Many, if not most, Jews love blacks on a superficial level. I have known many Jews who, when they talk about some Magical Negro like Obama, look like they are talking about a rock star. They become almost orgasmic when they find some black overachiever they can point to (who's almost always a mulatto) to support their lie that blacks are no different from whites and race doesn't exist.
This is because blacks are one of the most effective weapons Jews have at smashing the traditional White Christian order. In other words, blacks are perfect revolutionaries, and the revolution (against white Christian civilization) is all that matters. As Trotskyists used to say, revolution is the only reality, and politics, economics and philosophy are only true insofar as they lead to revolution.
The REAL test, of course, comes when one of their beloved negroes, even a convert to Judaism, tries to marry their daughter. That's when you get to see how they REALLY feel about the noble colored brother.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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