To say the Bible was written by men and may contain inaccuracies completely contradicts the word of the Bible.
But since the bible contradicts itself, it's also completely in line with the word of the bible. These possibilities thus cancel each other out, but according to Steven Hawkings, if they both appeared near a black hole, and one fell into the black hole and the other didn't, it would appear that the black hole emitted the surviving contradiction.
I never read the Gospel according to God.
That is unless your god's name is Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John.
If the bible weren't true, it would say so ... in the same way that con artists always warn their victims that they are liars and thieves.
Oh? They don't? Oh well, never mind.
Circular fail.
You can't prove something with that which you are calling into question.
That would be like a judge asking a rapist if he did it.
"No sir, I am a perfect citizen."
"Well then you are free to go. Next case."
I tell you now that this post is completely true, and infallible as it was written by me, the One True God:
Ia Orana, you are an idiot.
And you smell. Thou shalt take a shower.
That is all.
Round and round the logic goes. Where it stops, no one knows!
Nah, nevermind. It stops in the shit hole, like all the other fundie nonsense.
*Wrong wrong wrong, wrong wrong wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're wroooooong.*
Sorry, I couldn't find the link to that clip, and this was the best thing.
Alternately, "WHAT? WHAT! WHAT."
I can produce a slip of paper in which God has reproduced my handwriting exactly(proving it could only be done by God), which says, this is the inerrant word of God, and some other important stuff (tl;dr). To say I wrote it myself would contradict that it's the inerrant word of god(which was written on that very slip of paper!)
But assuming that the bible was in fact written by men and does contain inaccuracies, then we are right.
which is why circular reasoning sucks.
Exactly, because what it does not contradict you idiot is that the bible is flawed because it's the world of man, not God, who's word we obviously can fucking figure out.
Got that?
So in other words monkey, the bible is fucked, and so uhmm... keep reading it because you're dangerous if you leave the house.
Hey! that's right! why didn't i think of that? Oh, wait, i forgot, this isn't a parallel universe where bare assertion fallacies are valid points...
I hearby make up the Word of Duraji.
Everything I say is true
The sky is purple
Rain comes from angel tears
The sun is a fuckin' 32-mile spotlight
You wanna debate these facts, or say that I'm inaccurate? Tough shit, that would contradict the Word of Duraji! :D
My Dear Orana ,Please pray for yourself , I shall do so tonight , may God in his mercy give you a brain .
Moses is believed to have written the first five books of the Torah (Old Testament), then you have the gospels, letters, acts of apostles, etc in the New Testament, that all have historical backing as being written by men.
This nearly makes my head explode
So, if I write all the wrong answers in my maths exam, I can get 100% because I say it's right?
now to go and pass all of my exams with 100%!
If the bible says that it's right then it MUST be, obviously... and by this logic, I'm right because I say I am! So ignore the bible and listen to me!!
I'm going for a lie down while I try to restore my faith in humanity.
I actually like the post by kr0520 better. Exploring means you don't actually have beliefs but he admits to exploring. FIAL
"Beliefs can change through exploration, but if you're still exploring your beliefs, you were never committed to them in the first place.
I am a devout Christian because I've done my exploring and it's something that I know could never change for me."
Oh please Miss Manners!
To say that "Lord of the Rings" was written my a man and contains inaccuracies completely contradicts the "Lord of the Rings". To say that "Doonesbury" was written by a man and contains inaccuracies completely contradicts "Doonesbury". To say that the "Racing Form" was written by a man and contains inaccuracies completely contradicts the "Racing Form".
What are you getting at? That god took time out to put pen to paper and actually write the bible (with all its contradictions) when that very same god could bellow out commandments and fatwas and order genocide and infanticide without the printed word?
Miss Manners, why is necessary to READ the word of god, especially since your dogma discourages the act of reading?
Please, please, please let this be a joke. I mean, I know idiocy like this is possible to achieve, I just didn't know said morons actually had the brainpower to navigate a keyboard, let alone learn to read.
Hence, this is a joke. I think it's a joke. I hope it's a joke. Please, let itbe a joke ...
"How do you know the bible isnt fiction that was meant to be a joke?"
I can picture them now, a bunch of Arabic dudes in robes sitting around a table:
"Hah hah HAH! You're seriesly telling me people will worship this stupid scroll in a thousand years? Who the hell could be so dumb?"
people better believe the cock of GOD or else he will smite you with one foul swoop of his bohemoth dick. We need to as a collective suck vacumously on the cock of GOD in order to feel his love all over our face. If you dont believe in the cock of JESUS, then you need to leave this country at once. infact go committ suicide you atheist scum, science believing faggots. dick is for those who want jesus love all over their face and cock. FERVENT MASTURBATION IS FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS
Because it's true.
Because the bible said so.
Because it's true.
Because the bible said so.
Because it's true.
Because the bible said so.
Because it's true.
Because the bible said so.
Because it's true.
Because the bible said so.
It's the way religion works!
"Circular logic aside Mr. Mims you have yet to prove why you are, in fact, hot." - Cyanide and Happiness.
I know this might seem out of place but this is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this.
wow a logical paradox. and variation of very old one from 6 BC.
this is good paradox ! let's say - i believe they teach bullshit and do not know about it so that we who know about know about it because if we didn't know about it we didn't know about it ;)
maybe part of their religion is about infinity & space and everything so they capture in by talking in endless loops. what if it is clever riddle about infinity of their hypothetical god.
... they have some hidden knowledge to repeat blindly so next generation will eventually get it. daniken style.
i mean this feels little like shroedinger cat thing ...
or maybe they are just "full of shit".
similar brainfart:
"The Cretans are always liars."
The cretins are always liars
The christians are always liars. wohoo i am not a christian. therefore it must be true.
"To say the Bible was written by men and may contain inaccuracies completely contradicts the word of the Bible."
Aw, fuck! I just spewed coffee on my brand new keyboard! Thanks a lot, asshole!
OK...I'll play along:
This comment was written by God. To say it was written by me contradicts the words of this comment.
Gee, that was fun! I'm going to lie down now.
Hmmm....You run rings around me logically.
Unless, the Bible *was* written by people and maybe that's why it contains so many inaccuracies?
Then who else is going to write it? Certainly not God as it's too chicken to set foot on our planet, and shows it's cowardice by sending it's child to die a gruesome death.
You think we would get a visit from our Landlord. It's lack of inquiry shows it's complete disregard in care for it's tenants and leaves us to shove words in it's mouth and fight like a bunch of rabid dogs.
Such love.
Not only was it written by men and contains inaccuracies, it's a forgery.
That makes Ia Orana not only ignorant and wrong, but dismally stupid.
Well, the statement itself it true ... the bible seems to claim that it is the "word of god" and that it contains no inaccuracies.
But that means that we found just another blatant inaccuracy written in the bible, and another sign that it was written by men, and by men alone.
“To say the Bible was written by men and may contain inaccuracies completely contradicts the word of the Bible.”
Or it’s a quote. Paul expressly said that SOME of his writings came from God, and some where his own thoughts.
You should read the bible once or twice.
And the Egyptians never kept slaves. Moses would not have had to ask for permission to leave.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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