RetroSpriteResources #sexist
Remember how I used to believe we could stop the rape of respectable women by limiting rape to sluts? Well, now I have a new idea on how to stop the rape of respectable women without sacrificing sluts.
It's simple really, you will never stop men from wanting to rape women. 58% of men are just the ones who will admit that they wish they could legally rape a woman. Thing is, for men at least, sex is a basic need. It's like food or water. Only someone with either an exceptionally strong will, access to it or has something wrong with them won't do anything at any risk to get their hands on food and water.
No amount of laws, enforcement, education or punishment will stop men (and some women) from wanting to rape others. Normal men (and some women) will always resort to rape when sex is taken away from them unless they have Buddist monk level willpower or are asexual.
So the only way to help solve this problem is to wake up, smell reality and realize that we can't create a rape-free utopia, we just have to do the best we can to fix the problem 99% of the way.
To stop most rape, we could just campaign the government to take all the worst male and female prisoners who have murdered, abused children, raped, etc, and turn them into public sex slaves.
This way, only piece of shit men and women who no one loves or cares about will be raped and no innocent people will ever have to suffer again. Plus, they'll get extra punishment for the crimes they committed. It's a win-win situation.
There will also be tons of other side benefits such as saved money on rape prosecutions that can instead go towards things like building the southern wall or strengthening our military.
Please don't say your voice doesn't matter, because it does. Campaign the government to do this for the sake of every innocent rape victim who has suffered.
Peace! Make America great again!