
whale.to #quack #conspiracy #crackpot whale.to

[This is the 'Protection Racket' 1 for the extortion scheme known as Allopathy Inc (that sits upon Vivisection), run by the Psychopathic Medical Mafia. With one hand they create and maintain disease, with the other extort taxpayers money for 'protection' through drugs--only one class of drugs, the antibiotics, has cured any disease. The more fear they can induce then the less thinking and the easier it is to control people into the direction they want: Allopathy. They create fear of infectious disease by suppressing infectious disease cures (Vitamin C Conspiracy Sandler, M.D. Natural Healing, Homeopathy), suppressing the nutritional and poisonous causes (Infections & poisons Infection & nutrition) hyping their danger (Hype Disease risk), enforcing the false Pasteurian germ theory, and making out man made diseases are infectious (AIDS, Polio, BSE), while covering up the ineffectiveness of vaccination, and the real reason for their decline, by propaganda.
The degenerative disease racket is kept up in a similar way: suppress the cause and cures, and use largely ineffective, but lucrative, toxic Allopathic medicine that only treats symptoms (palliates) but never cures. Disease is also created by a covert-poisoning scheme, eg fluoridation, vaccine disease, Aluminium, Junk Food etc. see: Human genocide
In the US the racket is controlled by the FDA (Food and Drug Bandit), which protects and controls the market for Allopathy Inc drugs. The CDC (Disease Control Bandit) makes sure everyone is frightened of 'infectious' disease so they can sell vaccines, whose propaganda value is incalculable (see: Why Vaccination Continues).

Andrew Hennessey #conspiracy #fundie whale.to

By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.

By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun-worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism. If there is no God, and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me. They have turned Madonna, the Mother of God, into a material girl living in a material world. Their rich, powerful corporations with slick Sun-cult logos sell us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world while we tacitly believe their “science,” vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, and watch their movies, sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism.

Our eyes and experience tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, and everything in the sky revolves around us. When we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we must prostrate ourselves at the feet of the very pseudo-scientists who blinded us, to treat them as "experts," astronomical "priests" who have special knowledge only they can access, like the Hubble telescope. By brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental, it makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece of cake!

Earth being the flat, fixed center of the universe, around which everything in the heavens revolves denotes a special importance and significance not only the Earth, but to us humans, the most intelligent among the intelligent designer's designs. By turning Earth into a spinning ball thrown around the Sun and shot through infinite space from a Godless Big Bang they turn humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind, dumb universe! It's trauma-based mind-control! They beat the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.

Steve Kelley #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut whale.to


"The Getty is an Ark for royalty and art," explains Kelley. "Unlike most of the the 250-odd other metropolitans under the continental United States, it lacks pretext for military-grade security. Issues like 'national security' or 'continuity of government' have no relevance there. Unlike a Dulce or Area 51, it is completely approachable. If we occupy it peacefully, there is no way they can justify a violent response."

On the flip side - as intimated in the Protocols - the Getty is designed to deal with violent intruders in a doomsday scenario. Presumably, the proverbial red button blinks somewhere within its bowels. The museum's architecture has bizarre features that start to make sense if we view it as a de facto fortress.

At first glance, the claim that an art museum is actually a fortress guarding an underground pleasure palace and satanic temple might seem far-fetched. Yet we know that orgies, pedophilia, satanism, and human trafficking are endemic in "elite" culture. Plenty has also come to light regarding underground facilities, as well as the technology needed to create them.

Now he is launching #OccupyTheGetty, a call for real world patriots - unlike the actors in Oregon - to take a stand that is at once peaceful and strategically intelligent. He is calling for an occupation of the museum's main entrance area. Unlike the fractious bitching of the Occupy Wall St. movement, #OccupyTheGetty activists must stick to one unwavering demand: FREE THE CHILDREN. What children? THE CHILDREN HELD CAPTIVE UNDER THIS MUSEUM. The goal is to get public attention focused on the Getty, generating pressure on the museum to disprove the claim.

