
Rep. Sid Rosenbaum, R-Little Rock #fundie signonsandiego.com

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Thomas Paine may have helped inspire the American Revolution, but inspiring Arkansas lawmakers to commemorate a day in his honor is another matter.

The proposal by Rep. Lindsley Smith, D-Fayetteville, to commemorate Jan. 29 as "Thomas Paine Day" failed in the state House of Representatives after a legislator questioned Paine's writings criticizing the Bible and Christianity.

The vote Thursday was 46-20 in favor of the measure, but 51 votes were needed to pass.

Smith said before the vote that Arkansas would join nine other states that have established Thomas Paine Day. She said the day would not be considered a state holiday and would not require any additional costs.

"I think if Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were standing here today, they would give you the same presentation about Thomas Paine," Smith said. "He needs to be remembered and he's not remembered."

But Rep. Sid Rosenbaum, R-Little Rock, quizzed Smith about Paine and quoted passages from Paine's book, "The Age of Reason," which Rosenbaum criticized as anti-religion.

"He did some good things for the nation, but the book that he wrote was anti-Christian and anti-Jewish," Rosenbaum said. "I don't think we should be passing things out like this without at least debating it and letting people in the House know what we're voting on."

SDborn56 #fundie signonsandiego.com

"The revisions include the claim that the country's Founding Fathers were guided by Christian principles."

To claim otherwise is simply revisionist conspiracy...... you may not like it, but it is the truth...

And of course, the truth will set you free from the progressives.

Get your children the heck out of the public scrools.

Roy Dixon #fundie #homophobia signonsandiego.com

Proposition 8 is not discrimination. It is a way to keep marriage holy and sacred the way God intended. Have you seen a “gay” restroom? A “gay” water fountain? A “gay” waiting room? Have you even heard of a “gay” person being lynched in the news recently? No, because those things that I named are true issues of discrimination.

Homosexuality is not a race, gender, religion issue. It's about choice and behavior. Everyone has encountered discrimination, because of the way they are shaped, the way they talk or even the color of their skin. Homosexuals were not born that way. They choose to like the same sex.

God has a plan for all of us, and we should not hinder or look away from that plan. He wants the best for us. Proposition 8 is God's will. He is the father, and every father has rules. Fathers make rules because they love their children. And children should obey the rules their fathers have given them.

libsaretraitors #fundie signonsandiego.com

comment by: libsaretraitors on 08/28/2008 at 8:57 a.m.

Don't be silly - of course homosexuality is a disease.

If I could cure a child of it, I would do so in a heartbeat. No greater kindness can be shown to someone than to free them from the burden of sin.

Desertman_SD #fundie signonsandiego.com

Do you really expect people to respect your point of view or your being gay?
Dismissing religious beliefs as "mythology" only means you don't have any respect for the point of view of others.

You really have no facts that God does or does not exist. I have faith and therefore in my heart I know he does exist.
Its convenient for you to dismiss him that way you can live whatever perverted lifestyle you choose. No God = no rules.