Marcus Cicero #fundie
[From "A Template For The Future: Turkey Holds Mass Trials Accusing Journalists Of Terrorism"]
I obviously don’t like Erdogan and hold him as an enemy for his hostile actions against Europe, but at the end of the day I RESPECT him far more than I respect many of the weak beta males dominating Western politics.
Erdogan, knowing he had enemies within his own regime, helped to formulate a coup against himself (not technically confirmed but almost certain) that was crushed within twenty-four hours – a catalyst for a purge the likes of which we should hope to emulate one day in our own nations.
Following this, Erdogan turned on the Turkish media, which by a quick study of the facts seems to be inundated with much of the same subversion and Fake News that we in America have grown to understand quite clearly in recent months and years.
But the Turkish Final Solution of the Media Question does not consist of angry tweets at 4 AM, nor does it involve a constant reshuffling of Executive personnel tasked with battling corrupt talking heads day in and day out.
No, it involves brutal beatdowns by loyal military and police, arrests by the dozen, and treason trials that aim to prove that the accused journalists are equivalent to bloodthirsty terrorists.
Brilliant, Reccep.
I can just imagine rats like (((Jake Tapper))), (((Wolf Blitzer))), and (((Rachel Maddow)))) claiming the same as they are hauled into courts in the most humiliating way imaginable – I wouldn’t even let them have belts for the far-too-large pants that would be issued.
This could be done rather easily (or with a serious effort) here in the States if those in power (yes, Trump, I’m talking about you) actually decided to shatter the treasonous media for their despicable actions.
It could probably best be done by pushing an “Un-American Activities Act” or something of the sort – much like what was done back in the middle part of the last century to root out Communists and their sympathizers throughout the country.
Now that would be something helping to #MAGA, that’s for sure.