
Donald Trump #transphobia #wingnut #god-complex msn.com

Less than 15 minutes in, he noted that he had signed an executive order declaring that the federal government will only recognize two unchangeable sexes, male and female, and another order banning trans women from participating in women’s sports.

He then introduced Payton McNabb, who played volleyball in high school in North Carolina and, Trump said, planned to play sports in college until “her girls’ volleyball match was invaded by a male.”

Trump said the player “smashed the ball so hard in Payton’s face causing traumatic brain injury, partially paralyzing her right side and ending her athletic career.”

It’s still unclear whether the player who spiked the ball and hit McNabb during the September 2022 match was trans. McNabb has said in interviews that she and her teammates were aware of a trans player on the team, but that player’s name has not been shared and she has not spoken to the press. Since then, McNabb has become a paid national advocate for state laws prohibiting trans students from playing on school sports teams that match their gender identities. She testified in favor of such a measure in North Carolina, which passed and took effect in August 2023.

Donald Trump & J.D. Vance #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger globalnews.ca

Vance: Have you said thank you once, this entire meeting?

Zelenskyy: A lot of times. Even today.

Vance: No, in this entire meeting.

Zelenskyy: Even today.

Vance: You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who’s trying to save your country.

Zelenskyy: Please. You think that if you will speak very loudly about the war—

Trump: He’s not speaking loudly. He’s not speaking loudly. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: Can I answer?

Trump: No, no. You’ve done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: I know.

Trump: You’re not winning. You’re not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out, OK? Because of us.

Zelenskyy: Mr. President. We have stayed in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war when being alone. And we are thankful, I said thank you.

Trump: You haven’t been alone. You haven’t been alone. We gave you, through this stupid president, $350 billion. We gave you military equipment. And your men are brave. But they had to use our military. If you didn’t have our military equipment, if you didn’t have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.

Zelenskyy: In three days, I’ve heard it from Putin. In three days. This is something—

Trump: Maybe less. It’s going to be a very hard thing to do business like this again.

Vance: Just say thank you.

Zelenskyy: I said a lot of times, thank you to the American people.

Vance: Accept that there are disagreements and let’s go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media when you’re wrong. We know that you’re wrong.

Angela Halili and Arielle Reitsma #fundie #wingnut #god-complex motherjones.com

After tens of thousands of Trump fanatics stood on line in rain and sleet for hours and failed to gain entry—thousands of seats were reserved for Trump donors and VIPs—the event opened with a prayer from Angela Halili and Arielle Reitsma, two Hollywood actors (with middling resumés) who host a Christian podcast called Girls Gone Bible. (The two, who preach sobriety and modesty, have drawn criticism for posting sexy snaps of themselves.)

It’s hardly unusual for a Trump rally to begin with a Christian invocation. But this introduction had a sharp Christian nationalism vibe. Halili shouted, “Thank you, Jesus, for today. Seriously!” Then she reworked the Lord’s Prayer to include Trump: “Your kingdom come, Lord. Your will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven. In America, as it is in Heaven. In the life of President Donald Trump, as it is in heaven.” This rewrite rankled some, including Jenna Ellis, the former Trump campaign attorney, who retweeted a social media post that accused Halili of butchering the classic prayer and that added, “YIKES. Welcome to North Korea.”

The kicker came when Halili closed their invocation by returning to the notion that God ought to stand against Trump’s enemies: “So President Trump, we set the name of the Lord upon you, and we declare that no weapon formed against you will prosper. That every tongue that rises up against you in judgement will be condemned. And if God be for you, who can be against you?”

Donald Trump and his aides #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #homophobia #crackpot #transphobia #sexist whitehouse.gov

January 20, 2025

Sec. 2. Policy and Definitions. It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality. Under my direction, the Executive Branch will enforce all sex-protective laws to promote this reality, and the following definitions shall govern all Executive interpretation of and application of Federal law and administration policy:

(a) “Sex” shall refer to an individual’s immutable biological classification as either male or female. “Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity.”

(b) “Women” or “woman” and “girls” or “girl” shall mean adult and juvenile human females, respectively.

(c) “Men” or “man” and “boys” or “boy” shall mean adult and juvenile human males, respectively.

(d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.

(e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.

(f) “Gender ideology” replaces the biological category of sex with an ever-shifting concept of self-assessed gender identity, permitting the false claim that males can identify as and thus become women and vice versa, and requiring all institutions of society to regard this false claim as true. Gender ideology includes the idea that there is a vast spectrum of genders that are disconnected from one’s sex. Gender ideology is internally inconsistent, in that it diminishes sex as an identifiable or useful category but nevertheless maintains that it is possible for a person to be born in the wrong sexed body.

