Reptilian Actress Emma Thompson and Alexandra Cousteau
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When she was a child in England, my wife was in religion class at school with Emma Thompson; she was not a reptile. She does, however, have British teeth. They are just as good as American ones; Brits just don't put the same priority on orthodontistry. And let's see you look as good, FrequencyFence, when you get to her age.
Ah, Namesake of Scopie's Law where intelligence goes to die.
Thanks, @The Reptilian Jew!
How DARE you, sir.
You shame us for our scales and our teeth, and conflate us with the Jewish people. This is barely cloaked racism, both against the Jews, and against we cold-blooded folk.
As a Reptilian of Color, I am DEEPLY offended by your insinuations.
I sssee you're unaware of the circumssstancesss.
I indeed am a reptilian, who alssso happensss to be Jewisssh. I posssted thisss mockery of our ssspeciesss in order to ssshed light on the increasssing ssspeciesssisssm that we're a target of.
G'hiss Goldspiel.
Alssso, forgive my hisssing, I'm ssstill learning Earth languagesss.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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