Andrew Hennessey #ufo #conspiracy #magick #racist whale.to

The Satanic networks, under the names of their various deities, were created by the Babylonian Brotherhood to serve their needs. We have seen that the accounts of the Watchers and their off spring, the Nefilim, include references to their blood drinking activities. The Brotherhood know that blood contains the life-force energy. Drinking menstrual blood has always been a feature of the reptilian bloodlines because they need blood to live in this dimension. It was known as the Star Fire, the female lunar essence. The female menstrual cycle is governed by the cycles of the Moon and the blood contains that energy. Its ingredients are supposed to ensure a long life. In India it was called soma and in Greece it was ambrosia. This was said to be the nectar of the gods and it was the reptilian gods who are genetic blood drinkers. The 'holy grail' chalice or cup is also symbolic of the womb and ~ drinking menstrual blood, as well as being a symbol of the reptilian 'royal' bloodline itself.
The reptilians and their crossbreeds drink blood because they are drinking the person's life-force and because they need it to exist in this dimension. They will often shape-shift into reptilians when drinking human blood and eating human flesh, I am told by those who have seen this happen. Blood drinking is in their genes and an Elite high priestess or 'Mother Goddess' in the hierarchy, who performed rituals for the Brotherhood at the highest level, told me that without human blood the reptilians cannot survive in this dimension. Her name is Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Ann Green. Interestingly, she said that the reptilians had been pursuing the Aryan peoples around the universe, because the blood of the white race was particularly important to them for some reason and the blond haired, blue-eyed genetic stream was the one they wanted more than any other. They had followed the white race to Mars, she said, and then came to Earth with them.

whale.to #conspiracy whale.to

[Cell phone (also Tetra & Power) towers are safe is a well proven lie (1, 2) (so they know) to go with numerous other long standing lies where the truth has been suppressed, such as the 200 year old vaccine one (see), while the towers have been placed as if they were as safe as small trees, often deliberately right next to schools (see) when safer placements are easily available (see Gorebridge for example, where the TV and Police masts are way out of town). Their main function appears to be the spread of DOR, part of the Covert genocide agenda. Shown a larger tower spec, an electrical engineer put it's output at 576 KWH. Transmitters at microwave frequencies normal only require a max of 1.0 watt, not kilo watts.1 The normal tower has 5 thumb thick cables running up the mast from the power supply. One tower in central Birmingham next to a Mosque had 12 such cables, when something no bigger than a pencil would do the job. There is one mast/unit per 2,000 people, and you can drive across open untowered country to find one in the town edge among houses as if their range was miles, and not many thousands a satellite can deliver from, and according to someone who visited Russia he couldn't see any towers at all, so satellites must be delivering those signals.
Tetra is another highly suspicious addition (1, 2, 3), along with the deaths of 22 Marconi scientists suggesting a mind control function in addition to disease inducing. Their big brother surveillance function has been revealed (1, 2) which is another red flag. You would be a damn sight more surprised if they weren't up to another poisoning agenda at the very least, to go with all of their other poisonings, and assorted nefarious plots. Eg HAARP, Aspartame, Fluoride, Chemtrails, and a spectacular breaking of cover with Depleted Uranium. Not forgetting 911, drugs, wars....
Luckily any diabolical plot has been zapped by Orgonite which kills all DOR, what looks to be the only, or main danger to humans WinkWink. ]

Nancy Appleton #fundie whale.to

In the late nineteenth century, Louis Pasteur's "germ theory" became the medical paradigm, the controlling medical idea, for the Western world. In its simplest form, the germ theory proposes that the body is sterile and that germs from the air cause disease. The medical community started to look for the right pill to kill off the germ. This concept became ingrained into medicine and medical research. Most research goes to looking for the right pill for a specific disease.

