I've always believed there was more to the Emperor Qing's decision to burn the books in 200BC than meets the eye. He deliberately destroyed the history books to conceal (in my view) the fact that European, or at the very least Eurasian people were a faction (s) of Northern China (until their defeat) and had colonies elsewhere in the theater of conflict.
The old history of our people says that China and Japan were both white homelands, with the difference being that there was a massive white flight out of China, but not out of Japan.
The Japanese are a mix of the invading savages plus the original settlers who were Nordic. The Chinese are a mix of the white children they stole and raped and the invading savages.
There are pyramids built by white folks in China and white mummies. The brown Chinese invaders don't want the real history known, and have even buried some of the pyramids claiming they are only hills.
Some of the mummies are dressed in Scottish style kilts.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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