibles" in classrooms and introduced legislation this year that would deregulate the production and sale of donkey milk, without clarifying why he considered this necessary.

Rep. Nancy Mace #fundie #transphobia imprintnews.org

A former foster youth and award-winning advocate for children was arrested at the U.S. Capitol tonight — a bizarre twist in an otherwise celebratory day of events — after South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace accused him of assault.

The incident took place outside a House of Representatives office building following an event honoring the anniversary of a landmark child welfare law where Mace, a firebrand Republican, had given a speech. Three witnesses at the scene told The Imprint their accused colleague James McIntyre had done nothing more than shake the congress member’s hand at the House reception, and asked her to protect the rights of transgender people.

But in a post on the social media platform X, Rep. Mace described a violent confrontation.

“I was physically accosted at the Capitol tonight by a pro-tr*ns man. One new brace for my wrist and some ice for my arm and it’ll heal just fine,” she posted at 8:43 p.m. “The Capitol police arrested the guy. Your tr*ns violence and threats on my life will only make me double down.”

Lance Wallnau #fundie #magick joemygod.com

“When I say ‘witchcraft’ I am talking about what happened tonight. Occult empowered deception, manipulation and domination.

“That’s what ABC pulled off as moderators, and Kamala’s script handlers set up the kill box. One sided questions and fact checking sealed the box. Witchcraft.

“It’s not over yet, but something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in Obama is voting again and her deception is advancing.” – Pastor Lance “Bad Wig” Wallnau.

Candace Owens #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia joemygod.com

“This is very scary stuff, and it seems that there is sort of an awakening happening where people are starting to recognize that something more sinister is going on.

“And, of course, a recent example of that was just the Olympics. It does seem that they’re trying to almost now indoctrinate the entire world into their satanic faith. And it — like I said, it is my belief that this is a synagogue of Satan.

“Like you mentioned, it is Biblical. It mentions this, people who are pretending to be Jews, but are in fact people that worship Satan, and it seems like a very small, incredibly powerful group of elites.

“And I can trace this through to Australia, to Switzerland, to France, to America, to Canada, and it explains why it is the circumstance that all of these world leaders that we have, even President Zelensky, all seem to be homosexual. Obviously, their relationships are not real.” – Candace Owens, on her wildly popular podcast.

As a reminder, Owens has over ten million subscribers and followers across multiple platforms. The podcast regularly ranks in the top ten nationwide.

Kandiss Taylor #fundie rightwingwatch.org

During the most recent episode of her “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” program, which airs on the network owned by virulently antisemitic conspiracy theorist Stew Peters, Christian nationalist GOP activist Kandiss Taylor claimed that the Christian church is supposed to be running the government and therefore non-Christians are not entitled to freedom of religion.

Taylor is flat-earth conspiracy theorist who unsuccessfully ran for governor of Georgia in 2022 and despite her paltry showing in the Republican primary, she steadfastly refused to accept that she had lost. In 2023, Taylor became a Georgia GOP district chair and started voicing increasingly radical views, even going so far as to call for the public execution of those who oppose her Christian nationalist worldview.

Those radical views were on display during her recent program as she insisted that the Constitution was founded on common law and that common law is rooted in the Bible, meaning that the United States “was founded on Jesus Christ.”

“The idea behind the whole document was that the church runs the state,” Taylor asserted. “The church is we the people. We are the church … and so we run the state. But the state, the government, has no control over the church.”

“And everybody is like, ‘Then you gotta let Satanists come in and you gotta let witches come in, and you’ve gotta let Muslims and Hindus,'” she continued. “No. No, we don’t. No, we don’t because America is founded on God almighty, Creator God, Yahweh, Elohim. That is what we’re founded on and I don’t have to honor your religion. I don’t have to give you freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is there for us to worship Jesus. It’s not for you to come force anything else upon me.”

“So we have that all wrong,” Taylor declared. “We’ve had tolerance. We’ve been politically correct. And at what point are we going to say, ‘No, we’re not going to be’? You can do whatever you want to the comfort of your home. You can do whatever you want to, but don’t come into my government and bring any of that trash in there.”

“We shouldn’t be electing anyone in government—local, state or federal—that is not a Christian,” Taylor concluded.

Stew Peters and Kandiss Taylor #fundie #psycho rightwingwatch.org

(Submitter's Note: the phrase “extreme accountability” is a Peters-ism for, “public executions of people whose only crime is I, Stew Peters, personally do not like them.”)

“We need to make church the state’s business again,” (Stew) Peters said. “We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that’s representative of the people and God’s law.”

“We are the church and we run the state,” (Kandiss) Taylor replied. “Even if they don’t believe it to be so, it is a fact. And if they keep pushing around with American people, and they keep playing all these games, they’re gonna find!”

“How are they gonna find out?” Peters asked. “How are they gonna FAFO [fuck around and find out]?”

“Extreme accountability,” Taylor answered.

“I love it,” Peters gushed. “You’re speaking my language.”

Candace Owens #fundie joemygod.com

“What Dorothy did was manslaughter. She accidentally killed the witch, making her not that bad of a person. So, what I’m gonna do for this comment section is I’m going to take you very slowly through what really took place in this scene after, again, Dorothy murdered somebody’s sister and then stole her shoes, stole her red bottoms.

“Before the Wicked Witch, if that’s what we’re calling her, shows up, the Munchkins — Oompa Loompas, whatever you wanna call them — are throwing a party while there is a dead person under a house and they’re skipping with Dorothy singing, ding dong, the witch is dead while there’s a dead person at center. Right?

“There’s somebody that’s dead and they’re dancing and saying, witch oh witch, the wicked witch. Obviously, this is some sort of a satanic ritual. So I wanna make that clear that they’re having a satanic ritual.

“It’s the only reason you’d have a dead person and dance around them. And then the witch ends the party when she shows up and finds her dead sister.

Rep. Beth Lear #fundie #transphobia #psycho ffrfaction.org

During her statement as sponsor of HB 183, which would ban trans people from accessing appropriate restroom and locker room facilities in all Ohio public educational institutions, including colleges and universities, she said: “In Luke 17, Jesus says that if you caused one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck, and thrown into the deepest sea.” She added as justification for the bill that in Genesis, God created people “male and female.”

Brother Duncan Urbanek #homophobia #psycho #fundie wwww.lgbtqnation.com

Brother Duncan Urbanek of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Watauga, Texas said that if the U.S. started executing gay people in public then other countries would have a better opinion of the U.S. and see the country as a “wise nation.”

“Hey, Leviticus 20:13: ‘If a man also lies with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them,” he said in a recent sermon.

“You know what ‘Their blood should be upon them’ means? They’re dead! They’ve got their blood all upon them because you just rocked them to sleep,” he said, pantomiming throwing a stone to drive the point home. “Cuz they just threw a bunch of stones at them till they died and they’re just bleeding all over them, their blood shall be upon them.”

Ethan Schmidt-Crockett #homophobia #psycho azcentral.com

In a tweet released by PatriotTakes, which monitors right-wing extremists, Schmidt, in a moving vehicle with a friend, first rants against Target, then says:

“I also like to hunt LGBT supporters on my free time. That’s one of my favorite pastimes, you know. Also we’re going to be going on hunting expeditions pretty soon, you know, hunting the LGBT supporters across Arizona and Phoenix. So, you know, keep an eye out for that because you’re not safe. If you support the LGBT agenda, you’re not safe. You’re not safe. Right, Kyle? (That's the driver, who responds, “yep.”)”

Edward Szall #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

“We’re gonna limit internet access,” Szall declared. “You know who taught me this lesson recently? The frickin’ Taliban.”

“We export a lot of things here in the West,” Szall continued. “We export our sin. The first thing we do [when] we go into a country, we try to make sure they have abortion legalized, and we try to make sure that they’re not able to criminalize homosexuality. Well, the third thing we do is we export the internet to them, internet access.”