If new ideas concerning the cause of disease do not fit into this theory that airborne germs cause disease and the answer to illness is finding the right pill to cure the disease, then these new ideas fall on deaf ears. Any paradigm, or group of ideas, is difficult to break into if the new ideas do not add to the original ideas.

The billion dollar pharmaceutical industry has taken away some of the symptoms and pain but has not found the answer to many infectious and most all degenerative diseases. In the U. S., in spite of all the money, research, and volunteer hours spent, all major degenerative diseases are increasing per 100,000. Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. Infectious diseases are also on the rise. Every year, old symptoms are given new names-names like Herpes, AIDS, Epstein-Barr virus, Candida Albicans, chronic fatigue syndrome, environmental illness, and fibromyalgia - to make them appear to be the work of new germs. People live in hope that soon a magic pill will be found. Unless we turn this nonsense around, the list will only grow in the future. The medical community and the individual must start looking at what is causing the illness rather than how to cure the illness.

The responsibility for health has been taken away from the individual. If germs from the air cause disease then the medical community must find the answer. The individual is not responsible. What can we do to stop germs from the air getting in our mouths and our whole body? According to the germ theory, we can do nothing for a cure or to stop the cause of disease. There are always germs in the air. We are breathing in these germs right now. Some of us get sick and some of us do not get sick. For some of us who do get sick, the cold lingers for days. Others of us seem to get well very fast. It seems a more logical explanation is that germs are allowed to cause problems in our body when we do not have a strong immune system.

In primitive villages today there are very few degenerative diseases but it they are coming. As sugar and other processed foods arrive and people move into the cities, where lives become distressful, due to crime, pollution, drugs, and poor living conditions, degenerative disease becomes prevalent. When people do get symptoms, they believes that pills and modern technology will heal them. Medical clinics pop up in the cities to help "cure" people with magic pills. They do not understand that they are creating this mess themselves.

In order for germs and disease not to become a problem in our body, we need to take responsibility back for our health. There are parts of our twentieth century life style that could be causing us to suppress our immune systems. What we eat, think, say, do, and feel can affect our immune system, positively or negatively. If we eat whole foods, do not let stress become distress, not let negative thoughts become a problem, and exercise, then our immune system will be able to function well and germs will not be able to become a problem in our body. Stop doing to the body what you did to make it sick and the body will heal itself. Detoxify the body, give it the nutrients it needs and the body will be able to defend us against infectious and degenerative diseases.

John Scudamore #conspiracy whale.to


"Traditionally, the power of medical sciences has been based on the fear of disease, particularly infectious disease."--Peter Duesberg (Inventing The AIDS Virus).

[Only Psychopaths could do this. It has been known for decades (centuries, see Diet/nutrition re smallpox) that we are chronically depleted of vitamin C, and for 60 years that it will cure, ameliorate, prevent or reverse numerous diseases, (eg infectious diseases, cot-death, Heart Disease) as shown by Linus Pauling, Irwin Stone, Dr Klenner MD, Cathcart, M.D., Archie Kalokerinos M.D., among many others, but the medical mafia have suppressed this knowledge, mostly by completely ignoring it, and CODEX is their latest attempt to suppress it. All the media (UK and USA) have been sent the research on Vitamin C reversing heart disease, by Owen Fonorow, at least a decade ago. Vitamin C as medicine would completely destroy the medical industry which is why they are quite happy to let millions die from infections (e.g. over 10 million from Sepsis), cot-death and heart disease. Without the Disease Protection Racket it would collapse, and the Matrix along with it.]

