* action figures
What the fjoerk?
* birds
Only when they shit on my head.
* Chattering classes
With you on that one. Islington media fjoerkwits, shit on 'em all.
* demons
Nothing wrong with them... just because Lord of the Pit and Grinning Demon and so forth have massive upkeeps doesn't make them totally unplayable yano.
* deviant sexual practices
Also with you on that one. Though to me, "deviant" involves aardvarks and neodymium magnets in the bedroom. To you, it's probably anything with the lights on.
* evolution
If I looked like you did I'd hate evolution as well.
* foreign religions
So you're a 100% orthodox Anglo-Saxon heathen then?
* foxes
I like foxes actually. Especially in a rich red wine sauce with sautéed potatoes, green beans, and parsnips.
* goths
They can be annoying when they start whining about things, but goths of both sexes are generally pretty tasty and often bang like a shit house door in a gale.
* heliocentrism
* moths
* Obamamania
It is pretty grating how the media seems to refuse to criticise him and lines up to tongue his balloon knot, I'll give you that.
* pikeys
Especially the way they mangulate the language.
* psychiatry
No. Psychiatry is actually a well respected field of study. Though pop psychology does make me want to stab kittens.
* rap and loud rock music
Rap is shite I'll give it that. And as for rock or metal... ALL MEN PLAY ON TEN.
* the corporations
Any in particular?
* the Labour government
Likewise. Fucking Stalinists. Why do people still vote for them after they've not only rolled back civil liberties further than any government since our brief dalliance with republicanism in the 17th Century, but also royallu cunted up the economy as well?
* the oil industry
For being extremely dodgy and cosying up to bloodthirsty religious fucknuts, yes.
* tree huggers
Likewise, mainly for the rampant hypocrisy that a lot of them engage in.
* uncovered ceilings with metal beams
Ack, they are ugly.
* witches, wizards and witchcraft
No, but they can be unintentionally hilarious. Especially when they give themselves craft names that begin with "Raven" or "Morgan" and chynge yvrye vywyll ty "y".