“We make a lot of bones about China being tyrannical and terrible,” he added. “China limits the access of their citizens to the internet. … North Korea is actually a very conservative society. There’s no such thing as a homosexual, an open homosexual in North Korea, no such thing as abortion. The North Koreans are very conservative; they’re tyrannical but conservative.”

“What we’re exporting, what we’re making available to people is a gateway to sin,” Szall proclaimed. “We need to, in the wake of a mentally ill epidemic, limit the access to the drug. One of the drugs here is more information about where you can change your gender, change your identity, think about life differently. No, how about we limit the access of free thought in this respect and instead raise children up in the way they must go?”

Shana Gaviola #fundie #psycho apnews.com

The mother of a California teenager conspired with a former Missouri boarding school dean on a plan that resulted in the boy being forced into a car, handcuffed for more than 24 hours and driven to a Missouri school for troubled youths, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.

The indictment accuses Shana Gaviola, 35, and Julio Sandoval, 41, of violating a protective order issued at the request of Gaviola’s son. If convicted, both could face up to five years in prison and $250,000 fines.


The indictment out of California, unsealed Tuesday, stated that Gaviola’s son had been living with another family since 2020. He had petitioned for emancipation from his mother and obtained a domestic violence protection order against her in July 2021.

The indictment said that despite the order, Gaviola and Sandoval conspired to take the boy to a Missouri boarding school. It stated that people working on behalf of Gaviola and Sandoval found the boy at a Fresno business in August 2021, handcuffed him and forced him into a car. He allegedly remained handcuffed for the entire 27-hour trip to Stockton.

The indictment said the boy was held at the boarding school for eight days until his father was able to free him.

Steven Anderson #homophobia lgbtqnation.com

A preacher known for his hatred of LGBTQ people warned his congregation that gays and lesbians want to get them drunk and then make them do “some weird junk that you have no desire to get into.”

“These people are going to take you down a dark path,” said Steven Anderson, founder of the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement and pastor at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. He has been banned from 34 countries because of his hate speech.

“You start hanging around with a bunch of fa***ts and lesbians, you know what they’re gonna do?” he continued. “They’re gonna ply you with alcohol or ply you with drugs and they’re going to abuse you.”

“They’re going to molest you. They are going to get you into some weird junk that you have no desire to get into.”

“Stay away from them! They are evil, they are freaks, they are predators, they’re not reproducers they are recruiters, they are molesters, they are predators. Stay away from them.”

Crystal Alonso #homophobia lgbtqnation.com

An anti-LGBTQ Moms for Liberty activist told MSNBC that she believes LGBTQ students should have separate classes from straight and cisgender students in schools.


“The kids that do have their, you know, they’re confused, or they are gay or whatnot,” said Moms for Liberty Miami-Dade member Crystal Alonso, “that the way they’re trying to go about it is to make it an open conversation and an open thing in classrooms.”

“But like for example children with autism, Down Syndrome, they have to have special IP meetings with a counselor, they have to be put into separate classrooms. I understand, because it’s a different type of education for children with those disabilities, but I think that for children that identify differently, there should also be like a specialized… something for them, so that they feel that they’re important enough that they’re being counseled.”


Later in the show, Moms for Liberty Miami-Dade chapter chair Eulalia Jimenez said that kids are being “influenced to be gay.”

“I believe that the gay community has felt invalidated and left out,” she said. “And, rightfully so, they want their place.”

“But again, why does this need to be imposed on young children?”

Romana Didulo #conspiracy #mammon yahoo.com

(Romana) Didulo posted a series of “royal decrees” on Telegram claiming that bill payments are not necessary. “Decree 24” stated that electricity became free in Canada, while “Decree 23” declared water bills were now illegal. “Decree 79” claimed that rent prices had reverted to rates from 1955.

One of Didulo's followers pushed other believers to abide by the “royal decrees” after she “stopped paying hydro, weather, natural gas, property taxes, line of credit, and my credit cards.”

Many others who have also since posted about no longer paying their bills – including many who are elderly and rely on fixed incomes – have now had their utilities shut down and are collecting thousands of dollars’ worth of bills.

"Dear (Queen Romana), when will the service companies stop shutting off our services for nonpayment?" one follower commented. "I just had my water supply shut off today in Stratford, Ontario."

In response, Didulo told her believers that the bills were being sent by robots, and several of her followers began rallying to send emails to utility companies that “they are committing criminal offenses against We The People.”

Didulo also recently convinced her followers that she was in contact with President Joe Biden and receiving governmental orders. On April 30, Didulo posted a video to her YouTube channel where she claimed that President Biden requested for her to act as “the mediator between the United States and Russia.”

"I address you today as your commander in chief and Queen," Didulo said. "To the Russian and American people, I address you as the mediator between the United States and Russia pertaining to the Ukraine crises. I have been requested by the commander in chief of the United States armed forces to act as the mediator between Russia and the United States."

Random Redacted Facebook User #conspiracy i.redd.it


Hope you all are having a fantastic day and night right now.
12/7 Is a very big day that change the whole world for all of us.
I'm going to be posting a lot about Pearl Harbor
plus of course info is coming out that president
Trump actually birthday is today.
Happy Birthday DJT! Your actually true birthday
gemantria (sic) is starting to make sense now. The
Hidden Son. Nobody knew that he was General Pattons son.

Romana Didulo #conspiracy #psycho antihate.ca

(Submitter's Note - “Duck Hunting” is a deadly euphemism for, “come across our border with your guns and kill the people I've decided are bad,” in this case, anyone advocating for vaccines or pretending that this charlatan isn't actually the Queen of Canada.)


The Kingdom of Canada,
To We The People of Canada.
Duck Hunting Season in the Kingdom of
Canada Opens Tomorrow - Monday, 11 /22 /
2021 at 6:00AM!!! All Time Zones
Please and thank you.
Peace and Prosperity. Or perish.
I don't play Politics.
HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo,
Head of State and Commander-in-Chiet
Head of Government of Canada,
President and Queen of Canada

Matthias Cicotte #homophobia #transphobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

(Alaska's ADA is just the gift that keeps on giving.)

(Pertaining to a drag queen…)

“This demon should be burned to death and everyone responsible for that library event should be in prison,” he wrote about a drag queen who read books to children in 2017.

“People who encourage a kid to think he’s a different sex than what he is (including parents) go to jail for child abuse,” he wrote last year, adding that “the death penalty” is appropriate for “people who perform or abet sex change operations on kids,” even though no one even does that.

Matthias Cicotte #racist #conspiracy lgbtqnation.com

(Alaska's ADA sounds like a real charmer)

Many of the tweets under the handle – which used the name “J Reuben Clark” – repeated conspiracy theories about Jewish people, saying that they secretly run industries like media and banking and that they are involved in several plots against the “white race.”

Under the pseudonym in 2016, Cicotte wrote about when “real history was taught in school, angry yentas didn’t rule, white men didn’t play the fool.”

He kept on attacking Jewish people until this year, when he tweeted that Jewish Republicans trying to get Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expelled from the House were trying “to combat the conspiracy theory that Jews run everything by getting any member of Congress they don’t like expelled from Congress.”

Cicotte expressed disdain for Black people, saying that the idea that racism exists is “purely a tool to control people on the right.” He asked followers to “try to think of an example of an accusation of racism that helped the right, or Christians, or whites in the last 10 years.”

“The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Consequences Have Been a Disaster for the Human Race,” he tweeted last year. He also said that he believed it’s not racist to say that “some racial groups have higher IQs than others” and called Black Lives Matter a “criminal enterprise that murders people and destroys property.”

Dr. Stella Immanuel #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack nydailynews.com

Dr. Stella Immanuel blasted Facebook and Twitter after it removed her controversial video touting hydroxychloroquine as a “cure” for COVID-19.

The Houston physician, who went viral for her video, declared on Twitter that Jesus Christ would destroy Facebook’s servers if her videos weren’t restored to the platform.

