ErikTheWhite #racist
[Comment under "Deadly Brooklyn fire may have been caused by Hanukkah menorah]
@Il fascismo per i fascisti
Deadly Brooklyn fire may have been caused by Hanukkah menorah - Israel National News
Itz a miniature holocau$t!!! Ze menorah vas made by eevviill Nazis disguised as jews!!!! Ver ist mein lawyer??? Ve must sue the people who made ze walls, ze cloth zat caught on fire, ze people who made ze matches.........
ZE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just sick as hell of jew deaths getting in the news since (((the owners))) of the media don't report on black on White crimes, etc.
Here in the central Florida area there was another "oh, what a horrible thing" report on the Pulse shooting that happened over two years ago!!!
Fags and jews get the (((pity.))) And, of course, kangs n kweenz!!!
Whites who die in fires or are murdered, either aren't reported on or the White tragedy gets back page (((coverage.)))