Anonymous #racist

Generic *feel good* Facebook post: "Man helps homeless woman" or "Dude helps child with college"

>ALWAYS a white person helping a black person.

Generic *crime story* Facebook post. "Man chased down by police after stealing X" or "Woman attacks police - look what she said her reason was."

>1) Cover my eyes 2) Click on link 3) "If shes white I will scar my forearm." 4) Open eyes 5) SHES B-B-Black C-C-COMBO BREAKER breaker *breaker* breaker..

Every. Fucking. Time.

So please tell me with all of the evidence thrown in your face 24/7. Why is it racist to even talk about the elephant in the room?

I'm ready to own up to how I feel, lose a couple friends, and start speaking the truth about the walking poop people.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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