james #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com
It is fascism when Christians are being fired from TV shows for stating their deeply held religious convictions. It is fascism when Homosexuals try to tell parents they cannot get their confused child psychological or spiritual help. It is homosexual fascism when homosexuals can come into schools and push their agenda on 5 year year old children, but teaching abstaining from sex to High School kids is treated like a strange course of action. It is homosexual fascism when anyone in this world says that being homosexual is unnatural and sin in their eyes and then is called hatefilled. Deal with realities sir....the homosexual agenda today represents fascism....Further, the state cannot institute marriage really anyway...Only the Christian Church in its orthodox form can declare a man and a woman married....That is reality as we see marriage as a Holy sacrament between a man and a woman....No other type of couple qualifies no matter how they want to try and force change from their own desire to destroy an institution. Yes destroy as all the so called gays i have spoke too have told me they want marriage done away with ....Well thats never Going to happen as long as the church is in session and as Jesus said, "the gates of hell shall never prevail".....