Tenniel #sexist stormfront.org
I actually don't yet know anything about these two women, except that they are both women. Which fact, all by itself, raises two red (as in communist and feminist) flags for me.
Here's the principle, Dummy in the White House:
Women should NOT be placed in positions of power over White Men. That's the White Rule. I suppose, in all history, there may have been one or two justifiable exceptions to following that rule. But I suspect these two women are not among those exceptions.
Ann Coulter might be an exception, Dummy. For her, Homeland Security is defined as one thing: Stopping and Reversing Nonwhite Immigration into America. Why don't you fire the two leftist women you've just put in charge of the future White America -- and replace them with Ann?
Huh? Anyway...and so this Idiot in the White House surrounds himself with jews and women and cucks -- and he expects his White Base to believe he wants to and will Make America Great Again.
Oh well...