Andy Schlafly #fundie

The invisible hand of marriage is unseen force of productivity that results from the marriage of a man and woman.[1]

The invisible hand of marriage is more powerful and influential than the "invisible hand" identified by Adam Smith in economics. Indeed, the source of productivity from Smith's invisible hand has been erroneously attributed to purely economic considerations, without properly factoring in the productive force of marriage. Self-interest and greed are not the primary driving forces of the invisible hand, but marriage is.

Key elements of the invisible hand of marriage include:

* the powerful incentive to work for the benefit of someone else who needs your efforts, such as a spouse or child
* the motivation to work for a future that will likely extend beyond one's own life
* the checks and balances against unproductive activity, anxiety, depression and addiction, from the very different perspectives of a man and a woman
* the insights and wisdom that result from complementary outlooks by a man and woman in marriage
* the pushing and prodding, analogous to what a supervisor, coach or sergeant does, that encourages and compels people in marriage to achieve their best
* a division of labor that enables each spouse to work on what he or she does best

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Same-sex marriage

There is no invisible hand of marriage if the spouses have the same gender. Virtually none of the above elements exist in same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is a recipe for unproductive activity, anxiety, depression and addition, with the enormously beneficial checks and balances provided by traditional marriage.


1. ? This concept was first discovered and developed on Conservapedia. When this entry was generated here, a Google search on "invisible hand of marriage" did not find a single reference on the internet: "No results found for 'invisible hand of marriage.'"



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