David J. Stewart #sexist jesusisprecious.org
Everything she touched turned to ruin. I got tired of her losing the mail, so I built a two foot deep mailbox, because I couldn't find one big enough to buy. I built it, put a lock on it, and mounted it to the inside of the door. I cut a big hole through the door for magazine sized mail. She wasn't allowed to touch the mail. This is considered “abuse” by today's scumbag judges and lawyers, but they aren't the ones who get in trouble when the bills don't get paid, because your wife is a knucklehead who cannot even be responsible with the mail. Multiply this times a thousand and it describes my 18 years of marriage! I learned the hard way that there is the engagement ring, the wedding ring and then THE SUFFERING!!! After 10 years since the divorce, I'm still recovering.