For those of you who believe in evolution, how does it explain gravity? The theory of relativity? The planets? The solar system? Oh and this time guys...try putting references in your references, no replies.
Tlara is smart.
He (or she) will not take the old trite atheist excuse that evolution is a subject of biology, Gravity and relativity are studied in physics and that the planets and the solar system belong to astronomy.
No sireee, not her (or him).
I'm not sure if this is all that fundie; later in the thread she says
"All of these things are needed for the so-called "evolution" to occur. If no gravity, we dont exist. If no sun we dont exist. If the Earth wasnt exactally where it is in the solar system we dont exist. I'm not getting into how these all came to be, thats not my question. How does evolution work without any of these? Oh and this is my faulty thinking for this thread, my wording probably sucked, but it was in a semi-logical, sleep-deprived, stressed out mind I came up with it"
I take that back, even later in the thread she admits being a creationist and that she asked the questions to "aggravate someone".
So yeah, kind of fundified.
For those of you who believe in goddiddit, how does it explain the computer you posted this on? The optical fibers the internet is made of? The light bulb in your room? Oh and this time guys ... try putting bible verses in your replies ... No verses, no reply.
"For those of you who believe in evolution, how does it explain gravity? The theory of relativity? The planets? The solar system?"
It explains it in the same way that music theory does. Obviously.
It doesn't. The things you just quoted are astronomy, which is independent of biology (evolution).
Only idiots would compile everything nonbiblical under one category.
How does evolution:
Explain gravity? It doesn't.
Explain Theory of Relativity? It doesn't.
Explain planets? It doesn't.
Explain the solar system? It doesn't.
How am I supposed to put references to something that doesn't exit? I am not a fundie quoting passages in a book written 2000 years before electricity was harnessed.
Even assuming that Tlara really, really did mean "How does evolution work without any of these things?", the answer is STILL ... IT DOESN'T!
Good thing gravity, relativity, the planets, and the solar system are real, isn't it!
how does the Bible explain nuclear fission?
lol i just had a mental image of the fundie who posted that scrolling through the comments, and every time he sees someone say "it doesnt" screaming "AHAH! THATS 1 MORE FOR JESUS!!!"
Evolution doesn't have to explain all that, we have perfectly good theories in physics that explain all that.
Evolution is about how species change over time. It has nothing to do with astronomy or physics.
For those of you who believe Jesus walked on water, how does it explain KFC? Ergonomic keyboards? Motorized scooters? 80's hair bands? Oh and this time guys...try putting references in your references, no replies.
At least try to have some semblance of logic in your non-sequiturs, be it only superficial, like this :
"How does quantum mechanics explain automotive mechanics?".
You would then show evidence of a somewhat functional brain stem. Otherwise..
Funny how the theory of evolution was designed to explain evolution. You said it yourself, the theory of relativity is an entirely different theory, a different study point of science. And there are several other theories to explain the planets, solar system, etc.
I don't think I need references here because it should be common sense, which I guess is not common amongst fundies.
Wow, you guys gotta check out this thread. A whole lot of intelligent, rational people break apart creationist bullshit, one post at a time, backing each other up, QFT all over the place.
Gives a man hope, it does.
Ok, assuming that the question was poorly worded and Tlara actually intended to ask how Evolution encompasses the other topics,,, let me give it a shot:
Gravity exists. Evolution does not have to explain it or refer to it in any way. It would still exist whether or not life started or evolved. (Reference - Mach's Principle: From Newton's Bucket to Quantum Gravity (Einstein Studies))
Relativity has nothing to do with Evolution. It is a theory which postulates that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts. General Relativity unifies special relativity, Newton's law of universal gravitation, and the insight that gravitational acceleration can be described by the curvature of space and time. General relativity further calls for the curvature of space-time to be produced by the mass-energy and momentum content of the matter in space-time. General relativity is distinguished from other metric theories of gravitation by its use of the Einstein field equations to relate space-time content and space-time curvature. Special Relativity is a physical theory of relativity based on the assumption that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant and the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant in all inertial systems. This theory has a variety of surprising consequences that seem to violate common sense, but all have been experimentally verified. Special relativity overthrows Newtonian notions of absolute space and time by stating that distance and time depend on the observer, and that time and space are perceived differently, depending on the observer. It yields the equivalence of matter and energy, as expressed in the mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc², where c is the speed of light in a vacuum. Special relativity agrees with Newtonian mechanics in their common realm of applicability, in experiments in which all velocities are small compared to the speed of light. (Reference - The Principle of Relativity (Dover Books on Physics))
I'm going to croup the next two together, sonce the solar system is a reference to the planets, together with the sun which they orbit. Evolution has no need to refer to either. While it is a fact that Earth occupies a place in the 'Goldilocks' zone where temperatures are such that the water essential to life as we kno0w it is mostly liquid and not completely frozen or vaporized, that is probably the reason that life started here and nowhere else. The question is asked the wrong way round. The conditions on Earth were not created for us - we evolved as a result of the existing conditions. (Reference - The Origin of Cellular Life : Sidney W. Fox)
Happy now?
...The heck? It's not MEANT to explain those things. That's what the REST of science is for. God, you're deluded.
Cabraxas: :D I dare you to post that on their forums. Hilarity will ensue as you expose them to *gasp* ACTUAL SCIENCE! As opposed to their misshapen views of what evolution is. Honestly, do they even listen to themselves when they make statements like this one? EVOLUTION IS NOT ALL ENCOMPASSING *sigh*
It amuses me greatly that one of the site MODERATORS on Gaia Online actually decided to tell Tlara off and put her in her place. On Gaia, mods are usually not so quick to post their opinions in anything other than PM's. Just goes to show how much Tlara pissed them off. Believe me, idiots like Tlara are typically not welcome in ED on Gaia.
Math does not explain geology, and psychology does not explain how to make a sword.
They are all FALSE!
My cat did explain Christianity to me, but he says it's a secret.
Sure thing. Just as soon as you prove that your deity exists by using the theory of evolution, gravity, relativity, the planets, the solar system, physics, logic, or even a scrap of empirical evidence.
Yeah, yeah, tide goes in, tide goes out, therefore god.
I believe in love. How does that explain daylight savings time, or trigonometry, or the unified field theory, or the calculation of state and local sales tax?
“For those of you who believe in evolution, how does it explain gravity? The theory of relativity? The planets? The solar system? Oh and this time guys...try putting references in your references, no replies.”
You ever read that Chick Tract, Big Daddy? Where they ask a biologist to explain subatomic physics, and he can’t and the only remaining answer is GAWD? Yeah, that’s bullshit.
Evolutionary theory is biology.
Gravity is physics. The planets, that’s astrophysics.
kind of a bullshit questions demonstating your incompetence at science.
You’re in no position to talk DOWN to anyone trying to educate you on your bullshit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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