BIG BEN #homophobia

I think you will find that Faggots are all over the world, they are even on
Antartica no doubt.

There seems to be quite a lot in the USA.
There seems to be quite a lot in the USA.
There seems to be quite a lot in the USA...

If only Countries were more like Russia.
Giving them a good "Gay bashing" like they did a short while ago. THEY don't put up with it, NO country should.

NATURE is not as cruel as we think, only a small % of the queers are actually REAL queers.
The rest are just queered up by the FAGGOT INDUSTRY.
The real queers usually can be spotted by their deformed heads, like Rupert Everet.
They have a BRAIN MALFORMATION and this can be seen in the shape of their head.
They are usually ugly looking bleeders like him, and they spend their time queering up the pretty boys...

These Anti-Homophobics have to be stopped.
Not with excessive or leathal violence, that isn't very nice at all.
BUT the public have to take action, whatever pro anti-homophobic laws and customs emerge.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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