(g) “Gender identity” reflects a fully internal and subjective sense of self, disconnected from biological reality and sex and existing on an infinite continuum, that does not provide a meaningful basis for identification and cannot be recognized as a replacement for sex.

Donald Trump and his aides #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #homophobia #crackpot #transphobia #sexist whitehouse.gov

January 20, 2025

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 7301 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1. Purpose. Across the country, ideologues who deny the biological reality of sex have increasingly used legal and other socially coercive means to permit men to self-identify as women and gain access to intimate single-sex spaces and activities designed for women, from women’s domestic abuse shelters to women’s workplace showers. This is wrong. Efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of their dignity, safety, and well-being. The erasure of sex in language and policy has a corrosive impact not just on women but on the validity of the entire American system. Basing Federal policy on truth is critical to scientific inquiry, public safety, morale, and trust in government itself.

This unhealthy road is paved by an ongoing and purposeful attack against the ordinary and longstanding use and understanding of biological and scientific terms, replacing the immutable biological reality of sex with an internal, fluid, and subjective sense of self unmoored from biological facts. Invalidating the true and biological category of “woman” improperly transforms laws and policies designed to protect sex-based opportunities into laws and policies that undermine them, replacing longstanding, cherished legal rights and values with an identity-based, inchoate social concept.

Accordingly, my Administration will defend women’s rights and protect freedom of conscience by using clear and accurate language and policies that recognize women are biologically female, and men are biologically male.

Jimmy Patronis, Chief Financial Officer of Florida #wingnut #dunning-kruger twitter.com

There is a former REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. sitting on the stand RIGHT NOW in BLUE NEW YORK. There is NO VICTIM in the case and the judge already ruled against him before the trial starts. Virtually everyone running for President against Trump has said these charges are BS. (The judge literally said "I do not want to hear" what Trump has to say!) I generated $1.1 BILLION in interest in our Treasury. Trust me we have PLENTY OF MONEY to defend SERIOUS FLORIDA CANDIDATES from prosecution by the DOJ and other PARTISAN PROSECUTORS. Everyone (I mean that literally!) should be OUTRAGED by how our justice system is being weaponized by partisan, LEFT WING DEMOCRATS. I am more committed than ever to setting up this legal defense fund! Talking to members ASAP!

Candace Owens #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #racist lgbtqnation.com

At a speaking engagement, right-wing pundit Candace Owens went on a racist and anti-trans rant against Native Americans in response to an audience member’s question about Two-Spirit people.

The audience member asked Owens how she could believe trans identities are somehow a new trend fueled by the media when Two-Spirit Native Americans have existed for thousands of years.

Two-Spirit is an umbrella term used in Native American communities to describe those who do not conform to their sex assigned at birth and who are said to possess both a male and female spirit. Two-Spirit people were once considered healers and shamans, but colonization led to their marginalization. Many communities, however, are working to revive their sacred roles.

Owens had never heard of Two-Spirit people, and she responded to the question with a series of derogatory comments about Native Americans.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about with Two-Spirit people,” she said. “Is this like a Native American tribe, like high smoking and talking about your spirit? I’m asking you seriously, because when I think of Native American tribes talking about their spirits, I know that they used to smoke a lot, they used to do drugs, they also were cannibals who used to eat people, so I don’t know if we should be taking our cues from cannibals.”

Owens then denied the audience member’s claim that it is basic historical knowledge that there were trans native Americans.

“I don’t think that there were trans native Americans,” she said, before the audience member told her to educate herself.

Gary Ayers #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger quora.com

Gary Ayers
Then please offer examples and data that prove the existence of The Patriarchy.

I really tend to think that it is like God to the feminists: It is apparently eternal, omiscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. It has been crushing the female sex under its boot for ALL of human history, and yet each generation of feminists believes that THEY will be the generation that will FINALLY destroy it. Even though feminists NEVER have made up more than 7% of the female population of any country at ANY time since their movement began.

Gary Ayers
Oh PLEASE tell me you're not a male feminist. Those are documentedlybthe worst type of men.

Set aside the feminist propaganda for a moment: did you ever consider that maybe there was good reason ancient cultures governed their women and girls in such a way? Maybe with a 60% divorce rate (80%of which initiated by women), a 76% single-parent rate, and a 70%-and-increasing hookup culture participation rate, maybe women are proving they're lousy at picking men? And the rest of your diatribe is about 50 years out of date, isn't it? And if corporations actually could get away with paying women less than a man for the same work, why wouldn't they hire only women? Think how much would be saved on labor costs alone. But that isn't true and you and every other feminist fucking well knows it. And what rights have been taken away from women? Abortion was merely returned to the states to decide as their populations wish. It was not outlawed or “stripped” from women.