Whale.to #conspiracy whale.to

Entire Kay Griggs: Military Homoccult Beast System. "They took with them the most perverted aspects of Nazi Germany and brought them over to the United States." "They get rid of the good guys. The Marine Corps are the assassins for the Mob. The military is run by the Mob. The military IS the Mob." "He told me what they did. They nurture--they cultivate--the sons of prominent families. They're called "rising stars." They rope them in. Then they "turn" them." Colonel's wife names names in Military/homosexual/pedophile Underground
Recently, Kay Griggs, a prominent military colonel's wife, set out to right a long history of patent wrongs, which include:
- homosexual initiation rites in the U.S. military-
-particularly within the Marines;
- well-documented instances of both
- homosexual and
- hetero pedophilia, often as brazen rape, amongst U.S. military figures and notable senior statesmen, Henry Kissinger being named loudly by Mrs. Griggs.

The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by sodomy of the three year old....A lot of people think of the Illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family.. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

Bielek also said that Reich, during the time in the late 40s when he was doing research on human sexuality for the CIA, is said to have conducted orgies as part of the research, though Al B. makes it clear that he never witnessed it, personally, and of course Bielek's time at Montauk started probably much later. He also said that Reich tried to sabotage the research data when he realized what the CIA was going to do with it: MK Ultra mind conditioning for young boys through sexual trauma. --Don Croft

Well, the CIA's definition of wholesome is starting to rape YOUR children as young as two years of age! Sexually traumatizing them, installing demonic entities in their auras, and turning them into lust-starved assassins with NO HIGHER SELF. Wholesome... Cbswork - June 2004

Al told us that Reich was one of the first scientists employed by the CIA in mind control research. When he realized what the aims of the CIA were in the late 1940’s Reich quit the program after sabotaging the research, but it was too late to stop them from using his work. The Montauk Boys Program was based on Reich’s findings and the researchers forced the boys to engage in sodomy in order to get psychic control over them. Carol told me that the reason I was particularly uncomfortable at Montauk is because I had been one of the early recruits as a child. Al told us that many of the boys died before he was able to get the programmers to stop forcing their cooperation. This would help explain my hatred for this kind of activity. Al says that as he travels around the country he now recognizes many men who had been recruited in the program. The first few hundred were taken from the immediate vicinity. After it became apparent that this would lead to exposure of the program, they used the time tunnel technology (this had been used to abduct Al and his associates from around the country) to pick up boys, brainwash them, and return them before their absence was noticed. This technology was contributed by the B Sirians, whom Al says are the hardware merchants of the galaxy. Carol and I are finding out what the aliens got out of that deal. [2001] The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft – Parts 1 - 10

When you see those pics and films from the prisons of Iraq, you are witnessing the exact procedures and protocols of the MKultra programming, right in your face. See, they need to BREAK YOU DOWN SEXUALLY. Then build you back up, gay, angry, soulless, and willing to do anything YOUR HANDLER TELLS YOU TO DO OR ELSE. Cbswork - June 2004

Hitler was a sexual deviant who would do anything to hide his sexual proclivities from the public. This made him a puppet to any foreign country or ideology with the knowledge on him. This is known as "the wood" on a person and anyone with 'the wood' has control over that person. ......Hans Mend: "In 1915 we were billeted in a brewery and slept in the hay. Hitler was bedded down at night with Schmidtl, his male whore. We heard a rustling in the hay. Then someone switched on his electric flashlight and growled 'look at those two faggots'.....Many of the highest-placed leaders in the Nazi party, including IHitler, Roehm, Forster, von Schirach and almost all of his bodyguards were gay. Hitler surrounded himself with homosexuals and even retrieved Roehm from Bolivia, making him Deputy Fuhrer. This knowledge enabled outside countries like Britain and ideologies like the Freemasons to control Hitler, his high command and his bodyguards. Hitler and his band of merry bandits became puppets with wooden strings. In this way, any foreign society can be destroyed with a leader hiding their sexuality. Hitler, Roehm, Forster and von Schirach took part in destroying their own societies while enjoying the power it gave them. Hitler was a double agent prime minister. He worked for a foreign country (Britain) and a foreign ideology (the Freemasons). The formula proved so effective it is still used today, in politics and the media, especially with TV personalities, radio announcers, prime ministers and presidents, both male and female. Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett p.65