“Hello Facebook put back my profile page and videos up or your computers with start crashing till you do,” she tweeted overnight. “You are not bigger that God. I promise you. If my page is not back up face book will be down in Jesus name”

In the clip, allegedly filmed during a “White Coat Summit” in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., the self-proclaimed “Deliverance Minister” stands with a group of doctors who praised hydroxychloroquine and said how masks and lockdowns are not needed to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

“Hello, you don’t need a mask. There is a cure,” Immanuel said in the video.

According to the Texas Medical Board, Immanuel is a licensed pediatrician — and also recognized as religious minister, who has a long history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other controversial issues.

On Tuesday, The Daily Beast published an extensive collection of some of Immanuel’s sermons and articles posted on her website, describing them as “definitely ludicrous.”

She refers to herself as “God’s battle axe and weapon of war” and claims that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives,” a phenomenon described essentially as witches and demons having sexual intercourse with people in a dreamworld.

"They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm,” Immanuel said, according to the outlet. “Then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves."

“They are responsible for serious gynecological problems,” Immanuel said. “We call them all kinds of names — endometriosis, we call them molar pregnancies, we call them fibroids, we call them cysts, but most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband,” Immanuel said in 2013. “They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence — men that can’t get it up.”

The outlet claims to have also found that in 2015 Immanuel claimed that an Illuminati plan had been concocted by “a witch” to destroy the world using abortion, gay marriage, and children’s toys.”

Tony Perkins #fundie #homophobia joemygod.com

The Fourth of July is a time of national celebration and commemoration. We rejoice in our liberty and remember those who won our freedoms and have preserved them at great cost. Yet underlying these things is a foundation that must remain strong for “liberty and justice for all” to mean anything.

It’s the rule of law. Law that is fair and impartial, consistent and understandable. Without allegiance to the rule of law, we become a nation where those in power can do what they want without accountability. And in this 244th year of our independence, I fear we are on the brink of that happening.

Last month, the court ruled in the case of Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia that the 1964 Civil Rights Act opposing discrimination based on the biological sex of an individual now must mean that “discrimination based on homosexuality or transgender status necessarily entails discrimination based on sex.”

Justice Neil Gorsuch, who wrote these words, even acknowledges in his decision that the meaning of “sex” in 1964 was not even vaguely connected to homosexuality or transgenderism. In his words, the court “proceeds on the assumption that ‘sex’,” in 1964, referred “only to biological distinctions between male and female.”

America has never been a perfect nation and never will be. But with all our problems, we have made tremendous progress in securing the God-given rights we too often take for granted.

But the exercise of those rights will be increasingly diminished and put in jeopardy if Congress refuses to safeguard them and, instead, allows the Supreme Court to rule however its justices prefer, regardless of the text of the Constitution and the law itself.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

“What does that mean when you’re walking around with your pants down like that?” Lively continued. “That comes from the prisons, and what that means is you have just raped someone. That’s how you crow that you have just committed sodomy on someone and you’re demonstrating that by your pants being down there. That’s what that means, so this homosexualization of the Black youth in that way was something that no one’s really talked about at all.”

“Bill Cosby, he stood up,” Lively stated.
“I don’t know that he was guilty of what he was convicted of, frankly,” he added. “I tend to believe him in all this, but he’s in prison now. He was taken down by 30-year-old charges just before Ferguson. … They went after Bill Cosby to silence him because the media would have gone to Bill Cosby — the conservative media if nobody else — would have gone to Bill Cosby if Ferguson had taken off the way they wanted it to. … Bill Cosby paid the price of being Bill Cosby I believe, and they got him out of the way before they did Ferguson and they had planned to do Ferguson in advance.”

Mark Taylor #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

Mark Taylor, a QAnon conspiracy theorist and so-called “firefighter prophet” about whom Liberty University made a movie in 2018, appeared on Chris McDonald’s “The MC Files” program Tuesday night and declared that Black men have been hanging themselves in an effort to stir up racial strife and prevent the reelection of President Donald Trump.

Continuing his long tradition of spouting remarkably insane conspiracy theories, Taylor dismissed reports that several people of color have been found hanged across the country in recent weeks as nothing more than a “deep state” plot against the president.

“It’s all about keeping the narrative focused on a civil war,” Taylor said. “A bunch of garbage that’s been going on like that—we’ve had what, five hangings now? They found bodies hanging? Give me a break. We know that’s deep state-related, that’s pushing some of this stuff to try to drive the narrative. Now, some of them have been maybe suicides, people trying to martyr themselves because they know what it’s gonna do to this whole black, white thing, to try to start the civil unrest, to try to stoke the fires again. This is what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to keep this going through the election.”

Taylor and McDonald then asserted that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is sabotaging the case against Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer charged with murdering George Floyd, so Chauvin will be acquitted, which will lead to more protests and riots.

“The reason that they’re going to walk is the way the case is being presented,” McDonald said. “What I believe and I think you’d probably agree with this—it was all a setup by Ellison, this Muslim attorney general, to do exactly what you just described to a tee. Because when the guy does walk … Minnesota is probably to go up in smoke and so is the country.”

John Guandolo #psycho #racist #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

Understanding The Threat’s John Guandolo, a disgraced former FBI agent, right-wing conspiracy theorist, and anti-Islam activist, appeared on the American Pastors Network’s “Stand in the Gap” radio program yesterday where he declared that military leaders who disagreed with President Donald Trump’s plans to use troops to quash the nationwide George Floyd protests are guilty of treason and that the leaders of Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist groups should be rounded up and executed.

Guandolo, who has repeatedly called for those with whom he disagrees to be charged with treason, was furious about the protests over Floyd’s killing by the police and the subsequent calls to reform the current law enforcement system.

“[Floyd] was a thug. He was a violent criminal, and he was on meth when they arrested him, so spare me,” Guandolo fumed. “Let’s first identify some of the most dangerous players in putting forth narratives that directly support our enemies. How about the Secretary of Defense [Mark] Esper? How about General [James] Mattis, Admiral [Michael] Mullen, George W. Bush, Nikki Haley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—Admiral [Mark] Milley—this morning overtly comes out against the president of the United States. This is sedition and treason at a time when the country is at war with identifiable enemies, and these people need to be held accountable.”

“It’s time to start crushing these enemies,” he continued. “The leaders of this defund the police movement are communists and jihadis. They’re Muslim Brotherhood organized organizations like the Islamic Circle of North America, the Islamic Society of North America. They’re designated terrorist groups like Hamas, the Council of American Islamic Relations. They are leaders of communist organizations like Black Lives Matter and antifa, and as this country has done in the past, we should round up the leaders and execute them for trying to revolt and overthrow the government. And if this doesn’t happen soon, we will lose this.”

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #pratt newswithviews.com

I’ve about had it up to my once water-breathing gills with this whole whitey hates blackie thing. Coming on the heels of a made-up pandemic the idea that the greatest evil facing America is racism is more than my once-monkey evolved brain can handle.

“Minds full of mush” is what Rush Limbaugh once called them; Human brains that will believe just about anything that some expert feeds them. “Please don’t feed the humans” should be the warning label on every TV in America.

Even though I would love to talk about the phony charges of racism that are spewed 24/7 on America’s airwaves I have decided to take a different tack and discuss another means of discrimination that very few people are willing to talk about. In fact, the thoughts my hunt-and-peck digits are tapping out may cover an area of thought that no one has ever programmed you with.

I am referring to the very common form of discrimination known as FAITHISM.

“I’ve never heard of that before” your CNN wired cerebral cortex may be beeping. “What the heck is faithism? Anderson Cooper has never mentioned that before, and if I haven’t heard of it from one of their expert guests so it certainly can’t be real.”

Well, racism isn’t real either. It is a made up word. It was a condition created by the CIA in the early 1930’s and was designed to be used to divide and conquer the American people. I won’t go into details about it in this rant, but as the carnival barker would likely say “read all about it.” RACISM IS MADE UP. Check out THIS LINK if you really want to know the truth.