Society bends over backwards catering to women now. Show me where men have gotten women thrown in jail on false accusations. Why do women get less prison time than men for the same offense? Why is the entire domestic violence infrastructure built on the feminist Duluth model of sexual power, where the woman is automatically presumed to be the victim in every case of domestic violence, even in cases where it is CLEAR that the man is the victim? Why is sexual behavior in women treated as less serious or explained away when such behavior would be considered reprehensible in men, such as sexual assault of school students?

So just spare us the women are so oppressed schtick. The facts of today's world render it invalid.

Random Facebook Idiot #conspiracy #wingnut reddit.com

You’re not going crazy.

Everything really is more expensive. The dollar is weaker than it's ever been in any of our lifetimes. BRICS+ is about to take over 80% of oil production globally. The US dollar is in free fall. Bidenomics is killing our economy.

We are already in WW3. It's happening right now.

Covid was a biological weapon.

The shots are neither safe or effective. It's population control. They cause heart problems, sudden death, turbo cancer, blood clots, and it's still killing many of our athletes and young people.

Russia invaded Ukraine to shut down globalist and American bioweapons labs which were preparing to start another pandemic.

Maui was an inside job. They left the power on with downed lines in hurricane winds, turned off the water, and barricaded people in a burning city and told them to go home to die. It's a land grab. Hundreds of children if not thousands are dead.

We've been in a cultural civil war for nearly a decade or more. The war is going hot, as people are finally awakening to the fact we're in the middle of a global authoritarian communist regime takeover.

The 2020 election was rigged. Biden was not fairly elected, and he's not in power. This is Obama's 3rd term.

Someone murdered Obama's chef and they swept it under the rug.

The weather is changing, but not for the reasons they're telling us. It's because of the sun, solar cycles, and geo-engineered weather modification being conducted by several world governments with competing intentions and purposes.

Canceling communists is the only acceptable form of cancel culture. In our grandparents age, their preferred method of dealing with communists was to shoot them.

January 6th was a false flag. Political prisoners are still in jail and being tortured by our government without a fair trial. The FBI and Antifa were responsible for the majority of the violence.

Trump is being politically prosecuted. Lockdowns and Covid restrictions are coming back.

Do not comply.

Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot dailykos.com

Thanks to SB 1029—filed by Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas, who has a history of outrageous beliefs—there’s a considerable chance almost all forms of safe and age-appropriate gender-affirming health care will be made illegal in the state. And that includes trans adults. In fact, it not only covers both youth and adults but even nonsurgical treatments. The legislation also seeks to allow medical malpractice lawsuits for life against providers and insurers who cover gender-affirming care.

For emphasis: This anti-trans health care bill isn't seeking to only bar youth from safe, age-appropriate health care. It’s seeking to stop adults from accessing it, too.

The bill argues that these procedures are not in the “best interest of the health of the patient” but instead are being offered for the “monetary gain” of “health care facilities.”

The bill seeks to ban public funding for any and all gender modifications, including vasectomies, hysterectomies, and castration. It also seeks to limit puberty blockers and hormones used to “affirm the patient’s perception of the patient’s sex.” (Meaning: Such care would still be available for folks born intersex, for example.)

In terms of possible malpractice claims, the bill seeks to establish providers as liable, including for the patient’s medical, pharmaceutical, and mental health costs post-procedure. This bit isn’t the most eye-catching, admittedly, but it’s deeply concerning because of the possible fallout. It’s hard to find safe and affordable gender-affirming care as it is. If physicians are worried about such a wide-ranging and lifelong liability, it’s entirely possible folks will just ... stop offering it.

Kenneth Daniel #fundie whnt.com

BLOUNT COUNTY, Ala. (WIAT) — A pastor of a Jefferson County church has been arrested and charged with a child sex offense, Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon confirmed.

Kenneth Daniel, 64, was charged with facilitating solicitation of unlawful sexual conduct with a child, according to jail records from the BCSO. He was booked into the Blount County Jail on the felony charge Wednesday night.

A seven-year-old victim told her grandfather that Daniel, who is a pastor at First Baptist Church of Chalkville, had been sexually abusing her.

The girl reported that Daniel had touched her private parts numerous times at his residence, a pool party and the church.

Jeff Younger, Texas Republican House Candidate #transphobia #wingnut vox.com

Around age 3, Luna Younger started asking to wear dresses. Since the age of 5, she has insisted she is a girl. Now Luna is 7, and during court hearings, physicians, school staff, and family members have all testified that Luna has consistently, persistently identified as a girl.

While Luna’s mother respects her daughter’s gender identity — letting her wear what she chooses, whether it’s nail polish, dresses, or longer hair — Luna’s father does not. He insists Luna is not transgender. These polarizing differences over how to raise and treat a child are why trans families and advocates, as well as conservatives, have been closely watching the custody battle over the Coppell, Texas, trans girl.

