In reply to another member, who wrote: "Yesterday Tucker Carlson talked about a survey poll which showed religious were much more tolerant than atheists."
I saw that. I posted the an article from the Daily Caller about then study.
I'm not the least bit surprised.
Atheists are the most dishonest people I've encountered. They are obsessed with God and hatred toward God. That is why many of the seek out Christians in these groups and other social media sites.
And, it is interesting that very few seek out confrontations with Muslims. I suppose that is partly because they know Islam is a false religion and it doesn't threaten them spiritually as much as Christianity
""Yesterday Tucker Carlson talked about a survey poll which showed religious were much more tolerant than atheists." "
Are these the same people who don't believe Obama has a birth certificate?
"And, it is interesting that very few seek out confrontations with Muslims. I suppose that is partly because they know Islam is a false religion and it doesn't threaten them spiritually as much as Christianity "
You suppose wrong. We know islam is a true religion and muslims know all the answers. Christians follow a false religion and are easy to trip up.
Lemme guess
"We asked a hundred Christians: Are they Happier, Better and more tolerant than those filthy Atheists?
75% said yes."
I've seen several church polls along this line, they seldom get above 75%, some church goers are honest. At least half sheepily just say what's expected of them.
I imagine that in muslim majority countries atheists speak out against islam rather than christianity which most people don't know. (of course this depends on the political climate and how safe these atheists feel.
Yes Islam is just as bad if not worse than christianity, however that is no reason to oppress innocent members.
Who gives a shit what Sucker Carlson thinks or says about anything? He's a wimpy little rich boy who's paid to vomit out hateful deceit on Fox Noise. Nothing more. It's well documented that the right wing majini that consume the Fox Noise nonsense are the least informed. That said, I bet I could beat his sissy ass in a fist fight.
It's fundies who are obsessed with God, certainly not atheists. It's not atheists who are seeking anyone out, but fundamentalist Christians. Ask yourself what group goes door-to-door trying to convert others to their particular beliefs. I don't seek out confrontations with Muslims any more than I seek out confrontations with Christians, but it's not Muslims that knock on my door on Saturday and Sunday mornings to "spread the word."
"They are obsessed with God and hatred toward God."
Maybe he wasn't such a shitty character in the best selling book of all time, we would feel differently about him. If you actually read the Bible, you Christians would hate him too.
@Canadiest: Looked up the video (hate to give Faux Noise hits, but whatever). Description on it...
Researchers at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium suggest religious people are more open-minded and tolerant than agnostics and atheist.
You got it; the study clearly limited the group asked to religious people only. Is it a shock they'd say they're way more tolerant than anyone else?
Let me guess. The survey was slanted against atheists or the "results" were made to look that way though the reality is that Tucker is known for lying and his stupid bow tie
Wasn't a hard prediction, I can't cite in particular but I know Fox has done this before, using outright biased church or far right sites polls. It blows me away too that they can't get above 75% even then with figures near 60% called overwhelming or vast. They do it for political or environmental issues to, often cropping a bar graft so 5% looks like a large difference. They do that especially on Trump or NRA issues lately.
Many posts featured here are brought from RW or religious cites playing the same game.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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