I also love how it’s worded … offensive or hateful. With no break down of who says offensive, and who says hateful. Frankly, none of those are offensive to me, but 3 are hateful, the other is merely stupid. One of the ways you play with surveys to get misleading results.
So, let’s break down the like possibility, that most of those who said these statements are offensive or hateful selected these because they find them hateful, not so much offensive. Let’s say 90% say hateful, 10% say offensive, whether liberal or conservative. What you’ve really just said is a significant minority of conservatives still find hateful common beliefs associated with conservative political parties, while the majority of liberals find them hateful. This mean:
1. Very likely, finding these statements to be hateful is a part of what leads people toward liberalism, because they find problems with these beliefs.
2. Given that break downs between “conservative” and “liberal” are fairly even throughout most nations, that would indicate a possibility of conservative parties losing enough support to heavily empower liberal parties if they make too much of an issue about homosexuality, women’s rights, immigration, or Islam.
So, Lady Checkmate can have fun wondering why almost everybody is to the left of her, but I know the answer. Being anywhere to her right will alienate 95% of all other people … including right wingers. Because even a lot of right wingers actually don’t care what homosexuals do, have known women who will do far better in combat than they would, they’re families are very often very recent immigrants themselves, and most Muslims are just about as religious as they are.
By that last, I mean having some faith, but mostly lip service … and really just wanting to live a decent life, rather than having big, overarching goals associated with some entire, monolithic religion. After all … how many denominations of Christianity are there, again? How many disagreements between all of them? How many disagreements within a single church? And somehow nearly 2 billion Muslims all around the world are supposed to be total agreement on how they’re going to take over the world?