After 15 months in court, on October 22, the jury awarded Luna’s mother, Anne Georgulas, full conservatorship of her daughter. It was a decision that brought relief to the trans community and outraged conservatives who believe supporting a trans child’s gender identity is tantamount to child abuse.

People were so riled up online, some sent threats to Georgulas; she was “viciously attacked and threatened by complete strangers,” her attorneys told the Daily Caller. Several prominent Texas officials even added to the fray, including Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who promised to order the state’s child protective services to investigate Georgulas. State Rep. Steve Toth said he would propose a bill to “add ‘Transitioning of a Minor’ as Child Abuse.”

saoyraan #sexist reddit.com

(The discussion was about 1920 and the suffragette movement; the commenter I was replying to said they were surprised that so many women were okay with not being able to vote)

darkphoenixff4: It's not a surprise, when you consider history. Fact is, if all your life you've been told you CAN'T do something, the idea of changing that and doing that thing is scary to a lot of people. It's why freed dictatorships tend to revert to dictatorship under a new dictator; the people there are used to someone stomping on them, so they're confused and afraid because no one is doing it anymore. When the new dictator comes along, it pushes them back into what is "normal" for them.

saoyraan: Well then at what point are women free to choose and can be free to choose while men can't. It is a gender role for the man to man up take his lot on life and move on. It is also the role that men have to be heroes and sacrifice their well being to serve the community. This is a definition of a gender role. Women had a gender role as well and that was the caretaker and the motherly figure. This is why laws basically in divorce favor children being taken from men and the house to them. You seem to be saying the grass is greener on the other side but it is still grass. Women during those times accepted the roles and positions. You are hyper focusing on one aspect of human nature while demonizing another in order to pump you social justice values but without thought or reason. Societies change and standards changed throughout history on this very subject and tons of studies and discussions on this. Not even is ot just western culture but the same social patterns developed in human history in different cultures worlds apart. When your hatred and seeking to demonize a particular group o suggest studying history. At some point you have to realize the genders have traits that prompt certain behaviors over the other. Humans are animals and still fall into that category that most SJW forget.

darkphoenixff4: Thanks for that giant misogynist screed. In response, I say go fuck yourself.

Donald Trump #dunning-kruger #wingnut washingtonpost.com

President Trump is likely to announce restrictions on U.S. funding for the World Health Organization this week over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, as the administration and conservative allies ramped up their criticism that the United Nations agency catered to China early in the outbreak and jeopardized global health.

Trump hinted at a temporary hold on U.S. funding Friday but said he wanted to wait until after Easter to announce anything. He said his administration would discuss the organization “in great detail” this week, adding he did not want to go further “before we had all the facts.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other U.S. officials are expected to recommend to Trump how to dock or condition payments to the agency as Republicans in Congress seek documentation of WHO dealings with China, said people familiar with White House and State Department discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private conversations.

“They are very, very China-centric,” Trump said Friday. “China always seems to get the better of the argument and I don’t like that, I really don’t like that. I don’t think that’s appropriate. I don’t think it’s fair to the American people.”

Speaking at the daily White House coronavirus news conference, Trump focused on the level of U.S. funding and the disparity with China’s contribution. The administration review is expected to be broader, to consider how well the agency responded in December, January and February as the virus began spreading rapidly in China and then beyond its borders, said the people familiar with the talks.

Bernie-Or-Else Website #moonbat #conspiracy bernieorelse.com

(This could very well be a Russian trolling operation, but it’s definitely trending on Twitter, along with #DemExit…)




> In the 2020 Presidential Election, I refuse to vote for the Democratic nominee unless it's Senator Bernie Sanders.
> No party is entitled to my vote. I refuse to "vote blue no matter who." Policy over party.

(From the FAQ section)

**Are you pro-Donald Trump?**
Absolutely not.

Trump style politics are the result of late-stage capitalism and the type of appeasement politics suggested by candidates like Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, and Amy Klobuchar.

The clear answer to defeat Donald Trump (and prevent the rise of an either further right-wing authoritarian) is by nominating Bernie Sanders. The Sanders platform is a clear rebuke of Trumpist policy, uncompromisingly.

**Is this a Russian operation?**
Scapegoating Russia is another example of establishment Democrats failure to recognize the shortcomings of horribly unpopular “moderate” candidates and policies.

Not every “out-of-the-mainstream” viewpoint you find online is a Russian bot.

Timothy Wilson #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho dailykos.com

Given the intensity of the conspiracy theories on the radical right that have arisen around the coronavirus pandemic—particularly the number of rightists claiming that government lockdown orders are an initial step in the imposition of a tyrannical order—it was only a matter of time before the U.S. experienced its first coronavirus-related act of domestic terrorism.