Save me the emails. Racism is made up. It only exists in our minds…planted there by nefarious forces intent on destroying America. I’m sorry if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Juan Williams have hustled your mind into believing it. There is only one race…human. Period. Skin color is not a race.

So I decided to coin a phrase that is just as prevalent and just as destructive to America and that is Faithism. Never heard of it, huh? Well, stick around and maybe we can get another group of Americans all riled up.

Faith is defined by Mr. Webster as “Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; the judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth.”

Nearly everything you and I believe is based on faith. Any story you read about an historical figure is faith-based because you have no firsthand knowledge of the veracity of the information. I BELIEVE George Washington existed, but I can’t actually prove it. I have to trust that the historical record is true. In all of my life’s work I have never heard anyone tell me that they didn’t “believe” in George Washington. Most of us simply trust the history books.

The same holds true for Darwinism. I never met the guy, but from what I understand he wrote a book about “The Origin of Species” and even though I am familiar with it I have never met anyone who can prove he wrote it or that the information he presents in it is true. I simply take it on faith that he existed and that his theories are true.

By the way…a theory is a theory because there is no proof. Darwin’s theory is actually FAITH based because there were no eye-witnesses to verify what he postulates. Darwin’s theory has less scientific PROOF than the THEORY expounded upon in the book of Genesis. Both theories are lacking PROOF and can only be believed through FAITH.

FAITHISM is nothing more than the discrimination of one belief system over another based solely on the opinion of the one promoting the theory. Zoo keepers often have faith in Darwin and his acolytes while most Christians have faith in God and his evangelists.

A fair evaluation of the origin of man would certainly contain BOTH unproven theories. To choose one set of theories over another would be the ultimate discrimination. Despite what you have been taught in government schools, discrimination is a good thing. To discriminate is defined as “the act of making or observing a difference.” It has nothing to do with the buzz word “racism.”

But the nub of the issue is that both sides are not presented. “Science” always trumps “faith” when dealing in the secular world. “Religious” beliefs are always pooh poohed in favor of “science” even though much of what we believe about science is based completely on faith.

Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.” Even racism is built upon a BELIEF and not a fact.

FAITHISM would be defined as “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different worldview based on the belief that one’s own belief system is superior.”

Faithism is rampant in our society. Those in authority do not allow both systems of BELIEFS to be treated fairly. The theory of Darwin is presented freely and openly to America’s public school children while the theory of Creationism is forced to the back of the bus. Faithism is everywhere you look and there has been nothing as destructive to our American society as the second class treatment afforded Americans who put their faith in the God rather than in Darwin.

“People of faith” are the most discriminated against citizens in this country. Most of our problems would go away if we simply taught ALL children the 10 Commandments of God.

Our schools teach our children that they evolved from apes and we are shocked when they begin to act like monkeys. Amoral education leads to immoral behavior. Christian beliefs are given second class treatment in this nation.

America’s Christian history is being rewritten. Statues are being torn down. Faithism is worse than racism. Content of character is more important than skin color.

Brenden Dilley #psycho rightwingwatch.org

MAGA “life coach” and proudly amoral right-wing broadcaster Brenden Dilley said during his livestream program today that he and millions of other gun-loving Americans are just waiting until President Donald Trump “gives us the green light” to take to the streets and start gunning down activists who have been protesting all over the country following the police killing of George Floyd.

“Someone should politely explain to antifa [that] the most violent Americans, the most violent and willing Americans, haven’t even left the couch yet,” Dilley said. “The most violent and ready to go, the most tactically trained, haven’t even got off the couch yet. So you better pray to God, and I mean this literally—or whoever the fuck it is you pray to—that Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, and Attorney General Barr clean this up lawfully.”

“If for any reason the president of the United States feels that it’s not getting done the way it should and decides to put out the tweet that says, ‘My fellow Americans, my fellow 2A-loving Americans, it’s time to take up arms against these assholes,’ you are all fucked in under an hour,” he continued. “[We’re] waiting for that one tweet, that one emergency text message from the fucking president of the United States that gives us the green light to finish this entire thing in under an hour.”

“It will not be law enforcement. It will not be one of these slow, bureaucratic, justice system wheels of justice turning,” Dilley concluded. “It’ll be a group of people you didn’t even know fucking existed because we were at our houses, we got off work, we were with our families, but we were ready for that call. And if that call ever does come, you will be fucked seven ways from Sunday. So I suggest you back down.”

Chris McDonald Mark Taylor #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

During Monday night’s broadcast of “The MC Files” program, radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Chris McDonald and fellow radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor agreed that the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was a “false flag” being hyped by the media in order to distract Americans from President Donald Trump’s efforts to take down the deep state.

Arbery was a 25-year-old black man who was shot and killed by two white men who pursued him while he was out for a run because they claim they thought he looked like someone suspected of several break-ins in their neighborhood. For months, no charges were filed against the men who killed Arbery, until footage of his death was released publicly last week, which prompted prosecutors to submit the case to a grand jury. Arbery’s death and the subsequent handling of the case has generated a wave of outrage and condemnation of the persistent racial inequities in the justice system.

On last night’s “MC Files” broadcast, McDonald and Taylor agreed that the release of the video and the subsequent media coverage of the killing are nothing more than an attempt to racially divide Americans in an effort to prevent the 2020 election.

“I knew it was going to happen over the weekend,” McDonald said. “They’re going to turn this into a Trump-bashing, racially charged event. They’re trying to distract. I look at this almost like you call it a red flag, a false flag. It’s not that it didn’t happen, but it was a distraction to get our attention off of [Trump’s fight against the deep state].”

McDonald said that if the investigation determines that “that these two men acted recklessly and they killed that boy, they need to be held to the account of the law,” but added that if this killing is determined to be a hate crime, then the Department of Justice needs “to look at every single time that this has been in reverse when you’ve had black people shooting white people, and let’s look about seeing that being a hate crime too.”

McDonald insisted that the law should be applied equally to everyone involved in the case, regardless of race and called on Americans not to be distracted by this “farce” that is being used mainly to harm Trump.

“Don’t let them do this to our nation tonight, folks,” he said. “It’s a farce. It’s a false flag, and they’re using it to destroy one Donald John Trump, and you cannot let them do that.”

“They’re trying to start a civil war in this country, a race war,” Taylor responded. “They’re trying to spark anything that they can right now to start riots or this, that, and the other to literally stop the election in November, and we just cannot fall for it right now.”

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

Radical right-wing activist Dave Daubenmire declared on his “Pass The Salt Live” program yesterday that former President Barack Obama “must go to jail” and should probably be hanged for treason.

Daubenmire, who last year made multiple trips to Chappaqua, New York, to protest outside the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton and demand the latter’s arrest, said that Obama must be held accountable for supposedly using his office to destroy both Michael Flynn and President Donald Trump.

“He must go to jail,” Daubenmire said. “There’s no doubt that Barack Obama knew what was being done to Donald Trump. He knew it. He knew what was being done to Michael Flynn. Barack Obama knew it. We have the evidence. He knew it.”

“The buck stops at the top,” he continued. “If we think [James] Comey and [James] Clapper—getting those little peons—if we think that’s it, no, no, no. In order for justice to be restored to America, Barack Hussein Obama, the communist Muslim freak, must be put in jail.”

“The president of the United States destroyed Michael Flynn,” Daubenmire declared. “That in itself in my opinion is a hangable offense.”

Mark Taylor #fundie #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

It is difficult to be a modern-day prophet, especially when the things one has prophesied frequently fail to come true. Such is the dilemma facing radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and so-called “firefighter prophet” Mark Taylor, who has repeatedly predicted and prophesied things that never materialized, most notably his multiple guarantees in 2018 that the midterm elections would result in a “red tsunami” that would sweep Republicans into office all across the nation.

That was not what happened, which forced Taylor to retroactively revise his predictions in order to claim that he had actually been correct.

