Arodion #racist
At this point, it is completely irrelevant what any of you thinks about Tommy Robinson.
All that really matters is this: He is a White British lad who speaks up against crimes committed by Non-Whites against White Children.
A very large number of average normal White people finally got out of their armchairs, turned off their televisions and got out on the street to protest.
This is a huge potential that we need to use to our advantage.
We finally have a large crowd of people who're speaking up against injustices against Whites - so let's build upon this and use it to the best of our advantage. We should talk to those people and support them as good as we can. There is also no need to immediately turn everybody into a White Nationalist, we can do that in stages, tell people there is more out there than just being Anti-Islam and tell them where they can get more information if they want to learn more about it.
Even if none of them wants to become a WN, it is still a huge win for us because once it becomes socially acceptable to openly talk about Islam and Immigration policies, people will naturally start asking questions and become interested in learning more.