fuckingdouchebag #conspiracy totse.com
How do you think the north american union will implement itself?
late 2008:Economic collapse of America
mid 2009:Financial bankruptcy of American government, part of illuminatis plan to implement one world goverment.
late 2009-2010:Possible civil war and chaos in America because of fall of government, economic failure and skyrocketing cost of living (think starvation, death, riots and third world standards in the ghetto)
2010:U.N. leaders and other influential powers decide to implement a north American union to save American economy and end civil chaos. Issuance of the Amero.
I also think this is all going to happen under Obama's presidency to make him look like a black failure of a president - not able to do anything but watch the country fall into anarchy and chaos, because the Illuminati are racist.