millner #racist

Living in the city by the bay at present is like never before in my memory. The mall riot at Westfield Shopping Center recently just confirmed the out of control state of minority groups most especially blacks in the city.

Add to that the mind boggling actions of public agencies such as BART, all invariably run by a cadre of cuck white males, white hating white females, bull dyes and razor ladies (the tight haircut dykes usually with spiky hair dyed pink etc. when they feel really bold), smarmy latinos, black gay men, a transgender if they can get them in there, effete straight while guys who will do just about anything to stay at BART and keep their big salary, money grabbing asians, fake filipinos and a few grumpy group think russian. That will give you a fair cross section on what goes into a public agency in San Francisco.

Many of the decision makers at BART are usually Black anyhow. The few white execs at the very top are as cuck as you ever get. How else could they get to the top of that rotten heap without going along with the whole diversity is golden nonsense. Pirates in neckties as they say what needs to be said and worry about the last part of of the bonus and how is the Charles Schwab account looking for them.

Now, what is the most damaging element in the whole mix above?. Of them all, it is the Black women. Here in the Bay Area they feel particularly emboldened with a level of direct involvement to further their own race at any chance they can get. Some nasty ladies from what I have experienced. I had an experience wherein a fairly beefy white guy was being verbally harassed by a big black guy. All happening in a bank I worked as a tech consultant some years back. The white guy eventually complained of harassment and it was very personal insulting stuff. No excuse for it whatsoever. The blacks were of the belief their guy was just stressed lately and blamed the job and the system in general for his behavior. No honor or integrity in Black women and are truly the source of so much strife not just in this city but worldwide.

I would be almost certain the pressure was placed on the powers that be in BART by black employees to withhold these videos. To sit through meetings watching the offending videos of young blacks who look like their own children or relatives and to see it day after day must be embarrassing to Black women. The gay blacks and the black women work together to be a fairly considerable force in many office environments in the Bay Area.



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