ISA41:10 #fundie
(commenting on the story “NY Gov. Cuomo: ‘Worship Services’ Are ‘Canceled,’ According to Guidance Document”):
The LYING Liberal Media and the Demonrats are wanting to keep America shut down for several reasons.
1. The vote by mail fraud they are pushing.
2. They seen how most pastors ran and hide, so they see their chance to remove religious freedom. Then Demonrats pushed freedom to worship. Now freedom to video stream. And all the brave pastors said thank you lord governor.
Pastors are disobeying the Word of God by not assembling together and NO video streaming is NOT assembling together. Pastors have becomes servants to men and not God Hebrews 10:25
And don't try and tell me Romans 13:1-7 applies because it does NOT! When man tells us to disobey the Word of God we are NOT to obey man, PERIOD!!!
Jesus also told us to 'GO" and Preach and spread the Word of God (Matt 28) not to sit at home remain under our beds, thumbs in mouths, until the likes of Cuomo, Fauci, Birks, Whitmer and all the other Demonrat liars would tell us--order us--to slowly (masks & gloves on, of course) & carefully emerge blinking into our "new normal" existence.
Christians today are playing Church and not being the church...........It is quite obvious!!!!