"Without God, there is no point in living or anything else for that matter."
Then please kill yourself and save us the trouble you cause by living.
"To be honest, if I was certain there was no god and I'd have zero consequences in an afterlife... I'd probably be a mass murderer or who knows what."
That is because you are a closeted sociopath who needs to have an invisible sky daddy to threaten you to be good. Atheists on the other hand understand that human survival in the coming generations requires us not to be psychotic and not to cause harm.
"Without God, we would have no conscience, no remorse and we'd do whatever the heck we wanted to because this would be a lawless world because all laws of Earth began with the 10 Commandments."
No all the laws began with the concept of Survival. Grouping together and isolating those that threatened survival of the group were basic concepts. Our conscience and remorse comes from that very concept. A evolutionary trait to SURVIVE. Assuming the Bible is true, then what kept humans from killing everyone in sight from the time of Adam and Eve to Moses?
"I don't care what any evolutionist/atheist thinks--you wouldn't have things like a conscience and remorse from evolution."
First...evolutionist is not a word. Second, yes we do since survival in group settings is essential, thus a conscience and remorse would arise. No need for imaginary sky fairies for such things.
"Those, among many other things, God gave to us so we'd be different from wild animals."
But we are not so different. Several species show similar "human" traits including conscience and remorse. Great Apes, our evolutionary cousins, in particular show these traits.
Please seek psychological help, you need it more than you know.