The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'. The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

Whale.to #conspiracy whale.to

[Darwinism and Evolution (along with Heliocentrism) theory was designed to promote Atheism (i.e. suppress spirituality, contact with the true God), and hide the controlling alien entities of this planet known as the Anunnaki /Archons, in the Bible as Jehovah (psychopathic pseudo-'gods'). There are tons of artefacts (many thrown into the sea) showing intelligent life on this planet (see footprint below and Michael Cremo books), many 2-50 million, some 2 Billion (Cremo--older than the Dinosaurs ) years before we were meant to have crawled out of a swamp, the fossil evidence of which they have yet to produce, and they never will, it is absurd (Ancient Artefacts showing Darwinism/Evolution to be wrong). Best recent expose of Human history and origins is: [vid] Michael Tellinger's presentation of the Anunnaki.]

Whale.to #conspiracy whale.to

[EW 2009 Jan] Scientists Behind the Learning Curve re: Dolphins ;-) during a feeding session a female dolphin swam faster and faster around the pool and then leaped out of the water toward Gentry's outstretched hand, which held a fish. Instead of grabbing the fish, the dolphin took his hand in her teeth for a moment and looked into his eyes. Gentry said the surroundings disappeared in that moment, which stretched into an extended vision of the then-probable future of our world--full of destruction and death. When she let go, the vision abruptly ended and she resumed swimming around the pool. He immediately left the facility and didn't return.

[EW Feb 2008] Film of Dolphins Manipulating Gravity

[EW 24 Oct 2006] Lines of Force Around Our Flying Dolphin....---Don Croft The dolphin was photographed near Santa Monica, California, a few hours after Rick Moors put the first large orgonite device in the Pacific Ocean there in January, 2002. A thousand or so bottlenose dolphins showed up at the site, which so astonished the photographer that he shot a couple rolls of film of the event from his balcony, next to the beach. When he developed the film, none of the dolphins in the water were in the photographs and only this one was seen, lazily 'swimming' from left to right, about fifty feet above the water in several frames. The photographer hadn't noticed the flying dolphin, by the way, so was doubly astonished when it showed up in the photos, later
[EW Aug 2006] Whales Attracted to Dolphin Ball

[EW June 2006] May 2005 Trip to Hawaii - Carol Croft

[EW May 2006] Dolphin hyperdimensional physics displays...--Don Croft
The dolphin began swimming very fast around the tank, then swam suddenly toward Gentry, came out of the water and held his hand in her teeth while looking into his eyes. He was overwhelmed with a dark future vision in that instant and was suspended in time while a vision of the self-destruction of humanity played out. Then she let go, dropped back into the water and swam away from him.

[feb 2005] The Sacred Geometry of Cetaceans ----
Stevo's whale friend said yes, that's the goal. In his words: "They, the Illuminati, have always feared the humans linking with the cetaceans like this in etheric battle; they knew it would be their undoing. This is why our navy has been genociding whales and dolphins for years."

