(Suaria Putnam: Terry Adam Turner It is because homosexuals are far more likely to be bullied and persecuted which leads to suicide.)
Craig Coffey:
No, Suaria, the homosexual lifestyle choice carries with it certain natural consequences. Since it is unnatural and a violation of the will of God, they naturally commit suicide at such large rates because of the revulsion of their sin. Homosexuality is a lonely way to live. The lifestyle is transient and full of death and disease. It is Christians who are being bullied and persecuted. You don't see us committing self-murder because of it. Do you??? I would suggest that you set aside the social engineering you are getting from your left wing teachers. Those errors will not serve you well once you step outside into the real world.
they naturally commit suicide at such large rates because of the revulsion of their sin.
You mean, they commit suicide at such large rates because of YOUR revulsion of their "sin," which I'm sure you make known to them at every opportunity.
Bully apologist. If Christians were bullied it is persecution.
Also why would God create homosexuals? After all he created everything. Oh you say it is a choice. If it is a choice it can nor be sin because we are supposedly born with sin. Thus they would be born homosexual. Unless sinning us a choice, we are not born into it, thus the fall means nothing nor does Jesus sacrifice.
Do you fundies ever think about the crap you say?
Yes, Christians are persecuted throughout the Muslim world. Having someone tell you they don't care for your crap is not persecution, and if you think it is, get ready, because we're not done yet.
Eating shellfish is also a violation of the will of your god, but you don't see people killing themselves at Red Lobster, do you?
And don't pretend that you live in the real world, Craig. The real world is leaving you further behind every single day, as more and more people reject the filthy lies you bigots spew.
Christians are being persecuted? Old sport, your religion is represented by over 90% of Congress. And you are only 75% of America! On the other hand, if gays were equally well-represented in Congress, there would probably be about 1,5 to 2 times as many as there are now. Maybe more.
Craig Coffey: "It is Christians who are being bullied and persecuted. You don't see us committing self-murder because of it."
Suaria Putnam: "Christians are being bullied and persecuted? In the US? I don't recall having heard anyone say 'the Christian lifestyle choice carries with it certain natural consequences. Since it is unnatural and a violation of the will of God, they naturally commit suicide at such large rates because of the revulsion of their sin' or 'we are good people! we WILL NOT accept Christians bringing their immorality to OUR neighborhood!'"
Craig Coffey (very annoyed): "Things that we True Christians consider sins: abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, are not EXPILICITY FORBIDDEN BY SECULAR LAW!! 'Christians' that aren't TRUE Christians and Non-Christians who live in the USA can be and are just as much US citizens, with all the accompanying rights, as we True Christians are! So Christians ARE being bullied and persecuted!!"
No, Craig, it is the christian lifestyle choice carries with it certain natural consequences. It causes misery and strife, dives people around them to suicide and it causes it's followers to believe delusions such as Christians being bullied and persecuted.
"It is Christians who are being bullied and persecuted. You don't see us committing self-murder because of it. Do you??? I would suggest that you set aside the social engineering you are getting from your left wing teachers. Those errors will not serve you well once you step outside into the real world."
Yes because your christian dominated outside world will not like your enlightened attitude and will attempt to persecute you for it.
The only natural consequence homosexuality carries with it is an attraction to people of the same gender.
Homosexuality is perfectly natural, and it’s neither a choice nor a lifestyle.
The only ones who are revolted by sin, are people who think sin is valid, or even real.
Isn’t it also unnatural and a violation of the will of God to wear clothes of mixed fabrics, and to eat shellfish?
Homosexuals are no more lonely than heterosexuals. Every single diseases that homosexuals get, heterosexuals get too, and in larger numbers as there are more of them.
Christians are the overwhelming majority in the US. You're the ones doing most of the bullying and persecution, asshole, from the pulpit and the governmental platform, no less. This is why we don't see you commit self-murder. Besides, most gay people in western worlds DON'T commit suicide, as most western countries are fairly accepting of gay people.
The real world has socialists and other left-wings in it too, ya know, not just right-wing liberals.
What? If you can forget everything to the left of liberals, I can forget everything to the right of them.
I think y'all need to note that homosexuals committing suicide has it's greatest numbers in the Bible Belt and fundamentalist families/communities.
Wipe that smile off your face bitch.
"Those errors will not serve you well once you step outside into the real world."
The survivors are those who did step into the real world where not everyone objects to what they are. It's just a shame that they may have to abandon everything and everyone they knew to start all over elsewhere.
Christians commit suicide all the time, stop pretending they don't.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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