At first, Taylor claimed that the resignation of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions would unleash a wave of arrests in which dozens of Democratic members of Congress would be taken down, resulting in their seats being filled by Republicans and therefore confirming the red tsunami that he had promised.

When that didn’t happen, Taylor changed course and began to insist that the red tsunami he had prophesied had come true when Republicans gained control of six new governorships during the 2018 elections. Unfortunately for Taylor, that claim was false, as the GOP actually lost control of several states when the Democrats picked up seven gubernatorial seats.

Yesterday, Taylor appeared on the “Up Front In The Prophetic” program, where he trotted out a new explanation of how his red tsunami prophecy had been accurate.

“I prophesied there was going to be a red tsunami in the midterms, and I got hammered because we lost the House,” Taylor said. “We didn’t lose the House … I believe they allowed it to happen to let people see and experience who these Democrats were, how bad they really were, so that people could experience for themselves so that they will never be able to get back into office again.”

Taylor went on to assert that most of the new Democrats elected to Congress in 2018 “are not supposed to be there because they stole the election. We know that.”

David Barton #fundie #pratt friendlyatheist.patheos.com

During an interview with the Mighty Oaks Foundation’s Chad Robichaux, Christian pseudo-historian David Barton said that the federal government shouldn’t have anything to do with handling COVID-19.


Barton has already praised Donald Trump for refusing to heed the advice of medical professionals and claimed that anyone who fears the virus isn’t Christian enough.

But now he’s insisting that federalism requires the federal government to stay out of national disasters.

“The Constitution puts all health care at the state level; it does not put it at the federal level,” Barton said. “So this was not a federal question; it is a state question. In the Constitution, you have 17 what are called enumerated powers. The Constitution says, ‘Federal government, here’s 17 things you’re allowed to do.’ And then in the 10th Amendment, it says if it’s not one of those 17 things, it belongs to the states to deal with. Health care was one of those issues.”

Rick Wiles #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

From the very start of the COVID-19 pandemic, End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles began warning that the virus was a plague sent by God to purge the world of sin as the Last Days approach. Wiles repeatedly declared that a “death angel” was sweeping across the globe and dedicated just about every episode of his nightly “TruNews” program for the last several months to warning that life as we have known was about to change forever.

But Wiles has suddenly changed his tune and has now returned to what he has always done best, which is to spin baseless conspiracy theories. Wiles used his Monday program to assert that the threat from the virus was wildly overblown and to speculate that China never really had a coronavirus outbreak at all but had faked it as cover to unleash the virus on the rest of the world.

“What if they made us believe Wuhan had massive death, that the entire city had to be fumigated?” Wiles said. “What if it was all a propaganda campaign to introduce a virus in America to bring down the U.S. economy?”

“It’s also possible the entire Wuhan pandemic was staged,” he continued. “For what purpose? To destroy the American economy. And I’m not saying that there’s no virus here—I believe that absolutely there’s a virus here. Fifty-five thousand people are dead. What I’m saying is maybe it never happened in Wuhan. Maybe the entire thing has been a calculated, well planned, well choreographed, well executed attack on the USA because nothing has ever shut us down like this … [This] is the first time in the history of America that churches have been closed from coast to coast.”

Rick Wiles #fundie #racist #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

(Submitter’s note: Can someone turn this record over already? It seems to be stuck on the same old song.)

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles said on last night’s “TruNews” program that President Donald Trump should use the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to outlaw internet pornography and seize all reproductive health clinics in the nation and turn them into COVID-19 treatment centers. But, in keeping with Wiles’ long history of rampant anti-Semitism, he said that Trump will not take such step because he is controlled by the Jews.

“I don’t remember Congress passing a law that said we can kill babies,” Wiles said. “It was the Supreme Court that made a decision based on the Talmud, and we went from being a Christian nation to being a Talmudic nation because what the court decisions have imposed on us is an adoption of Talmudic values regarding abortion.”

“President Trump should use his emergency powers to seize all abortion clinics and turn them into COVID-19 medical centers,” he continued. “What’s preventing him from doing it? The people who read the Talmud. His son-in law and his daughter, that’s who. But he could do it. He could use those presidential emergency powers, he could have the military seize every abortion clinic in America and turn those medical clinics—the abortion baby butcher shops—turn those facilities into treatment care centers for people who are sick. I’d like to see him do it.”

“He could also order all online pornography to be shut down because the internet is overloaded,” Wiles added. “There is a lot of stuff he could do if he wanted to do it, but he’s not doing it because I know who owns the pornography industry, [it’s] the same people that control the abortion industry, and they all read the Talmud, so he’s not going to do it.”

Rick Wiles #racist #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Right-wing pundit and professional anti-Semite Rick Wiles, who recently said COVID-19 was homophobic, isn’t even in his studio right now but that hasn’t stopped him from blaming Jews for anything he can.

On last night’s ”TruNews” episode, he sent a message to Israel that COVID-19 was infecting synagogues — they’re closed in Israel due to the virus — because Jews oppose Jesus Christ.

Stay out of those things,” Wiles said of the synagogues. “There’s a plague in them. God’s dealing with false religions. God’s dealing with those who oppose his son, Jesus Christ. He’s dealing with the forces of Antichrist. There is a plague moving upon the Earth right now, and the people that are going into the synagogues are coming out with the virus.

It’s spreading in Israel through the synagogues,” Wiles continued. “God is spreading it in your synagogues! You are under judgment because you oppose his son, Jesus Christ. That is why you have a plague in your synagogues. Repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ, and the plague will stop.

Keep in mind most churches have closed, too. But Wiles seems to think the virus hates Jews as much as he does, and that converting to Christianity will somehow end the pandemic.

It’s bad enough Wiles doesn’t understand science. He’s using that ignorance to be a bigot in other ways.

Remember: Rick Wiles still gets press credentials for White House briefings.

Liz Crokin #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

Right-wing “journalist” and Trump–worshiping conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin posted a video on YouTube last night in which she declared that the current coronavirus outbreak is really just a cover for the Trump administration to carry out the mass arrests long promised by conspiracy theorists.

Like her friend and fellow conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor, who suggested the same thing earlier this week, Crokin is an ardent believer in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that President Donald Trump has been working diligently to arrest countless prominent political, media, and business leaders for allegedly being part of a global satanic pedophile ring.

In early 2019, Crokin publicly declared that if the mass arrests long promised by “Q” did not happen by the end of the year, she would “bow out” of the movement and “move on” with her life. The arrests never happened, but Crokin refused to give up, and she is now claiming that the coronavirus outbreak may really be cover for them to finally occur.

“I do believe that when these mass arrests happen that we will be in martial law for our own safety,” Crokin said. “I believe that the coronavirus, which the president of the United States and many doctors have said is no more serious than the flu, is the cover to put the country into lockdown—just like Italy is in lockdown—to possibly declare martial law, get people off the streets, keep them in their homes, so they’re safe so when the military and the National Guard sweeps in and conducts these mass arrests, it is done in a manner where people are kept safe.”

“Since 2017, Q has been talking about these mass arrests, and Q has also been talking about how when these mass arrests happen, there will probably be many days of darkness, social media might go down, the National Guard is going to come in, and the military will be used to arrest these people,” she added. “That is what I believe is happening right now.”

Mark Taylor #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

So-called “firefighter prophet” and radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor appeared on “The MC Files” last night, where he suggested that the coronavirus outbreak is really just a cover for the Trump administration to finally make the mass arrests long promised by conspiracy theorists.

Taylor, about whom Liberty University made a movie in 2018, is an ardent believer in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that President Donald Trump has been working diligently to arrest countless prominent political, media, and business leaders for allegedly being part of a global satanic pedophile ring. For years, Taylor has been predicting that mass arrests were imminent, but they have never materialized.

Now Taylor suspects that the current coronavirus outbreak is possibly a cover to get leading Republicans—like Reps. Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Doug Collins, and Sen. Ted Cruz, who are all under self-quarantine after coming into contact with a coronavirus-infected attendee at the recent CPAC conference—out of Washington, D.C., so the Trump administration can carry out the mass arrests.