Andrew Hennessey #conspiracy #ufo #fundie whale.to

Reptilian Being (elite): Perfect example is, Lisa Marie Presley. Get pics of her, whenever you can. This should be easy, because she is so very famous. Study her face closely. See the jaw, how it always comes to a perfect needle point? ICE blue, cold-steel eyes or Black eyes, completely devoid of any light. Perfect chisled features, very sexually inviting male or female form. These are the elite in the world, the so-called Jet-Set society. Beautiful to a pain, but always the same, repeatable features among their few types. All other reptilians, grays, hybrids, human sell-outs, bend a knee to this level. Fortunately, they are the fewest in number of them all. And, they are the top-controllers in the Dark Game, Bar None, save from the Beast Itself. Their beauty burns up quickly, my research has turned up. The women wear esp engineered and beautiful bodies, but by the time most of them are 35 years of age, they look horrible. Example: Farrah Fawcett Majors, reptoid elite. Five center being. Many have wings, putting them on par with the dracs, which is what they are really, more than reptilian. Both species are lizards, so to humanoids like us, I guess it doesn't matter much. Hive consciousness being, with animal telepathy among themselves and those under their control: grays, reptoids, hybrids, other elites, the possessed, and those under MKultra, with demons installed in their solar plexus.
These are ALL takers of human life, usually infants and children. They kill and eat us to survive: ritual torture of pre-teen virgins. They have 13 bloodlines on this planet, with endless variations, all reptilian. However, they are limited in number to the original Sumerian shitbirds who betrayed LOVE, all that long ago, and earlier, in Atlantis, when they ruled it with their TEN kingdoms from hell. These need to be dealt with. They are the masters of all evil on this planet. They are THE WILL of darkness and how it acts out among our kind. Think about that for a day or so.
They are Fallen Angels. They are Al Pacino, Lisa Marie, Michael Jackson, etc. They are the damned, vampyre. They can take over human beings (who have lost their Higher Self, through some horrid debasing act) but usually are the spawn of a being known as Pindar and some breeder elite visa-vie the Incubus Ritual - sex with the undead, or a demonic etheric being. Lisa Marie was such a spawn. Coming to terms--CBSWORK

Because human beings all through the ages have accepted gods interbreeding, or being accepted as humans. And that shows in Christianity, that shows in Judaism. They have also used Egyptology, or the Egyptian religions a lot. And the present head of the Illuminati compares himself a lot with the Egyptian god Osiris and Horus, which is Osiris reborn. And also with the Arthurian legends of the Roundtable. And the name that he carries from that is Pindar, which actually means ?Phallus of the Dragon.? And the other name, Osiris, he has carried because he takes the name at this time the Marquis de Libeaux [libero] which means liberator of or from the waters. And the story of Osiris is that he was cut into 14 pieces and thrown into the river Nile, and Isis found the pieces and put them back together again. And she could not find the 15th piece -- which happened to be the phallus -- so a gold phallus was made. And this is very important in this group. In the Illuminati this is important. And it is important to think about the head of the Illuminati, because what comes from a golden phallus would be a superior seed for a race. And this is what they are doing with all of these bloodlines to keep the bloodlines going. They are impregnating people of Aryan blood, that hold high stations with them, impregnating them with this seed of Pindar. And therefore it?s important to keep this history in mind, and the names in mind, that he is going by at this time.

Charlotte Harrison-Smith #conspiracy whale.to

Cannabis only became illegal after the Marijuana tax act was passed in 1937 as a result of a Masonic propaganda campaign. The campaign sensationalized false claims about Cannabis. The film Reefer Madness spread hysteria and false information.

The medicinal and religious use of Cannabis dates back to 5,600 B.C. Hemp was a crop that the founding fathers of this nation grew and traded. It is intellectual insanity that the American people have allowed this conspiracy to continue for so long. The tenants of the Freemasonry cult are in direct opposition to the ancient practice that promotes Cannabis for spiritual development and health. The conspiracy to suppress and prohibit the use of Cannabis and Hemp is an act of Racketeering and a violation of the RICO ACT.

The ultimate aim of Freemasonry has not simply been the intellectual confusion caused by their "marijuana" propaganda to support their conspiracy against Cannabis and Hemp, but ultimately they seek the total spiritual, physical and moral destruction of their victims by making the Holy Herb of Cannabis illegal for use in daily prayers, depriving the people of the single food source that contains all essential amino acids required to sustain human life, placing the treatment of cancer outside the reach of the common man, and "marking" those in possession of or trading with it with lifetime stigma that robs them of the general benefits afforded to the rest of society.

Those who make secret oaths must never be allowed to serve in government. Without knowing the nature of their secret oaths, we can never know if their "secret interests" conflict with the interest of the American people.