On Tuesday, a Missouri man named Timothy Wilson made preparations to set off a car bomb at a local hospital in suburban Belton, which was intended as a revolt against the stay-at-home order issued by Belton’s mayor, but his plan was cut short by an FBI raid. When he apparently resisted with a weapon, he ended up being shot and killed.

Wilson had been the subject of an ongoing domestic terrorism investigation since September, according to an FBI statement. “Wilson was actively planning to commit an act of domestic terrorism—a bombing—and over the course of several months had considered several targets,” it read.

A number of far-right extremists have claimed that the pandemic is secretly a cover for the imposition of a totalitarian “globalist” government. Wilson, who was a participant in neo-Nazi chat rooms, decided to enact a plan he had already concocted for creating a car bomb and use it on a hospital in Belton, the FBI said.

“Wilson considered various targets and ultimately settled on an area hospital in an attempt to harm many people, targeting a facility that is providing critical medical care in today’s environment,” the statement read. “Wilson had taken the necessary steps to acquire materials needed to build an explosive device.”

There was no actual bomb. Wilson had arrived at a residence in Belton with his own vehicle, believing the person there had constructed a device for him. It's unclear whether Wilson was shot by FBI agents as they moved in to arrest him, or whether he shot himself.

The FBI’s interest in Wilson apparently originated with his heavy involvement in some of the same neo-Nazi factions that have produced a string of arrests in recent months. Nick Martin at The Informant reports that Wilson “was an admirer of the 1980s terrorist group The Order and had ties to two active neo-Nazi organizations.”

One of Martin’s sources identified Wilson as the Telegram user “Werwolfe 84,” which enabled Martin and Elon University computer science professor Megan Squire to determine Wilson’s involvement in two public Telegram channels for neo-Nazi groups: one for the National Socialist Movement (NSM) and one for the violence-oriented Vorherrschaft Division (VSD).

Mike Pompeo #racist spiegel.de

Annoyance among the G7 foreign ministers: A joint declaration on the corona crisis failed on the Americans. According to SPIEGEL information, they insist on a dubious name for the virus.

The G7 foreign ministers were supposed to meet in Pittsburgh this week, but the summit had to be canceled due to the corona virus. Instead, the G7 foreign ministers are joining forces for a four-hour video conference on Wednesday.

It will be a premiere across thirteen time zones.

So that no Secretary of State has to get up in the middle of the night, the video switch in the US capital Washington starts at 7 a.m. local time, in Tokyo it is already 8 p.m.

Things look relaxed for the European G7 members: The period from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. is kept free in Heiko Maas' calendar .

However, there is not much left to discuss as things stand.

Because the idea of ​​a joint declaration by the seven important industrialized countries on the corona crisis is on the brink , according to information from European diplomatic circles . The reason is a dispute over what the pandemic should be called.

Accordingly, the State Department insists on the name "Wuhan virus". US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo represents the line of his president. Donald Trump speaks mostly of the "Chinese virus" at press conferences and on Twitter.

Original German:

Streit über "Wuhan-Virus"
Ärger unter den G7-Außenministern: Eine gemeinsame Erklärung zur Coronakrise ist an den Amerikanern gescheitert. Die beharren nach SPIEGEL-Informationen auf einem zweifelhaften Namen für das Virus.

Eigentlich sollten sich die Außenminister der G7-Staaten diese Woche in Pittsburgh treffen, doch wegen des Coronavirus musste der Gipfel abgesagt werden. Stattdessen schalten sich die G7-Außenminister am Mittwoch zu einer vierstündigen Videokonferenz zusammen.

Es wird eine Premiere über dreizehn Zeitzonen.

Damit kein Außenminister mitten in der Nacht aufstehen muss, startet die Videoschalte in der US-Hauptstadt Washington um 7 Uhr Ortszeit, in Tokio ist es dann bereits 20 Uhr abends.

Zeitlich entspannt sieht es für die europäischen G7-Mitglieder aus: Im Kalender von Heiko Maas ist der Zeitraum von 12 bis 16 Uhr freigehalten.

Doch nach Lage der Dinge gibt es nicht mehr viel zu besprechen.

Denn die Idee einer gemeinsamen Erklärung der sieben wichtigen Industriestaaten zur Coronakrise steht nach Informationen aus europäischen Diplomatenkreisen vor dem Aus. Grund ist ein Streit über die Frage, wie die Pandemie genannt werden soll.

Demnach besteht das State Department auf der Bezeichnung "Wuhan-Virus". US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo vertritt damit die Linie seines Präsidenten. Donald Trump spricht auf Pressekonferenzen und auf Twitter meist vom "chinesischen Virus".