“They’re using the coronavirus as a cover to go in, shut places down, and go in and start making arrests,” Taylor said. “Are they pulling these guys out, like Matt Gaetz, are they getting them out of D.C. for a reason?”

“They’re pulling these guys out of D.C., the good guys, before they lock D.C. down, possibly, and go in and really start arresting people,” Taylor speculated. “Or could they be sending these guys home, and then they lock D.C. down in a way so that it’s secure, and then they go get these guys at their houses? I don’t know.”

“The corona thing I believe is a front, it’s a cover as an excuse to be able to lock stuff down, and go in and get some of these people out of here,” he added. “This to me is a good thing.”

Josh Bernstein #fundie rightwingwatch.org

Radical right-wing broadcaster Josh Bernstein posted a video on Saturday in which he declared that Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders is a “self-hating” Jew who “would have marched the other Jews right into the gas chambers.”

Even though Sanders lost family in the Holocaust, whereas Bernstein cannot even accurately recount the story of Hanukkah, Bernstein insisted that he is a “true Jew” and Sanders is nothing more than a “self-loathing, self-hating anti-Semite.”

“Bernie is the type of quote-unquote Jew, in my opinion, who would have marched the other Jews right into the gas chambers,” he said. “I don’t believe that Bernie Sanders is a true Jew.”

Bernstein’s comments came just days after a far-right activist unfurled a Nazi flag at a Sanders campaign event in Vermont. In February, Bernstein claimed that he had received White House press credentials to cover a Trump rally in Arizona.

Charlie Kirk and Eric Metaxas #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

In a bizarre conversation in which both participants have no clue what they’re talking about, conservative activist Charlie Kirk and Christian author Eric Metaxas talked about atheism while building all kinds of men made out of straw.

You can hear it around the 50:32 mark:

KIRK: … I go as far to say that atheism, in certain senses, can be a religion, and people disagree at this. They say, “Well, Charlie they have no theology.” I say, “Hold on a second. Atheists have a agreed upon belief in afterlife: nothing. They have agreed upon belief in a deity: nothing. And they proselytize and evangelize moreso than Christians do.”

I get more people approaching me to try to convert to atheism than almost any Christian does. And there’s a lot of different reasons for this, but I always challenge the atheist, I say, “If you actually believed what you say you believe, why does it matter? You got like 38 years and five days left, and then you’re just a clump of cells, dust, and then you’re gonna deteriorate into the abyss. You should live it up. You should do as much drugs and indulgence as you possibly can.”

And atheists are divided into two different buckets. There’s agnostics who call themself atheist because they think it’s punk rock. Then there’s deeply unhappy people that have been scarred by religion, and they think they’re too smart for religion, and I say there, I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist. I think it takes unbelievable philosophical calisthenics to believe this is all just an act of randomness. In fact, I think it’s actually rooted in hubris.

METAXAS: Actually, I have been talking about this a lot lately. I actually believe it’s… Let’s put it this way: If God created the universe — which He did — and if He created us in His image — which He did — it is effectively, demonstrably impossible to live as though He didn’t exist. So when people talk about that, it’s a lot of words. There is no one who has the ability to actually live that way… When you have people talking about that, and… they’re implying that everything is random, life has no meaning, there is no good and evil, they don’t live that way, and they don’t dare live that way…

Their mistakes are so obvious, you would find good rebuttals on the first link in any Google search of their arguments.
But just to state the obvious, atheism isn’t a religion any more than “off” is a TV channel. Being a fan of your local sports team is far more “religious” than atheism is. We’re not nihilists either. Many atheists have personal philosophies about why they want to make the world a better place and why they want to do good — hurting other people and hurting ourselves would get in the way of all that. You don’t need fear of the supernatural to be a decent person.

To pretend life is only “randomness,” or to equate atheism with cockiness, or to assume atheists have nothing to live for means Kirk has never actually read about or spoken to them. He just makes up his own reality, then shares it like it’s gospel.

A lot of atheists are vocal because we have to be. As white evangelical Christians control the government and right-wing conservatives push idiotic arguments for public policy that hurt many Americans, it’s important to speak out about the harm both groups cause.

Metaxas, of course, believes everything Kirk is saying, and then proceeds to use that straw man to suggest real atheists don’t exist because they can’t possibly live that way. (It’s true. Those atheists don’t exist because the two guys just conjured them up out of nowhere.)

It’s not the first time Metaxas has perpetuated these myths about atheists.

He once wrote a book about “miracles” — which included things like the fine-tuning argument and the improbability of life, which have been countered and rebutted many times over — and then said of his critics that they exhibited a “real intolerance and a lack of open-mindedness.” More recently, he claimed that a solar eclipse was proof of God.

But evangelical Christians, who treat him like a supposed intellectual, rarely push back on any of this. Like Kirk, they just accept the lies because listening to actual atheists is apparently never an option.

One Million Moms #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

The evangelical Christian hate group One Million Moms (Twitter count: 4,758) can’t believe that Disney just introduced its first LGBTQ character. They’re referring to the character Officer Specter, voiced by Lena Waithe, who is open about having a same-sex partner in the upcoming movie Onward.

The Moms can’t handle the existence of an openly gay character, because they see it as homosexual indoctrination. Which makes about as much sense as kids saying they want to become cyclops themselves because the same character has only one eye.

There have been numerous attempts by Disney to indoctrinate children with the LGBTQ agenda discretely [sic] and now more overtly…

Disney has decided to be politically correct instead of providing family friendly programming. Disney should stick to entertaining, not pushing an agenda.

Please share this with your friends and family to make sure they are aware of the gay character in Onward and not blindsided by it. As moms, we all want to know when Disney is attempting to desensitize our children by normalizing the LGBTQ lifestyle.

It’s not clear what isn’t family friendly about the mere mention of a same-sex partner. Closing your eyes and covering your ears and pretending gay people don’t exist won’t make them go away.

Like it or not, children are going to have classmates with same-sex parents, or classmates who aren’t cisgender or straight. Representation of them on-screen acknowledges their existence. No one is forcing an orientation on viewers, just as the movie isn’t demanding that everyone accept those characters’ partners.

It’s telling that these Moms get overly outraged whenever gay characters appear in children’s programming considering they haven’t put out any press releases condemning the Trump administration’s separation of children from their parents. They don’t care about actual problems. Just ones they’ve created for themselves because they’re supposedly guided by their faith.

Ann Vandersteel #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

During last Thursday’s episode of her “Steel Truth” program, right-wing QAnon conspiracy theorist Ann Vandersteel speculated that the ongoing coronavirus outbreak may have been orchestrated by the “deep state” and/or the British government in order to destabilize global markets, weaken the American economy, and prevent President Donald Trump from being reelected.

Vandersteel, who was unceremoniously disavowed by the Trump campaign last year after she repeatedly claimed to be a member of Trump’s 2020 campaign advisory board, said the virus seems to be especially deadly to “Asian males,” which led her to speculate that it may have been intentionally released in China to disrupt Trump’s trade agreement with that country, thereby undermining the U.S. economy.

“Is this perhaps a ploy to try to take down President Trump’s roaring economy that we have by sabotaging the markets, by creating fear porn and fear-mongering while they’re also killing Chinese people by the thousands?” she wondered. “Is that a strategy that the deep state would actually use?”

“Perhaps maybe the Crown, the Brits, who are not too fond of the Chinese, may have some sort of ulterior motive?” Vandersteel added. “These people don’t want President Trump to win. They don’t want him reelected. If you have him reelected, you know the deep state is going down … so I look at this as an opportunity to shake the core of what President Trump hangs his hat on, which is the economy. You rattle our stock market, and we have a dip and people go, ‘Oh, it was basically nothing but propped up stuff. This isn’t real, and we need to look to Bernie Sanders to bail us out.'”

