The Antichrist must be stopped in his tracks.
Unfortunately it looks as though President Bush is unwilling to act, so a more drastic form of intervention may be required to STOP THE ANTICHRIST.
[Garvan thinks that Barack Obama is the Antichrist]
Right, aren't you lot supposed to think that the Will of God can't be thwarted no matter how hard you try?
Relax and accept it: the world is doomed.
Garvan never ceases to amaze me. According to the bible, it's Jesus who has to stop the AC. But in the gospel according to Garvan, he can do it single handedly by posting a bunch of bullshit on his webblog. I just love how fundies think that they can claim to be 'bible only', and yet never read the thing. That's absolutely fucking hilarious to me. At the very most, a fundy can quote two or three verses to back up their incessant hate, but that's it. Most fundamentalist christians have never read anything in the bible. Most have probably never even heard any of it quoted. All they can do is spout their insane beliefs, claim it's in the bible, but never show you where. I think that's why they claim that the ideas of atheists and scientists are unfounded, because most are illiterate. They can't read what atheists and scientists actually publish, so they rely on the preaching of their even more batshit insane pastors. This is the reason why our society is dying. The moderate and liberal christians need to start raising their voices to this bullshit.
"Right, aren't you lot supposed to think that the Will of God can't be thwarted no matter how hard you try? "
Except when it was gods will that McCain wins.
"The moderate and liberal christians need to start raising their voices to this bullshit. "
Maybe its just from growing up in redneckville but it seems to me alot of 'moderate' christians agree with the fundies but just dont want to come off as batshit insane to the modern world.
... President Bush is unwilling to act ...
He really wants to, but he has pretty much used up his intellectual capacity for the day by the time he finishes tying his shoes.
OK. Everyone who's decided on a modern-day Antichrist, raise your hand.
*millions of fundies' hands go up*
Now, lower your hand if you think that Antichrist is Barack Obama.
*all but one or two hands go back down*
I find it amusing how "fundies" seem to think it is their solemn duty to interfere in events that are Biblically foretold to happen regardless of what they want or how they themselves feel about it. If the Bible says it's going to happen then it's going to happen, and if Obama turns out to be the AC after all, there's nothing they can do about it according to the Bible itself, but they don't seem to have read it at all, as a few FSTDT commentators have already noted.
Nobody knows who the AC will be and I'm amazed as to why a lot of "fundies" seem to think they know exactly who the AC is or will be or when Jesus' Second Coming is, despite Him saying Himself that even He doesn't know when He will return. But hey, that's what happens when they don't read their own Bibles.
If anyone reading this is puzzled by how I worded it, I'm a Christian myself. Just pointing out a common error of their's. =P
Thinking you can stop the Antichrist, a being assigned by God to bring about the end of the world?
Is that arrogant or what?
Wait, does this guy think Bush will invalidate an American election, and presumably hang on to power in defiance of the majority's choice, because *Obama* is the Antichrist?
Time to inform the Authorities that Garvan is a potential killer of a president? Or may be a potential terrorist?
You had better explain yourself Garv, or the men with guns may be breaking down your door.
Are you "A White Christian", planning and suggesting we "intervene to stop Obama" from becoming president.
You do know what a terrorist threat is right?
"Did you forget to take your anti-psychotic meds this morning?"
Garv stopped taking his anti-psychotic meds about three years ago because he decided he did not need them. And he hates psychiatry and action figures.
I really do think that the appropriate authorities should be pointed in Garvins direction.
He has said that that is not his real name but he should be easy enough to track down from all the information on his blog.
He lives in Chesterfield - a small town in the north of England.
It can help contacting the authorities about this nutter.
I see in a recent post on his blog that he has been given an ASBO (AntiSocial Behaviour Order) to prevent him lighting stinking fires in his garden and causing a nuisance.
He is ranting about this being a police state.
Actually I emailed his local council about him burning old car batteries in his garden so it is good to see action being taken.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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