Garvan Ellison #fundie

[Another fundie displays a knack for rogue science]

Treatment for cancer.

1. Once the patient is diagnosed, pump a barium solution into his or her bloodstream, and also get the patient to swallow some.

2. Then x-ray the patient - any cancer cells will show up as having irregular outlines due to the barium solution.

3. The next step (which I concede is somewhat resource-intensive) is to inject each cancer cell with a small quantity of manganese.

4. Then lay the patient out of a table under a large electro-magnet positioned at the forefront of the abominal cavity. The magnet will connect with the manganese, thereby sucking every cancer will to one location directly under the magnet.

5. Now anaesthetise the patient and then activate the solid-state laser, taking care to aim the beam directly at the area under the magnet.

6. The cancer cells will, quite literally, be zapped into smithereens.

No more cancer.



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