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Dave Daubenmire is the latest Christian Right activist to pile on after Democrat Pete Buttigieg answered a question from a nine-year-old boy about how he could be brave when it came to telling people he’s gay. (Buttigieg said the kid, just by asking the question, didn’t need any advice from him on bravery.)

Daubenmire made the comments on his “Pass The Salt Live” program yesterday, saying that Buttigieg should be punished for “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

“Fifty years ago, they would have thrown Buttfudge in jail for even bringing it up and talking about it in front of a young kid,” Daubenmire bellowed. “What ever happened to shame? Why didn’t his mommy put him in a headlock and drag him off the court? Where’s his daddy?”

One of the participants in Daubenmire’s show then piped up to say that someone in the audience should have demanded that the sheriff remove Buttigieg from the stage for “violating the moral code of our lives,” while another declared that the boy who asked the question “was probably molested by either mom or dad or some relative.”

For his part, Daubenmire couldn’t believe that we live in a society where “a possible presidential candidate [is] contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”
Remember this exchange whenever Christians say they’re fine with homosexuality, just not homosexual acts. That’s not true. They can’t handle gay people, period. And they’re delusional about when people realize their sexual orientation.

Daubenmire and his guests are far more upset about Buttigieg treating a gay child with compassion that anything Donald Trump has done to harm children, whether it’s separating refugee kids from their parents or serving as the worst role model in American history.

These Christians don’t give a damn. Their bigotry overrules any semblance of common sense.

Rick Wiles #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Notorious Jew-hater Rick Wiles, fresh from being booted off of YouTube for his Christian bigotry, would like the Chinese leader to know there’s a simple way to stop the recent deadly strain of coronavirus.

All he has to do is convert to Christianity and bring the Chinese people along for the ride.


You have a plague, Mr. Xi Jinping. You brought it on China. Now do the right thing and repent, and tell the Chinese people you are sorry, you made a mistake, you repent, and ask them to put up in their homes the painting of Jesus Christ.

Watch what happens if you do it! The plague will stop!

You, Mr. Xi, turn to Jesus. You give your heart to Jesus Christ. You repent of your sins. You believe on His name, and you lead China to the cross. Do it, Mr. Xi. Do it for your people. Don’t be a fool. Lead China to Jesus. Lead them to salvation. The plague will stop.

No pandemic has even been prevented because of Jesus. Hell, no single germ has been defeated because someone prayed for it. Anyone who believes prayer will stop a virus should be grateful that there are scientists around the world who understand the utter futility of prayer when it comes to solving a problem.
Honestly, I’m shocked that Wiles didn’t blame the virus on Jews, since that’s his usual M.O.

What’s surprising, though, is that Wiles thinks turning to God is the way to stop the virus considering he recently said God created it to wipe sin off the planet. It proves the old saying: Christianity is a solution to problems created by Christianity.

Rep. Rodney Garcia #psycho #wingnut billingsgazette.com

ELENA — A Billings Republican legislator said Saturday he believes the U.S. Constitution calls for the shooting or jailing of those who identify as socialists.

State Rep. Rodney Garcia, from House District 52 on the South Side, first made a statement in the form of an unprompted question at a state party gathering in Helena Friday meant to kick off election season and offer training for party members and candidates.

In his question after a speech by former Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, who was Montana’s representative in the U.S. House for two years, Garcia said he was concerned about socialists “entering our government” and socialists “everywhere” in Billings, before saying the Constitution says to either shoot socialists or put them in jail.

The Montana Republican Party later condemned Garcia's remarks.

In this year's presidential election, President Donald Trump has often called Democrats "radical socialists" in an attempt to use the term socialism, which is defined as theories about collective or government ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution, as a boogeyman-like phrase to criticize proposals from Democrats where the federal government would play a larger role in areas like health care or education.

All but one of the Democratic Party candidates have repeatedly explained they are not socialists, while Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist.

After Zinke responded with a non sequitur “You know, Montana’s a great state,” Garcia said back: “We have to do something.”

Zinke’s answer to Garcia didn’t engage in Garcia's statement and pivoted to talk about the former Secretary's effort to open satellite offices of the Interior department in the western part of the U.S.

On Saturday, a reporter asked Garcia to clarify his remarks.

“So actually in the Constitution of the United States (if) they are found guilty of being a socialist member you either go to prison or are shot,” Garcia said.

Garcia could not to point to where in the Constitution it says socialists could be shot or jailed.

Asked to clarify if he thought it was fair to shoot or jail a socialist, including those who live in Montana, Garcia said yes.

“They’re enemies of the free state,” Garcia said. “What do we do with our enemies in war? In Vietnam, (Afghanistan), all those. What did we do?”

Asked if that was an appropriate response to his opponent from the last election cycle, Garcia said “according to the Constitution, I’m telling you.”

“I agree with my Constitution,” Garcia said. “That’s what makes us free. We’re not a democracy, we’re a Republic Constitution.”

In 2018 Garcia ran against Amelia Marquez for the House District 52 seat in Billings.

Marquez said Saturday she is associated with the Montana Democratic Party and is an eastern member at-large with the party’s executive board. She said she is also a democratic socialist and her political views align with those of Sanders.

Marquez said Saturday after being told about Garcia's statements she wished the state legislator would spend more time talking to his constituents about their needs.

“I wish Rep. Garcia would continue to focus on the issues rather than this constant worry over things that are somewhat ludicrous,” Marquez said.

Garcia said he views what he sees as an influx of socialism in Montana as a “very dangerous” situation and that socialism has destroyed countries like Venezuela.

“They’re teaching that to kids. Thank God my grandkids know it’s wrong because I teach them. And it’s a very dangerous situation," Garcia said.

Garcia added he believes socialism is growing, citing advertising he says is done by socialists on Facebook.

Garcia is not new to controversy. During the 2019 state legislative session in the midst of debate over child protective services, he went on a conservative radio show to accuse child protection workers of kidnapping children. He was forced to return a $3,000 campaign contribution in 2018. He also proposed a bill during the 2019 session that would have had the state of Montana buy the Colstrip power plant. It was tabled in committee.

The Montana Republican Party issued a statement Saturday censuring Garcia’s comments. When Garcia spoke Friday there was laughter after his question; some of those asked by a reporter about it said it was a response to an uncomfortable situation.

“The Montana Republican Party wholeheartedly condemns the comment that was made and under no circumstance is violence against someone with opposing political views acceptable,” said Spenser Merwin, the MT GOP executive director. “It’s disappointing that this isolated incident took away from the weekend’s events which showcased the strength of our statewide candidates and the importance of the upcoming election.”

The Montana Democratic Party on Saturday evening released a statement decrying Garcia.

Rick Wiles #racist #conspiracy friendlyatheist.patheos.com

In case you’ve forgotten, since it’s been a minute or two, right-wing pundit Rick Wiles hates Jews. A lot. He’s already blamed them for impeaching Donald Trump, and now he says it’s their fault for rigging the app used in reporting the results of the Iowa caucus.

You want proof? Then you’re asking far more questions than Wiles ever has.

The pro-Israel owner of the Times of Israel newspaper, he’s backing homosexual mayor Pete Buttigieg, and he’s the money man behind this app?” Wiles asked his co-host, Doc Burkhart. “Are you suggesting the Israelis are influencing the election to have the Democrats nominate its first openly homosexual presidential candidate?

What happened last night was weird, and we have already pointed out there is an Israeli connection,” Wiles said later in the program. “They might accuse me of being anti-Semitic for saying it, but the truth is there is an Israeli connection to the app that bombed last night in Iowa. But you’re not allowed to say these things. Everybody is being censored now. By who? The same people who are doing this stuff.

Though Wiles’ anti-Semitism is almost comical in its lack of originality — he just had to throw in a money reference to check off more boxes on his Bingo card — his ability to jump to a conspiracy theory when pure incompetence makes far more sense is all too common.