Kenneth Copeland #fundie rightwingwatch.org

Kenneth Copeland: Hatred Toward Trump ‘Opened the Door’ for the Coronavirus Outbreak

During services at his Eagle Mountain International Church on Sunday, prosperity gospel preacher and Trump evangelical adviser Kenneth Copeland declared that hatred toward President Donald Trump had opened this nation to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak but that the outbreak will soon be over because Christians’ prayers “have overwhelmed it.”

Copeland, who last week hosted a “Standing Against Coronavirus” special during which he healed viewers of the disease through their television screens, claimed that he was lying in bed last Friday night when he suddenly received word from the Lord, which he hurriedly wrote down.

“This disease called COVID-19 will be over much sooner than you think,” God reportedly told Copeland. “Christian people all over this country praying have overwhelmed it. Give Me all the glory, saith the spirit of grace. And many, many people will come to know Me through it. I am still Lord over this nation and I am on the throne and faith in Me changes things!”

“There’s been some really nasty things that have happened this year—last year and this year—that I’m quite certain—well, I know—opened the door to a lot of this,” Copeland continued. “Displays of hate and hatred by politicians toward the president. And hate on both sides. The Democrats hate him, and we have some people that hate them because they hate him.”

“This fussing and this fighting going on in this government just opened the doors wide to this country just to bring this trash in here and just slam us with it,” he added. “When we get to hating people in this nation openly and publicly in political office and it breaks down the divine protection over this nation, we get hit.”

“Well, we just got hit,” Copeland concluded.

Bonus message from the same interview:

Multi-millionaire televangelist Kenneth Copeland tells viewers that even if they lose their jobs because of the coronavirus outbreak, they must continue giving to the church: "Whatever you do right now, don't you stop tithing!”

- https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1240628868966502400

Chapo Trap House #sexist #racist #moonbat #homophobia nytimes.com

The people in the crowd were angry, and “Chapo Trap House” wanted them to stay that way. The five hosts of the popular socialist podcast wanted everyone to know they had all been lied to. About everything.

The media they consumed was fake news aimed to distract them from the only war worth fighting: the class war. Politesse, civility, even pleasure — those were tools of the neoliberal oppressor. The right answer is rage.

“That joy,” the Chapo co-host Will Menaker said to the crowd gathered in Iowa City on the eve of the Iowa caucus. “That’s good but it’s not as good a motivator when you’re really going to war as spite.”

“Let the hate feed you,” the co-host Amber A’Lee Frost added as the audience roared.

And it does. Especially toward other Democrats.

Supporters of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. are “gelatinous 100-year-olds.”

Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg is “a bloodless asexual.”

“The gayest thing about him is he descends from an ethnic group that’s like a little toy dog,” Ms. A’Lee Frost said.

When Senator Elizabeth Warren’s name came up, the crowd made the sound of a snake hissing. She had accused Senator Bernie Sanders of saying that a woman could not beat President Trump, and so she is a snake.

“Yes, my sssssoldiers,” Mr. Menaker said.

Former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s run appalls them. “Beat him so badly that this midget gremlin won’t even have a shot even with a trillion dollars,” Mr. Menaker said.

“Kill him,” someone shouted from the audience. These were jokes, of course. Everyone was laughing.

As Mr. Sanders rises in the polls and claims strong showings in early states, a new set of media stars is on the rise, too. Leading the pack are the hosts of “Chapo Trap House,” the Pied Pipers of the candidate’s online movement.

In their rowdy, vulgar weekly podcast, they are stoking the fires of a political insurgency led by their 78-year-old idol. The man stands for the movement, the movement is the man.

“Our boy Bernie” they call him.

The fivesome of “Chapo Trap House" are not the only bards of the new American left — there is “Red Scare” and another whose name cannot be printed — but they have led the way for a movement that together generates millions of dollars a year. They are on their way to becoming the socialist’s answer to right-wing shock jock radio. Their primary targets, in evidence at that show in Iowa, are not the Republican Party or even Mr. Trump but rather centrist liberals, whom they see as the major obstacle to a workers’ revolution.

The main draw of the show is their banter, the hosts distilling the news of the week and checking in on their favorite and least favorite characters. But they have had major guests, including Mr. Sanders himself.

“These people on top are so powerful that the only way we bring them down, the only way we make the kinds of transformation this country absolutely requires is when millions of people are prepared to stand up and fight back,” Mr. Sanders said during his interview.

And the Sanders campaign maintains a close relationship with the podcast. His senior adviser, David Sirota, and his national press secretary, Briahna Joy Gray, have also been on the podcast. At the Iowa show, a Sanders volunteer stood at the door with fliers and pins to hand out and an email list to gather names.

