[On the Southern Poverty Law Center classifying the Family Research Council and American Family Association as hate groups:]
The plain truth is that we at the FRC and AFA don't hate a living soul. We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about the physical and spiritual dangers of the homosexual lifestyle. We want something better for them than the darkness and disease associated with homosexual behavior. We want them to come out of the darkness into the light of the gospel of Christ. We are for the homosexual and so must be against the normalization and promotion of homosexuality.
Note the SPLC is no longer accusing FRC and AFA of hate or violence based on some objective standard. They have simply made a purely subjective assessment that our beliefs about human sexuality and our defense of natural marriage are so offensive to them that we must become the target of the unlimited resources of the federal government.
Do we disagree with the homosexual lobby about homosexuality? Of course. Do we hate them? Absolutely not. Do we advocate violence against them? Never have, never will. We are simply determined to tell the moral, spiritual and physical truth about nonnormative sexual behavior.
Bottom line: disagreement is not hatred, and the truth is not hate speech.
We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth...
...from your perspective. More fundamentally: you love homosexuals but not enough to leave them alone and live their lives as they choose. That is the crux of their resentment with your efforts.
"We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about the physical and spiritual dangers of the homosexual lifestyle. We want something better for them than the darkness and disease associated with homosexual behavior. We want them to come out of the darkness into the light of the gospel of Christ. We are for the homosexual and so must be against the normalization and promotion of homosexuality."
More evidence that BF speaks Fundiespeak, where 'love' means "Constantly telling people who live not like us, the more in-your-face the better, that their way of living is Wrong and our way of living is Right and they need to change their ways NOW!!!"
"We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about the physical and spiritual dangers of the homosexual lifestyle. "
We love them so much we search and replace 'gay' to 'homosexual' because research has shown that using the word 'homosexual' instead of 'gay' makes people hate them more.
"We don't hate gays, we love them so much we want to tell them how immoral, perverted, sinful, evil, and disgusting they really are. For their own good, of course."
The reason you're labeled as a hate group, Bryan, is because of your constant fight to try to take away gay people's constitutional rights.
I have something to tell you, Bryan. You are a lying sack of shit, and your god is as real as the tooth fairy. I tell you this for your own good, because I love you. *gag*
I think that "truth" for a homosexual would be greatly different from your truth. What if a homosexual group protested and tried to pass legislation stating that christians were not allowed to marry. What if every time you turned around some gay group was telling you about the physical and spiritual dangers of christianity? I got news for you, they could actually make a better case, but would you consider that to be hateful.
We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about the physical and spiritual dangers of the homosexual lifestyle.
They've been told 1,000 times. Telling them a 1,001st time is just harassment. Besides, you don't just want to tell them the truth about the physical and spiritual dangers of the homosexual lifestyle; you want to prevent them from visiting their sick partners in hospitals, adopt children, work as teachers or scout leaders, filing joint tax returns, being covered on their partners' health insurance and collecting spousal pension benefits when their partners die. How much "love" would you think someone felt for you if they proposed doing that to you?
"the truth is not hate speech"
Try telling some for a change, see if that helps. You want to shove homosexuals into a closet where they are to be treated as a diseased burden on their families and outright enemy of the state and then if they ever dare poke their heads out of the closet (or somebody else goes snooping in it on their own) send them to horrifying, violent, mentally scarring, often deadly "camps" that are only ashamed of the label behavioral reprogramming insomuch as they'd be shut down if it was ever spelled out that what they do is literally no different than a cult breaking a new recruit so they'll pledge their very lives to whatever they're told to believe in exchange for a very false sense of belonging.
You're just washing your hands of direct involvement in what such places do and the suicides they cause even though you support their existence and the stripping of rights so people can be forced into such programs involuntarily and try to create an atmosphere where people would genuinely prefer their children to die or be mentally broken than be gay.
You want them stop existing. That's pretty hateful. You're willing to subject them to physical and emotional torture and isolation to conform to your preferences and don't much care if it kills them as long as you get what you want. That's more than hateful and damned violent to boot. Why don't we get right to it? You'd throw them to lions in public circuses unironically as the True Christians cheered but would never admit that it was persecution because only you can be wronged.
Try saying that on British TV, Bri.
OFCOM would drop on you like a ton of bricks, and you'd consider yourself fucking lucky that they didn't make it a police matter: arresting you for contravening Section 5 of the Public Order Act.
Oh how you love to hide behind the apron strings of your precious 1st Amendment, Mr. Fischite.
Damned, dirty, lying, hypocritical, disgusting, prurient, nauseating, all around godfuckingdamned REVOLTING liars!
$cientology is religion non grata in Germany; almost as much as in Russia.
Due to it's financial shenanigans, and defrauding members, $cientology is on it's last warning in France.
That's what I call state control of fundie religions, via legislation; there can't be enough of such, and the more draconian the better.
$cientology isn't legally recognised as a religion here in the UK, thus it's Orgs etc must pay tax on it's income ('Auditing' courses, sales of materials etc). Why shouldn't the IRS come a-calling on all fundie Christain churches in the US...?! >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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