"For the people who think homosexuals engage in consensual sex: they don't. They have a mental disorder (the different wiring I spoke earlier about) that prevents them from making sane judgements on who they should have sex with."
Homosexuality hasn't been classified as a psychological disorder for quite some time now. Aside from that, what about all of the other species that engage in homosexual activity? Are they imbalanced too?
"Having sex with someone who isn't capable of making a sound judgement on whether or not they should have sex (either through drug use, mental capacity or age) is rape nearly everywhere in the world."
You really haven't a clue, do you?
"(Yes I know mental disorder is a bit of a harsh term, and some people mght attack me for it, but homosexuality isn't useful in an evolutionary sense, or for society, so it should be cured.)"
It's quite useful in terms of evolutionary advantage for a species to have a percentage of it's population be attracted to their own sex, particularly in social animals. You get all the benefits you would anyway: an increase in group size for protection, help raising the young and in humans you get more people to help with basic survival necessities (hunting, gathering, building shelter), all without the worry that they'll be off increasing the population burden.
Granted, it was probably more advantageous earlier in human history than it is now but since it isn't actually detrimental to our species to have a certain percentage attracted to their own sex (despite what you fundies say) I see no reason you should give a damn.