Their followers — on the night in Iowa City more than 700 strong — come to hear them rage for three hours against the student debt, the high rent, the dead-end creative class jobs, and the feeling of hopelessness fighting against a liberal political establishment that seems polite when they are angry.

They were promised a better life, a more dignified life, and they are done waiting for it.

An additional challenge is that as the free-floating anger they stoke finds community, it is escalating and souring into sometimes violent and ugly rhetoric — the kind of rhetoric that other Democratic contenders have fashioned into a major critique of Mr. Sanders.

On Monday, the Sanders campaign fired a campaign organizer, Ben Mora, after his private Twitter feed was revealed to include derogatory comments about 2020 candidates. The Chapo hosts publicly supported Mr. Mora, praising his organizing work and saying, “I hope the campaign doesn’t cave to these whiners and losers.”

For the hosts and their fans, those sort of tweets and the podcast language are all jokes. The audience understands the difference, they argue, and anyway the real problem with the Democrats is that they’re overly sensitive. A bunch of self-serious P.M.C.s (members of the professional-managerial class).

George Zimmerman, Larry Klayman and Joel Gilbert #wingnut #conspiracy #racist news.yahoo.com

POLK COUNTY, Fla., Feb. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the legal counsel for George Zimmerman announced the filing of a complaint in Polk County, Florida (Case Filing No. 103505613), against presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren. The complaint can be found at www.larryklayman.com, alleges that the two maliciously defamed George Zimmerman, using the February 5th birthday of Trayvon Martin as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers. Their Tweets were well-covered by the media and extensively retweeted.

The obvious intent of Buttigieg and Warren's Tweets is alleged race baiting, in an attempt to draw African American votes during this Democrat presidential primary season, stated Larry Klayman Zimmerman's lawyer.

Both defendants, Buttigieg and Warren, are alleged in the complaint to have acted with actual malice, as it is widely known that Zimmerman was acquitted of murder based on self-defense. Moreover, as depicted in the recent documentary, The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America, the Hispanic George Zimmerman was a minority advocate who was active in mentoring black youth before the tragic encounter with Trayvon. In the well-publicized film, Zimmerman recounts how he was stalked by Martin and badly beaten before eventually using a lawful firearm in self-defense. The film and a companion book also provide uncontrovertible evidence that Zimmerman was allegedly framed by the fake witness, and that witness fraud is the subject of a lawsuit filed in December 2019.

(Submitter’s Note: Larry Klayman is a paranoid nutcase with a history of filing frivolous lawsuits targeting members of the Democrat Party in order to use discovery to obtain “dirt” for Republican operations. The aforementioned documentary is the creation of Joel Gilbert, another conspiracy theorist with a long history of bullshit right-wing “documentaries”, like “Dreams of My Real Father”, which claims that Barack Obama’s father wasn’t Barack Obama Sr. and that his mother was actually a porn star)

Nonlinear #moonbat dailykos.com

I can`t speak for a Church or a congregation to which I do not belong and where I have never attended their Church and have only indirect reports. I assume because of the large number of memoirs of people who fled these Churches (well as I have said I think of them as cults) that your assertion is true of at least some fundamentalist Churches. That has absolutely nothing to do with my point that left wing Christians, animists, Jews, Hindis, main stream Muslims and other non fundamentalist religions could be key parts of the progressive movement if agnostics and atheists could get over the fear they feel when confronted by people of faith and refrain from calling them dimwits and morons. Especially when all these other not fundamentalist religions have, in America, on average much higher levels of educational attainment than atheists and agnostics.

Jason Kenney and the Conservative Party of Alberta #fundie #sexist huffingtonpost.ca

EDMONTON — A bill that many worry will restrict Albertans’ access to abortion, LGBTQ health care and contraception passed the first reading in the province’s legislature Thursday.

United Conservative MLA Dan Williams, who represents Peace River, introduced the Conscience Rights (Health Care Providers) Protection Act, which aims to assert freedom of conscience and religion for health providers.

“Health care providers should never have to choose between their most deeply held beliefs and their job,” said Williams in a written statement released after the vote.

The private member’s bill would amend the Alberta Human Rights Act to include “conscientious beliefs” as a basis for protection from discrimination, or refusal of employment. Basically, doctors would be able to refuse treatments or referring patients for treatments they are “morally” opposed to. These could include things like abortions, gender-affirming surgery or even contraception.

It passed first reading with support along party lines, with 36 UCP MLAs in attendance in favour and all 15 NDP MLAs opposed. Now it will move to a standing committee.

Critics of the bill, including the opposition NDP, worry it’s a roundabout way of reopening the abortion debate, something UCP Premier Jason Kenney said he wouldn’t do.

“I can’t see this being anything other than another backdoor attempt to bring forward legislation specifically looking at abortion, reproductive services, perhaps questions around gender and diverse communities that are seeking treatment from medical doctors,” said NDP health critic David Shepherd Wednesday.