Anonymous Asshole #racist theguardian.com


Happy Brexit Day
As we finally have our great country back we feel
there is one rule to that needs to be made clear to
Winchester Tower residents.
We do not tolerate people speaking other languages
than English in the flats.
We are now our own country again and the the
Queens English is the spoken tongue here.
If you do want to speak whatever is the mother
tongue of the country you came from then we suggest
you return to that place and return your flat to the
council so they can let British people live here and we
can return to what was normality before you infected
this once great island.
It's a simple choice obey the rule of the majority or
You won't have long till our government will
implement rules that will put British first. So, best evolve
or leave.
God Save the Queen, her government and all true

Rick Wiles #racist #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

When right-wing conspiracy theorist and End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles and the team from his TruNews network were granted press credentials by the White House to cover President Donald Trump’s trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last week, it understandably generated news because Wiles and his network are virulently anti-Semitic.

On last night’s episode of his “TruNews” program, Wiles lashed out over the criticism that he and his network received, and predictably did so by blaming “the Jewish-controlled news media” for trying to shut him down.

“I have three constitutional rights at play here,” Wiles said. “We’re a news organization right here, this is freedom of the press. I have freedom of speech, I have a right as an American to express my views. And freedom of religion, I can express my religious beliefs also.”

Wiles said that the “news Nazis” are not only violating his rights, but are actively working to crush him and his network.

“They’re crushing all alternative voices in this country,” he said. “The Zionists are saying, ‘We will control what can be said, what you can think, everything.'”

“Wake up and realize what is happening to your country,” Wiles warned. “There is very little time left to stop the complete takeover. This is a takeover of the United States. You are being brought into slavery, you are being brought into captivity. It’ll be 100 years before you can break out of this. Look what happened to the Russians. They went 70 years when the Jews took over Russia in 1917 … so it’s happening to America right now.”

Wiles’ co-host, Edward Szall, added that when the Jews took over Russia, the royal family “was killed in a blood sacrifice.”

Chris McDonald #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

Right-wing broadcaster Chris McDonald dedicated the first hour and a half of his “The MC Files” program last night to asserting that the recent death of former professional basketball player Kobe Bryant was an occult “ritual sacrifice” that may possibly have been orchestrated by Hillary Clinton, who everyone knows is a witch.

McDonald, an unmitigated conspiracy theorist who was recently welcomed to Capitol Hill by Republican Rep. Phil Roe of Tennessee, interviewed self-proclaimed “political occultist expert” Cory Daniel about Bryant’s death.

After Daniel asserted that Bryant was undoubtedly a witch and McDonald declared that his death was obviously a “ritual sacrifice,” McDonald asked the question that was on everybody’s mind: Could Hillary Clinton have orchestrated Bryant’s death through witchcraft?

“This is the only wild conspiracy theory I am going to ever toss out there on this program,” McDonald laughably asserted. “I normally don’t do this, but this is just a food for thought question.”

“We all know that it is pretty much a given that Mrs. HRC … is a witch,” McDonald continued. “Can a witch cast a spell on something like this to cause death and not be [known]? I’m just throwing that out. I don’t know anything about this stuff, you do. Is that possible if she wanted to get rid of Kobe? Please, Right Wing Watch, don’t be putting in that me and Cory are saying this; this is just a food for thought question. Do you think Hillary would be able to do it if she wanted to do it?”

Dave Daubenmire #racist rightwingwatch.org

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married in 2018, right-wing activist Dave Daubenmire decried the union as a “psy op” that was intended to promote “the blending of the races,” which is something that Daubenmire vehemently opposes because he believes that interracial marriage has weakened America.

“Today, interracial marriage would be considered honorable, when 40 years ago it would have been considered a disgrace,” Daubenmire argued in 2017. “Now is it a disgrace or is it honorable? Has the mixing of culture been good for America or has it been bad? Is America stronger today than we were 40 years ago or are we weaker today? And could it be are we weaker today because multiculturalism is spiritual AIDS and has brought an infection into what was once a great Christian American culture?”

On his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast yesterday, Daubenmire reacted to the news that Harry and Meghan were stepping back from their positions as members of the royal family by blaming Markle for having “infiltrated” and “poisoned” the royal bloodline.

“How is the royal bloodline of the crown being poisoned?” Daubenmire asked. “Is there something special about this commoner who has married into the royalty?”

“She’s half black,” Daubenmire answered. “When [Harry and Meghan] step back, what is going to be at the heart of why she did it? What are they going to say? Come on. Wake up here. What are they going to say? … Racism! She never felt comfortable. She felt like she was below everybody else.”

“The royal family is the seat of Christianity,” he continued. “We cannot deny the impact the royal family has had on the WASP-y culture; the White Anglo Saxon Protestant culture is a result of what has happened within the crown. And the crown has now, for the first time, been infiltrated with a bloodline … oh my goodness, that sounds racist, doesn’t it?”

“Don’s miss what’s going on,” Daubenmire said. “This infiltrator comes in, proud of her infiltration, proud of her multiculturalism. And what is that demon doing? Destroying and upsetting everything, every tradition in that royal family.”

Bill Mitchell #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

Ardent pro-Trump commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Bill Mitchell declared on Friday’s episode of his “YourVoice America” program that Joe Biden is a pedophile and the prospect of him winning the Democratic presidential nomination will force Michelle Obama to run for president in an effort to rescue the Democrats from sure destruction in 2020.

“Joe Biden is literally the antithesis of everything that liberals say they stand for,” Mitchell said. “He’s Mr. Gropy McGropster and we’ve all seen the videos of him … If he’s that into the whole pedophilia thing, what does he do when he’s in private if he does this in public? It’s frightening to imagine.”

Mitchell went on to assert that the fact that nobody is talking about the possibility of Michelle Obama running for president should be taken as evidence that such plans are being made.

“Who is going to step into the gap for them as the moderate savior?” he asked. “Who is always in the media, for months and months? Michelle Obama. Who has not been in the media for two months? Michelle Obama.”

“Is it possible that the Democrats are holding back Michelle Obama as the savior candidate?” Mitchell said. “Is it possible that she could be their ringer they’re waiting to put in? And the reason I think that is because if I were them, that is what I would do, and also, she has been completely silent. When was the last time Michelle Obama was silent? No news reports about her, no commentary from her, we’ve heard nothing from her on the whole Mueller thing, nothing, nothing, quiet, quiet, quiet. When the media gets really quiet about somebody, you’ve got to worry that they’ve got something going on.”

“Jaime”, Francine Fosdick #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #pratt friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Christian radio host Francine Fosdick, last seen on this site because a guest on her show falsely claimed the Red Cross was turning to human trafficking for blood donations, aired a prayer during her show that former First Lady Michelle Obama would be exposed as a man.

(She’s not even the first person this month to make that absurd suggestion.)

This prayer came courtesy of “Jaime,” a guest on the show.

“Father, I thank you for exposing all of the corrupt book deals, not only Obama’s, but Joe Biden’s, Michelle’s,” Jaime continued. “And speaking of Michelle, today ABC just had an article saying that she’s been named the most admired woman in the world for the second year in a row. Father, I am asking you that whatever plan they have to have Michelle or Hillary [Clinton] run for president, we call that cancelled in Jesus’ name. And I am asking you Father that the true identity of Michelle — Michael — would be exposed. Father, I am asking you that that whole family, that those children — they are not their children, they’re the children of Obama’s best friend — Father, we ask you that that whole lie would be exposed for the everyday person to see it, in Jesus’ name.”

Leave it to the worst kind of person to ask God to “expose” a complete lie. (Where Jaime got this information is anyone’s guess.)
Considering the Obamas are no longer even in the White House, this all seems rather overblown anyway. But since none of the doomsday predictions that conservative extremists made about the Obamas came true — no mass persecution of Christians, no round-ups for preaching — I guess they have to resort to this nonsense to avoid embarrassment. Even if we blow it off, there are people — somewhere — eating it up.

For what it’s worth, every display of faith made by Obama was far more genuine than what conservative Christians have seen from Donald Trump. And all that without hush money payments or a fervent desire to begin World War III to distract people from impeachment.