@Antichrist and @#1110854:
Hear hear!
The world's governments definitely need more dialogue.
Personally, I've never understood the whole thing with wars and shizz... Don't we get taught in school that we're supposed to resolve conflicts calmly with words, and not with our fists? To me, when two countries go to war, it only shows that their leaders can only act like kindergarteners and aren't fit to be leading countries. It really doesn't seem all that hard for people who disagree with each other to sit down and talk things over. Even if they can't come to an agreement (and really, considering all the idiotic stuff wars get fought over, they SHOULD be able to reach an agreement 9 times out of 10, with enough ingenuity), at least innocent civilians aren't dying in the meantime. And that's another thing I've never understood about war why is that in a war it becomes OK to kill innocent people? Who exactly is in a disagreement? The head honchos, right? So then why don't they duke it out instead of getting us involved?
Of course, I know I have a lousy understanding of politics/war/government, so I realize my take on it must be very simplistic... But come on, people!
Anyway...yeah. That was my little pacifist, world-peace rant. :)
And @Ryan J. Murdough:
I actually can understand how frustrated you must be having to work your tail off only to have the government give money to other countries instead of its own people... But would you rather be in their shoes? One of the casualties in Haiti? One of the starving/sick/injured survivors? How about gaining a little perspective, hmm? And considering how many people like you there seem to be in America, I think it's great that the government agrees to send money to anyone. Just goes to show you that sometimes the government IS right and the people ARE just stupid. (Like during WWII. The Mounties didn't really think that the Japanese citizens posed a threat, but the "native Canadians" made such a stink that the Mounties caved and set up the internment camps. It's when I read about bullshit like that that the "idiot masses" really piss me off. GROW A BRAIN!!! And your brainstem doesn't count!)
Anyway, if a country as a whole can afford to help another country, I think they should do so. To do otherwise would show a depraved indifference. And America really doesn't need that kind of reputation. ;)