Doctors and nurses from across the province have also taken to social media to speak out against the bill.

In February, ahead of the provincial election, Kenney, a catholic, said his party “would not engage” in a debate around abortion.

“I’ve been clear about that,” the now-premier said at the time. “A United Conservative government will not address this issue, will not engage in this debate, will not initiate legislation.”

Despite this, Kenney’s UCP were heralded by anti-abortion advocates as potentially being one of the province’s “most pro-life” governments in history. As a Conservative MP under Stephen Harper, Kenney had a history of voting in favour of pro-life legislation and a motion in 2012 to explore whether a fetus was a human being before birth. That motion was defeated in the house.

Kenney has not commented publicly on Williams’s bill. Williams denies the private members’ bill is intended to curtail abortion and other services, but rather that it’s in response to an Appeal Court of Ontario ruling this spring.

Ontario’s high court found physicians who object on moral grounds to contentious issues like abortion must still offer patients an “effective referral” to another health provider.

Paula White #fundie dailykos.com

Paula White is wasting no time in her new job as the president’s official blasphemous mouthpiece in the White House (www.nytimes.com/...). Listen to this: player.freeconferencecallhd.com/…

She is calling as demonic and “the enemy” any who oppose President Trump. This is unbelievable, broadcast by and for the Dear Leader of our federal government.

Alongside fellow Christian leaders Cindy Jacobs, Dave Kabul and Dutch Sheets, White has launched the One Voice Prayer Movement, starting the initiative on Tuesday with a prayer for Trump. "Lord, we ask you to deliver our president from any snare, any setup of the enemy, according to Ephesians 6:12. Any persons [or] entities that are aligned against the president will be exposed and dealt with and overturned by the superior blood of Jesus," she said during her prayer in a conference call with other Christian leaders.


Add to the impeachment grounds: grossly abusing separation of church and state, and aiding and abetting violation of Hatch Act.

Lt. Col. Jonathan C. Dowty #ableist #fundie dailykos.com

Excerpt from an article on DailyKos about this guy

The “Christian Fighter Pilot” is Air Force Lt. Col. Dowty, a former fighter pilot turned paper pusher after being rejected for a position as an instructor at the Air Force Academy. The organization that I work for, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) has been aware of Lt. Col. Dowty and his blog for many years, mainly because MRFF and its president Mikey Weinstein are the favorite subject of Dowty’s so-called “ministry.” As of 2012, when I wrote the piece mentioned in the first paragraph, Dowty had written an astounding 432 posts tagged with either MRFF or Weinstein’s name. That was the number as of seven years ago, and Dowty has continued his diatribes against MRFF ever since, sometimes with multiple posts in the same week, bringing his tally of posts about MRFF to well over 1,000.

Dowty has a long track record of virulent homophobic, misogynistic, and Islamophobic posts, and also attacks Christians who aren’t the “right kind” of Christians in his mind. He also has no qualms about disrespecting superior officers, such as publicly accusing the first lesbian commandant of the Air Force Academy of being a liar, and cyber-stalking MRFF’s junior enlisted clients.

MRFF has attempted to get the Air Force to take some sort of action regarding Dowty and his very un-officer-like writings, even filing an Inspector General complaint, but to no avail. He continues to publish his vile screeds with impunity. In the thirteen years since he started his “ministry” blog, he has only had to remove one post — a post equating homosexuality to bestiality.

But, of all the reprehensible trash that has spewed forth from this fine “Christian” officer’s keyboard, his post yesterday, going after the pilot with ALS, is without doubt the most revolting. In this post, titled “How an Air Force Fighter Pilot Faces His Approaching Death. How Would You?,” after quoting from an Air Force article about the pilot, whose attitude would to most people be inspirational, Dowty wrote:

“Naturally, when we talk about someone’s death — especially that of a terminal illness — we speak of mortality, legacy, and perspective. Christians also speak of their faith. As appears evident from the interviews above, Christ is not a part of Holloway’s life. The only direct non-theistic detail publicly available was the fact their post-courthouse wedding ceremony was explicitly ‘non-religious.’ Otherwise, if you can communicate your deepest thoughts on your coming death and not once mention even spirituality, it’s probably a safe bet you’re not concerned with religion.

“Regrettably, that deepens the tragedy. To know that your soul will soon be required of you and to yet not be concerned of things eternal is distressing on an eternal level. Yet, there is still time.”

Just as egregiously insensitive was Dowty’s comment about the pilot’s callsign being “Twitch.” Dowty actually wrote of that:

“Left unsaid is whether the symptoms of the undiagnosed disease were the source of his callsign, ‘Twitch.’”