Hungry Brain #racist

Jews must be laughing right now. Misery loves company, and now England is getting some misery that the Israelis have had to deal with for years. Not only that, but the focus of everyone's anger will be on the hajis, rather than the Jews who let these cockroaches into England to begin with. Who do you blame? The man who sics his dog on you, or the dog?

What did the English ever do to the Jews to deserve this? Jews believe the Holocaust tale, you know, the one where the UK saved them from getting stuffed into ovens. Either they don't believe that story, or they are the most ungrateful people of all time.

I don't know how all of this is going to unfold, but if England doesn't get rid of its Jews, it will cease to exist.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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