Do you really expect people to respect your point of view or your being gay?
Dismissing religious beliefs as "mythology" only means you don't have any respect for the point of view of others.
You really have no facts that God does or does not exist. I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist.
Its convenient for you to dismiss him that way you can live whatever perverted lifestyle you choose. No God = no rules.
"I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist."
No, you THINK that he exists. To follow your "logic": Some people think that giant pink elephants exist, therefore in their hearts they know that they exist. Therefore, giant pink elephants exist.
"No God = no rules."
Your god's "rules" seem like something out of North Korea. "No rules?" In your holy book, your god does whatever the hell he wants. He rules like a paranoid tyrant. He behaves far worse than any devil could. He commits mass genocide on dozens of occasions, for which he never faces punishment. If your god existed, he would have been sent to the International Criminal Court years ago. Don't tell me about "rules" when you turn a blind eye to the horrific crimes (supposedly) committed by your god.
You really have no facts that God does or does not exist. I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist.
And morality is not black and white nor the be-all end-all from religion. That is, of course, your morality says stoning to death gays, people who don't believe what you believe, kids that act like kids, and rape victims is all well and dandy.
"Dismissing religious beliefs as "mythology" only means you don't have any respect for the point of view of others."
BOW TO US! We are believers! Our beliefs trump everything else! You may disagree, but you have to treat our beliefs as sacrosanct! BOW BEFORE US!
Dismissing religious beliefs as "mythology" only means you don't have any respect for the point of view of others.
No, that's pointing out the obvious. Thank you for playing though. Here's you constalation prize... *BANG*
I am not required to have respect for adults with imaginary friends and their beliefs in patently ridiculous ideas.
While I cannot say there is absolute proof against the existence of god(s), there is plenty of evidence to show that the God of the Bible doesn't exist.
Most atheists manage to behave themselves without the promise of rewards or punishments from a god. Sad about you though.
Points of view do not automatically gain respect because they are points of view. Quite the contrary. The respect is given or withheld according to merit.
"My point of view is that all Jews, criminals, political enemies and homosexuals must be exterminated."
"Well, Adolf, if that's your point of view then I respect it."
Grow up, whiner.
Oh, and the "rules" thingie? I've witnessed Christian and atheist observance of moral rules for many years. Guess who wins.
"You really have no facts that God does or does not exist. "
Neither do you; we, however, have mountains of evidence that very strongly suggests that he doesn't.
"I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist. "
See, that doesn't count as either a fact or a valid argument for the existence of your god.
Dismissing religious beliefs as "mythology" only means you don't have any respect for the point of view of others
No, It dosen't. All it means is that the person thinks that your religious beliefs are akin to mythology. And also respect is something to be earned, not something to be given to you just because you "know in your heart that you are right"
No God = no rules
So how to you explain buddhists? They have no god, yet somehow they have rules and morals. And no, they did not borrow them from christianity.
"I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist."
Good for you. Now just realize that no one cares about what is essentially a hunch held in high esteem, and get on with your life.
"No God = no rules"
I thought you just said that your only evidence for God's existence is "I really really FEEL that he exists", and I find such a claim to be irrelevant, so why do I now care about what you say about the equally unsupported claims you make about the implications of not feeling the same way? Go away.
I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist.
You really have no facts that God does or does not exist.
And, with a small rearrangement, the truth suddenly shines through the bulls***.
Its convenient for you to dismiss him that way you can live whatever perverted lifestyle you choose. No God = no rules.
It's convenient for you to insist that there is a god. That way we're coerced into living whatever joyless lifestyle you choose for us. Existence of god(s) = No freedom.
This is one of the failures of fundie thinking, the "One Right Way" idea that governs their behavior. To a fundie, people who don't follow the One Right Way obviously have no morality at all. And it doesn't matter how our actual behavior turns out; you can't be moral without the One Right Way, and that's all there is to it.
You really have no facts that God does or does not exist. I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist.
I have faith that Harry Potter exists.. by your logic, I should be able to expect to meet him? What a yokel you are.
D-man, you have facts because you have faith? Doesn't this sound contradictory, even to you?
I think the slogan "no God, no rules" has been used before. Some TV reality show, maybe?
I am a reform jew. We dont take the bible literaly at all,allows. We know it is filled with myths and tall tales. It was great stuff 3000y ago. The world has changed so much since it was written that much of it has become irrelevant.. there are many rules concerning the keeping of slaves. Slavery is not universaly practiced like it was in the ancient world and is the condemned by damn near everyone as a great evil. Only one rule is neaded for slavery...dont do ir!!!
Having said this there are many beautiful things in the torah and there are many evil things in it.
Why cant people see this simple thing and quit warping reality to fit there idea of what it says.
As for the people that use the hebrew scriptures to beat me over the head about being gay, they need to fuckoff becaues those books are my property and domain because i am a jew. I can read the thing in its origonal language. When people slam
Me with my on book it really pisses me off!!
"I'm a Christian. I demand respect. I should GET respect, but I don't GIVE it"., it doesn't work quite that way.
No God = no rules
Britain: 2013 Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act.
USA: Obergefell vs. Hodges.
Ireland: 62% 'Yes' to S-SM result in a legislation-deciding referendum.
Romans 13:1-5.
Enjoy your MC Escher-esque multi-dimensional paradox, Desertedbygodman_XD
Seems that someone agrees, don't bother him about it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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