Tenniel #racist stormfront.org
Re: Paul Craig Roberts: "Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China"
Not true. The globalist jews (and that's who the "U.S." is in Roberts' essay) did NOT neutralize America's nukes before their takeover of America.
They GRADUALLY/SLOWLY/PIECE BY PIECE took control of the internal fulcrums of power of America. America was defeated by the jews from within. And that, according to Roberts, is what they are now in the process of doing to Russia and China. They can and plan and, maybe, are defeating Russia and China FROM WITHIN -- nukes or no nukes.
Now America may succeed, like the Phoenix, in arising again from America's ashes. Perhaps Donald Trump can help and is helping to get that process started at last.
Ultimately, the ONLY defense against the spreading jewish globalist world tyranny is for America and Europe and Russia and China to throw the jews -- ALL OF THEM EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD -- into a DE-NUKED DE-MILITARIZED Israel or into their own already created, undisputed, non-nuclear non-military country within Russia: the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
And wall them in forever (or until the parasites die out of natural causes -- or are sterilized out of existence).
The only humane Final Solution to the world's Jewish Problem.
That necessary solution needs to be talked about openly. To get that meme out of the closet and into the open ether-sphere and into human consciousness -- so that it can become a realistic long-term global goal.