Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy

I had my suspicions about Left Behind Eternal Forces. Boy am I glad we took the time to preview and review it. Nine times out of ten when a Christian claims they are being discriminated against by the worldly they are being accurate, and true. Left Behind Eternal Forces is not a bad video game. Christian haters are going to despise it. Along with exaggerate the problems.

I know officially Left Behind Eternal Forces is put under the RTS (real time strategy) umbrella. Left Behind Eternal Forces is not an RTS to me. It is more of a survival video game. Players are trying to recruit people on the fence. The servants of the anti-Christ are trying to kill them. I made numerous mistakes in Left Behind Eternal Forces getting to close those serving evil. They outnumbered my team, swarmed them, and quickly killed them off. Left Behind Eternal Forces teaches us to avoid the conflict with pure evil people.

Left Behind Eternal Forces has wonderful music, an epic intro, good graphics, great voice acting, prayer, recruitment, live action videos, and a nice tutorial. I do feel like I paid too much for it years ago. Especially with how few levels there are in Left Behind Eternal Forces. I did not find any sandbox mode to play in either. I got errors every time I tried to log into the game's servers. I suspect those were brought down with the attacks Left Behind Games had to endure.

Left Behind Eternal Forces is a hard video game. Stealth is important, especially early on. Evil characters will attack and destroy. I did not see very many violent images though. I am baffled as to why the less than reliable ESRB gave Left Behind Eternal Forces a thirteen and older rating. I have seen E10+ rated video games with more violent content, and other bad content. I suspect discrimination against Christians.



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