All Freemasons must be removed from our government, investigated, and if warranted, prosecuted. They must be stripped of their assets and their assets used as reparations for all those who have suffered harm and incarceration as a result of the laws that prohibit cannabis and hemp.

Charlotte Harrison-Smith #conspiracy whale.to

NIH clearly demonstrated willful and wanton ignorance of the benefits of Cannabis by altering their original post. I knew then and there, that the laws prohibiting Cannabis were the result of a Racketeering Conspiracy so large and pervasive that no one wanted to speak about it in public. When you become knowledgeable of something you are then responsible to do something about it. It was then and there that I remembered something that my father had told me when I was still a small child.

My father was a high-level Freemason who was responsible for training 33rd degree initiates in this lodge. He told me the story of how man's knowledge of seeds were the "key" to controlling the Kingdom of not just heaven, but also the Kingdom on earth. He told me that there was sacred knowledge in understanding seeds.

At that time, I didn't understand. But now, after reading the Scientific American article, his words meant something. I had finally figured out what the secret oath of the Freemasons was all about. It was about suppressing the cannabis and hemp seeds so that those Freemasons in control of Big Pharma, Big Chemcial, Big Food Manufacturing and Big Oil could profit. These are the four pillars of Satan's Kingdom. And for that much, I thank my father.

Until Americans stop the Illuminati racketeering in suppressing Cannabis and Hemp, nothing will change.

Marion Knox #fundie whale.to

As far as I know, sodomy is always used in the occult going clear back before the Flood. Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age.


I have traced migraine headaches from anal sex. It comes up the spine, over the back of the head right into the forehead.


No, I’m not saying all migraine headaches are from sodomy because I had one once that was put on me by a retired chiropractor and he did not sodomize me. But I think he was a sodomite. Basically, Satan cannot sodomize someone on his own, but he can influence somebody to sodomize someone else and then it’s like having Satan sodomize them and put the sodomy power within them. Sodomy is spiritual. I get intense about this because it is so clear, and the Bible is the best source for discovering this.

Marion Knox #conspiracy whale.to

M: Those who have been programmed have a locked-in three-year-old mindset which is the core of the programming. Say they’re eighteen or twenty years old and somebody comes up and knows the signal or says the code word to call out the three-year-old core. The person then goes into the three-year-old state to be sodomized, then the sodomites program into their minds what they want to program in, and when that person wakes up they probably don’t even remember that anything happened. Basically, a person reverts back to the three year old to be a total victim to the sodomy.

There are many ramifications of this. If you read the book by Cathy O’Brien, she says that a high-level politician gave her messages to take to the King of Saudi Arabia. The politician would access her sex alter, repeat the message, bring her out of that sex alter, ship her overseas, and when she got there the King would access her sex alter and get the message word for word from the high-level politician and return an answer. That basically is a picture -- she didn’t say it was sodomy but that’s what they do. Sodomy puts them into a trance where you can program in directly to the subconscious memory file without any interference of the conscious mind. Sodomy is what puts the person into that state where you can do it. They might even get them so highly programmed that they can just say the word or repeat the code.

Marion Knox #fundie whale.to

The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy.

Anonymous #conspiracy whale.to

HIV does not, in fact, exist. The so-called human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, is only an "externalization", to absolve the AIDS patient of responsibility for his/her disease.

Anyone doubting this should consider that HIV has never even been isolated. This simple and amazing fact in itself should make everyone suspicious about the entire AIDS industry.

When someone "tests positive" for HIV, they actually test positive for reverse transcriptase enzyme activity which is assumed to indicate the presence of HIV in the patient. There is in fact a total lack of evidence for the existence of HIV.

At the time, everyone was in a mad rush to find the "cause" of AIDS. Those who came up with something first would be assured of endless research funds, fame etc. The homosexual lobby seized on the first announcement to claim a viral cause, since then it would no longer be their own fault. It's always easier to blame a "virus" than one's own misbehavior.