Dictionary definition of the word Caucasian
Adj. 1. of the White or light-skinned race. 2. of the Caucasus.
The whole world actually Stems from Apes, and the Caucasians were the result of continuous evolution.
Moving to more difficult climates forced their brains to develop faster in order to survive.
Their skin evolved and became white because they didn't need protection against the sun as much.
The black people in Africa who didn't migrate still evolved but at a much slower rate.
Which is why all races except the Negro race look far less in appearance to our ancestors The Great Ape
Besides you have to admit that we are much better looking.
Besides you have to admit that we are much better looking
Naw, I find Latino women the hottest, have you ever been to Brazil or Argentina? I'm telling you, those girls are really smokin'. ^-^
Well skin became white because it helped us produce vitamin D better from a less intense sun. But how you wander off of the evolution track into the racist quagmire, is beyond me.
I couldn't imagine living in Africa without clothing and air conditioning. I would turn into a lobster and then melt. So I'm definitly not created for that environment.
And I've met a lot of damn ugly white people. Also, #964990 is right, white people do have the most body hair in general. Ever taken a good look at Robin Williams?
#964990 again
re: #964996
I AM white you idiot. Very pale and very very hairy. The only part of my body that isn't covered in hair is the top of my head.
Simply pointing out the amusing way all races will see 'animal' characteristics in others but will ignore their own.
When Europeans and Orientals met up in central asia both referred to each other as 'monkeys' due to what they saw as simian-like body features.
Honestly, if you met the real Caucasians from the Caucasus, specially the Tzetzenians and the Georgians, and in which conditions they live, you'll think twice before saying that stupid definition(let alone aesthetics, superficial moron)
By this logic Europeans and Arabians would be barely above Africans. Then Asians would be better because they traveled further away. Then Native Americans would be the supreme race because they traveled all the way across Asia, across the strait, and into the Americas.
1. There is no evidence that changing climates causes brain evolution. People of any skin color can figure out how to use skins, fire and shelter, which is all it really takes. If it took any more, the first immigrants to northern Europe would have died out.
2. Actually, genetic diversity is highest in Africa, so if anything, Africans are "more evolved" than anyone else.
3. Attractiveness is governed by familiarity and culture. At first contact, every group looks ugly to strangers. Check out Japanese artistic impressions of white Americans from the 1850s.
4. You're an idiot.
Fuck off hairy honkey.
Give me citations for your statement: "The black people in Africa who didn't migrate still evolved but at a much slower rate."
And hell, even if that was true, it doesn't mean a damned thing. Evolving quickly or slowly has absolutely nothing to do with how "advanced" a population is. The only thing it would prove is that Africans were already fairly well adapted to their environment while others had to adapt physically to new environmental problems (like not making enough vitamin D in less intense sunshine with darker skin).
I saw this as a pale person myself--I don't understand how pale came to be considered more attractive. Objectively...more melanin makes the skin look younger, clearer, less veiny. I use to pray for the ability to tan.
Evolution is not a level-up system. It doesn't create forms that are universally better, but forms that are better for where they are. Using this kind of logic, a shark is a useless creature because it hasn't evolved very much. But since a shark is already perfectly adapted to what a shark needs to do, it hasn't HAD to evolve.
If the changes to human bodies depending on where the humans lived weren't necessary, we would all still look like apes. Evolution is no more an argument for racism than anything else is, and it's you idiots who make the other lot of idiots try to discredit evolutionary science by calling it racist.
All these comments proove that white bashing is perfectly acceptable while words like: slant, kike, chink, jap, nigger, spick, sandnigger, haji, wop, deigo, porch monkey, wetback, gook, fag, all get looked down upon. Either it's all fair game or none. Being a white male is getting tough these days. Soon I won't be able to go to the zoo and point out to my son that gorillas look like niggers. It's getting tough these days being a white male.
Well, isn't it theorized that when apes lost their hair they were white? Like chimpanzees have fair skin under their fur because it's protected from the sun. So having more melanin in the skin to protect it from the sun was an adaptation. Then when humans migrated to places with less sun, they adapted to have less melanin to absorb more sunlight.
Migration and skin tone don't have anything to do with brain size. Evolution doesn't work that way!
"Which is why all races except the Negro race look far less in appearance to our ancestors The Great Ape"
I think the only way they are so much more like apes is that their skin is darker and their noses are flatter than ours, but that's just because the skin stayed dark due to the amount of sun in africa, and noses flatter due to the warmer climate (shorter sinuses because the air need not be warmed before entering the lungs), so it's not that they are less evolved, they are just as evolved, except evolved to suit THEIR environments, and we have evolved to suit OUR environment.
I've always found black women to be strikingly beautiful.
And, uh. That would make sense except for it doesn't.
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